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Communication skill (Social Sciences Essay)

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By [student’s Name]
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Communication Skills
Task 3: Mr. Singh Case Study
Mr. Singh’s age is the most immediate factor that should be taken into account to establish a fruitful interaction. Age incompatibilities can prove to be a challenge when communicating, sometimes a patient can become sensitive to some aspects or contents being communicated. The elderly demands a lot of respect and patience when communicating with younger generations, and they may suffer impairments in some sensory organs such as ears, eyes, making age a significant factor while engaging them. Mr. Singh’s loss of his wife is another important factor to consider. This ensures that utmost empathy is expressed, reassuring Mr. Singh that the caregiver is well aware of his difficult circumstances, thus building a rapport. Religion influences communication as much as the other aspects such as culture, education, language (Olenich et al., 2021, p.1). Therefore, Mr. Singh’s Sikhism is rather peculiar and should be carefully considered while trying to interact with him.
Question 2
Mr.Singh recently lost his wife and has no other close relationships that he may feel comfortable around him, rendering him emotionally intolerant. From the case study, Mr. Singh has presented himself as a stubborn person, asserting that his hearing sense is perfect yet he can hardly hear. Such a stubborn attitude can hinder a cordial relationship, rendering Mr. Singh culpable of communication breakdown. The hearing impairment demonstrated by Mr. Singh can be a stumbling block to effective communication due to the inability to fully comprehend words being conveyed and may lead to incomplete communication. Mr. Singh's religion, Sikhism, is a unique religion that is not accustomed to many, rendering him even more vulnerable.
Question 3
Moving to a professionally- and commercially-run care home certainly comes at a cost, and Mr. Singh's major concern would be how to fund the additional expenses that come along with professional care. Although Mr. Singh was already languishing in boredom and seclusion, care homes inhibit freedom and might stiffen the isolation or force one to live among strangers, a concern that would certainly cross Mr. Singh’s mind. The freedom and autonomy, including that of observing ones’ religion, might be deprived by the programs that are often scheduled in an official care home. Another major concern about the new home is the prolonged detachment from family members whose contact is only limited to appointments. Care homes sound more like a hospital than home, and the thought of medications and deaths often witnessed in a medical setting sound very intimidating to elderly people like Mr. Singh.
Question 4
Communicating with the elderly is a bit complex owing to their skewed perception from the vast experience and diverse cultural experience, in addition to the sensory impairments that accompany the aging process (Cohen et al., 2017 p. 3). Face-to-face communication would be the most appropriate communication medium to get the best of the nonverbal cues and ability to express empathy to him. Repetition, speaking in a loud voice, and the use of short sentences that are easy to comprehend will take care of the complexities that might arise due to aging like hearing problems and slow learning. Attentive listening with interruption only when deemed necessary, is another communication skill that will be necessary to ensure maximum compliance as well as an expression of care and empathy to Mr. Singh.
Question 5
Culture influences how a person associates with others and even how they react to some scenarios. Entering into a conversation with Mr. Singh with the awareness of the cultural discrepancies puts me in a favourable position to re...
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