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The Representation of Women within the Virgin/Whore Dichotomy in Almodovar's Volver

Essay Instructions:

I would like to analyse the theme of Women and the virgin/whore dichotomy in Pedro Almodovar’s film, Volver. I would like to focus on the image of Raimunda holding a bloody knife, which I have attached. With this image, I would like to discuss Almodovar’s themes of female resilience and the representation of both women and men within the film.

Some resources I would like to reference and use to strengthen my analysis are;

Subversive Spanish Cinema by Fiona noble

Forget the man of La Mancha. "Volver" puts the town's women front and centre. (attached)


Redefining Gender in Twenty-First Century Spanish Cinema: The Films of Pedro Almodóvar (attached)



Finally, I have attached a guide for how to format the analysis. The word limit is 1250 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women and the Virgin/Whore Dichotomy
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Women and the Virgin/Whore Dichotomy
I will argue that Pedro Almodóvar film is a reflection and survival tactics women have acquired to jump out of affliction and create their path in life and career. Traditions, modernization, and survival are all put into weighing balance throughout the film. How does society view women? Do they expect too much from them than in men? Woman's position in society is the primary rhetorical purpose in the Pedro Almodóvar film. Whore dichotomy resonates about men's perception towards women; some see them as seductive whores or objects. According to the American Psychological Association, hostile sexism deteriorates sexual satisfaction. For ages, women have been on the receiving end, seen as objects of pleasure. Furthermore, society does not acknowledge their effort towards changing the world and believes Pedro's film weighs womanhood and motherhood2.
Let us explore society's understanding and perception of womanhood. Typically, womanhood is the quality of being a woman, which is characterized by natural features. In the 19th century, women were not seen as equals to men, and they were usually described as the weaker sex. In this case, they could not hold any public position; rather, they would stay at home and nurse children and home. Middle-class women had no place in society because they could not go to work. Their predominant work was cooking, exercising motherhood, and being a wife. The film gives women some specific roles that present the perception of men towards women. During the Franco era, women were supposed to conform to the old norms of obeying traditions and sexualization. Sexualization is viewing a man or woman in a sexual appeal and portrayed in the film in various scenes. For example, Volver understands the impact of stereotypes, and therefore, he uses every opportunity to take the lead in a male-dominated business. Notably, she explores her career without being sexually objectified. Raimunda uses wisdom to own the restaurant; therefore, she does not let stereotypes destroy her career3. Generally, stereotypes have intense pressure that can override one's ambitions and make them useless both career and life-wise.
Raimunda uses stereotypes as a surviving tactic; otherwise, she would have become a sexual object. Other films in Almodóvar show the affliction women undergo in society. Although some have become murders, they have done that to survive. However, despite feminism, can women get equal opportunities as men in society? It is a complex discussion that requires all ears, and I believe men should be on the front role towards solving this narrative. Literary Ricky ties up an ex-porn star to have a nightstand and prevent her from escape. Ricky is a perfect example of men and society in general who has locked women to not excel in life. Secondly, society does not understand the impact of women in society. They should be given a chance to exercise womanhood, motherhood and be given a chance to exhibit their talents freely. La Macha is a reflection of sexual mobility, and it entails how an individual expresses themselves sexually1.
In this case, women are only seen as maternal figures whereby their sexuality is replaced with womanhood. Additionally, freedom of expression is signified in the film; for instance, the ex-porn star is not given a chance to express herself. Rick forces her feelings on her, which forces her to become a slave in her world. I believe Almodóvar's film's primary message is to give women the to express themselves and have liberty in choosing who to live and associate with. Surprisingly, Pedro's movie adores women more than in the Volver film shot in 2006. Almodóvar's film explores female resilience through her fictional characters. Women are predominant in both Almodóvar and Volver films. Throughout La Mancha, the film uses different themes to show women's afflictions in society, for instance, murder, sexual abuse, love, and solidarity. Penelope Cruz (Raimunda) kills her husband on attempting to rape their fourteen-year daughter, reflecting women's resilience. Women are objectified and sexually abused the moment they are born, as seen in the film. So, what does Raimunda do? She kills her husband to create freedom for herself and her daughter. The woman holding a knife in her hand with blood is a visual reflection of resilience5.
Solidarity is reflected between Paula (Raimunda's daughter) and Raimunda when they clean the blood-drenched kitchen. Th...
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