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Decision-Making in Organizations

Essay Instructions:

 (1) Evaluate the contention that without good decision-making, organisations are self-prone to business failure
 (2) Evaluate the business case for corporate social responsibility and provide justification for why contemporary organisation should invest on CSR projects
 (3) Discuss how useful is the Greiner’s Organisational Growth Model for business seeking to achieve sustainable growth and advantage

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Organizational Management Decision-making in Organizations Definition of Decision-making             Organizations rely on decision-making as a tool to enhance growth and development across their operations. Each decision must be made appropriately to ensure that it can positively impact the organization and have the intended outcome. Subsequently, in the organizational context, decision-making is defined as the process of analyzing available alternatives in a particular situation and selecting the most appropriate one to achieve the set goals and objectives (Buckley & Casson, 2019). This process involves several actions ranging from the identification of problems or possible opportunities, gathering and analyzing relevant data, and considering the potential risks and benefits of each alternative (De Winnaar & Scholtz, 2019). Ultimately, the final decision must be based on the best course of action that utilizes the available resources and works within the organization’s constraints.             Effective decision-making in an organization can enhance its competitive edge, where it can easily adapt to any changes in the business environment. Therefore, organizations that prioritize this process experience efficiency and effectiveness in their operations over time (Cao et al., 2019). This involves the strategic decisions made by management at a high level and the operational decisions made by frontline employees that can have an impact on the organization (Kaul, 2019). The lack of effective decision-making has been noted to have far-reaching consequences, with organizations facing reduced profitability, low employee productivity, and reduced market share. Consequently, this highlights the importance of decision-making and its overall impact on the organization in the long run.   Importance of Effective Decision-making in Organizations             Effective decision-making is considered essential for the success of any organization since it ensures that business goals are achieved without compromising on any operational aspects. With the changing business environment, organizations are required to make complex decisions hence the need to have appropriate measures that support this process (Ferrell et al., 2021). As a result, poor decision-making can have serious implications for organizational survival. This is particularly crucial in business aspects, including utilization of resources, business growth, achieving business goals and objectives, facilitating innovation and growth, increasing efficiency and productivity, and motivation of employees.             With regard to the utilization of resources, poor decision-making can lead to the misuse of available resources, including finances, time, and manpower. As such, this can lead to an increase in related costs and reduced profitability with time (Cao et al., 2019). This affects the competitive capability of the organization, which can ultimately lead to a decline in operational efficiency that limits the achievement of the business goals. Apart from that, poor decision-making can also affect business growth by preventing the effective identification and capitalization of opportunities (Joseph & Gaba, 2020). Consequently, competitors can gain an advantage as the organization struggles to catch up, potentially leading to stagnation and, ultimately, business failure.             Poor decision-making can also prevent an organization from achieving its business goals and objectives. As a result, the business can lack a clear sense of focus and direction, causing problems in setting the right targets that can be achieved. This affects the future outlook of the company leading to business failure in the market. Furthermore, the aspect of efficiency and productivity can be affected by poor decision-making, which can lead to increased cases of confusion during operations based on the lack of clarity from management (Mather, 2020). As a result, activities take longer time to be completed, thus increasing overall costs hence affecting the profitability of the organization.             With regard to the facilitation of innovation, poor decision-making can prevent the organization from exploring new ideas and taking appropriate risks that could potentially improve its operations. This continuous lack of creativity can lead to a decline, especially in highly competitive business markets that are constantly evolving. More so, employee motivation remains a key component in enhancing productivity in the organization (Rodrigues et al., 2021). Consequently, poor decision-making can lead to a decline in employee trust in management hence reducing their confidence in the organization. As a result, unmotivated employees with low morale lead to high turnover rates that increase the operational costs involved in hiring and training new employees. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Definition and Justification for Corporate Social Responsibility             Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the voluntary commitment by an organization to undertake activities that promote a healthy society and environment while maintaining its business goals and objectives (Daft & Benson, 2015). In such cases, the organization goes beyond its mandate and legal requirements to address specific social, environmental, and economic challenges affecting communities in their business environment and beyond. Such activities vary in organizations and can include voluntary employee programs, philanthropic donations, and a range of community development projects (Ashrafi et al., 2020). Ultimately, organizations can develop appropriate CSR strategies that align with their overall mission hence creating shared value and positively impacting the society and environment at large.             In today’s world CSR is perceived as an important part of all organizations that benefit directly or indirectly from the society and the environment they operate. As a result, CSR can have a significant impact on contemporary organizations. Firstly, it provides an opportunity to increase customer loyalty by putting the organization's commitment to addressing social and environmental issues in the limelight (Daft & Benson, 2015; Aguinis & Glavas, 2017). This means that such actions demonstrate the responsibility of the organization and the seriousness taken to alleviate and promote a better bu...
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