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Critical Analysis of Situations With the Application of Theories and Concepts

Essay Instructions:

The objective of the 2000-word essay is for you to apply theories and concepts from the module to complete a critical analysis of two selected situations when you have worked with other people. The purpose is to reflect on how you can learn from applying theories and concepts in order to develop the effectiveness of how you work with other people.
A critical analysis involves applying academic source materials (theories and concepts) to explore particular situations when you have worked with other people to complete certain tasks or achieve particular outcomes in the past twelve months (e.g. workshop tasks, a group project/assignment, undertaken a voluntary or paid role, participated in a sports team) in order to develop new insights and understanding. By applying theories as an analytical lens you will be able to show your critical engagement by expressing the benefits and limitations of the theories and concepts for making sense of your selected situations.

See the module guide for detailed instructions.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Analysis
Author’s Name:
Name of Professor
Critical Analysis
Since time immemorial, different individuals have developed theories of how people should interact. These theories usually highlight that individuals should alter how they treat them according to their behaviour. Moreover, even though some of these theories have some similarities, they also have some outstanding differences. At an early age, I thought I should treat everyone equally. However, growing up, I experienced various education, which changed my perspective on how I should treat individuals. For instance, this year, I had two situations where I worked with two different groups, and how these groups were treated was entirely different.
One of the groups I interacted with for a long time this year was a voluntary group during my gap year. Since most of the students who we were with during the gap year did not want to stay at home and wanted to have an adventure and make a change in the world, we decided to visit Africa since we had heard that the area has a large percentage of poor people with poor infection control measures and hygiene (Maphumulo and Bhengu, 2019, p.2). This group aimed to visit the different parts of this continent, introduce them to education, and offer them some products that could improve their lifestyle.
Since we needed more funds, we collaborated with an organisation to offer the funds required for this program to succeed. We sent the proposal to the Food Agricultural Organization (FAO) so that it could offer us the necessary resources to conduct the program to combat hunger (Kotykova et al., 2022, p.36). Interestingly this proposal passed, and we were also given the rules we were supposed to follow. One of the rules was that we should not engage in political performances. I was also chosen as the group leader who will link the group and the organisation. I was given room to make the decisions that would help the group to perform optimally.
Since I had a huge interest in the project to succeed, I was cautious with my method. The first process I employed was to analyse the group to understand their performance. One common feature that the following group had was they were usually motivated to perform their tasks. For instance, whenever I told them we were supposed to visit a certain area, they were usually happy and eagerly awaited that day. Furthermore, after visiting these people, these groups usually enjoyed interacting with the different communities. For instance, despite offering food and other items, these groups were interested in understanding the societies' culture and language. Whenever it was time to leave the region, this group usually seemed not to like it since they had already started to create a bond with this group.
Even though I had different models that I could have employed, I decided to employ the participative approach. The main reason for choosing the participative approach was that I trusted the group members to handle more responsibility independently (Hussain and Baloch, 2019, p.160). Furthermore, since these individuals were willing to perform different tasks independently, there was no need to engage any serious threat or coerce them to work. I, therefore, allowed them to employ self-direction and self-control. The main reason is that this group was sincere and dedicated to achieving the organisation's goals.
One of the theories that was relevant to our scenario was the theory Y. For instance, the employees were usually motivating themselves to perform their work. Furthermore, they were always taking responsibility for their work. Whenever they made a mistake, they were disturbed and were ready to correct it. Furthermore, these individuals were always happy to help the other group to make decisions. For example, whenever I engaged them to give their views about what we should improve, they were usually happy to contribute since they were willing for the group to achieve the optimum results. They were also loyal to the vision and were always ready to sacrifice everything so that the vision could succeed.
The other theory which related to the condition that our group was experiencing was Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. For example, as Maslow highlights, every individual usually looks forward to attaining higher needs for intangible needs at the top; this group was always looking for a way to attain a higher level of needs (Shoib et al., 2022, p.99). For example, in our home country, every individual has attained physiological needs such as food, water, and shelter. Furthermore, they also had safety needs since they had emotional stability, financial security, and well-being (Watson, 2017, p.25). Moreover, most of us were loved by our families since no individual had reported any problem. Moreover, we were all members of a social group since we were in a group of hobbyists and other clubs. However, despite attaining this, we were still looking for more.
For instance, in addition to offering help to the suffering communities, we were ready to undertake this project to attain esteem needs. Every individual was looking to make different achievements in different societies which could help them to be easily noticeable. Since all t...
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