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Different Questions on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

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Biology Questions
Task 3c: Interprete Anne’s data and correctly calculate CO before and after exercise. You will adequately interpret the relationship between BP, HR, and CO and clearly explain why data change from at rest to exercise, for instance.
There is a relationship between blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and cardiac output (CO). Cardiac output is a measure of the amount of blood pumped out of the heart in one minute, with a critical focus on the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle as this is the ventricle. The cardiac output comprises two components, heart rate (HR)/ heart beats every minute (bpm) and stroke volume (SV). Stroke volume (SV) refers to the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle during each heartbeat. However, the precise SV quantity is not easily measurable. Thus, SV is estimated based on what is known about stroke volume and its factors, such as blood pressure. The equation for cardiac output is HR x SV = CO.  Therefore, to calculate CO, we must first establish HR, and SV must be established first. An increase in HR, SV, or both will increase CO. It must be noted that SV does not fluctuate significantly. However, there are small increases with exercise.  HR undergoes a substantial increase during exercises or workouts. Thus, HR is the critical influence that increases cardiac output (CO) dramatically during physical exercise. Blood pressure is a force within the arterial vessels increases with increased cardiac output. Generally, it is observed from the data that heart rate, blood pressure, stroke volume in cardiac output tend to increase during exercise. This observation is different from during rest, where all the three parameters are lower due to less body physiological needs in terms of tissue perfusions and oxygenation.
Task 3c) 2). Interprete the table above after comparing HR and CO before and after the exercise.
The HR is relatively lower during rest but tends to increase during exercise. Equally, the CO is relatively low during rests but increases during exercise. The increase of both CO and HR during exercises is to compensate for increasing physical needs such as perfusion and oxygenation. After exercise, both CO and HR reduce as physical needs are reduced, marked by reducing stroke volume and tissue oxygen needs. Physical exercise is linked to parasympathetic withdrawal while it is marked by increased sympathetic activity leading to in heart rate increase ((D’Silva et al.,2019, pp. 10-16). The rate of post-exercise cardio-deceleration is used as an index of cardiac vagal reactivation. During exercise, an increase in sympathetic activity accompanied by a decrease of vagal discharge causes increased heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and myocardial contractility. These changes are meant to satisfy the energy demands of working muscles. Exercise cardio-acceleration emanates from the release of parasympathetic inhibition at low exercise intensities from parasympathetic inhibition and sympathetic activation (D’Silva et al.,2019, pp. 22). Thus, parasympathetic activation the primary reason underlying exponential cardio-deceleration after exercise. The rate of decrease in HR and the length of time to recovery post-exercise can indicate cardiovascular fitness.
Task 3 c) 1.What conclusion have you analyzing the six parameters above at rest and after 10 minutes post-sessions
The systolic pressure and diastolic increases as exercise continue.
HR and stroke volume equally increase during physical exercise
Cardiac output increases significantly, too, as exercise continues.
After.10 minutes, as exercise reduces and rests sets in, HR, BP, SV, and CO, stagnate before reducing towards normal values.
Calculation of Cardiac Output before Exercise
Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying the stroke volume (SV) by the heart rate (HR).
Thus, CO =HR X SV
From the data, at reclining position (rest), systolic pressure 115, diastolic pressure 75, heart rate 63, stroke volume 83.4
CO =HR X SV, where HR and SV are 63 and 83.4, respectively.
Thus, CO =63 X83.4 =5254.2 mL/minute 
Sitting position ( at rest) measurements included systolic pressure 120,diastolic pressure 70,heart rate 67,stroke volume 66.6
CO =H...
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