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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.K.)
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The Roles and Responsibilities of a teacher Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Hi. First & foremost I need a UK writer.

The essay is about the “roles & responsibilities of a teacher” & how my personal roles & responsibilities in my job as a nurse relate to this.

It should be 1.5 space, times new Roman font 12.

It should be between 1350 words to 1500 words.

The essay plan is:

1.) introduction

2.)Personal Roles & Responsibilities in my job role.

3.)Safeguarding, Prevent & British Values

4.)Vulnerable Students


Separate paragraph fir each new topic, keep it academic in tone,no bullet points,no contractions, keep fluid & cohesive & should be Harvard referenced. Reference list not included in word count & should appear on a new page with a header that says “References”.

Please put this on title page:

EPF 134 (Task 1)

“Roles & Responsibilities of a teacher “

Please include word count on end of essay.

Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

By [Name]
Course Name (EPF 134 – Task 1)
Name of Professor
University Name
In the United Kingdom (UK), teachers and nurses play significant roles and responsibilities in society. The primary objective of teachers is to instill knowledge in learners to apply it in real-life. These professionals shape the lives of students in a better way. Without them, it would be easy to have other professions since children cannot be molded to achieve greater things in the future. For instance, a person cannot become an effective nurse without being taught how to take care of patients and the strategies that one should use to diagnose various diseases. Teachers are crucial in society since they nurture people to be what they want to be in the future.
Similarly, nurses hold significant responsibilities in UK society. When the entire world is fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become clear that without caregivers, highly contagious disease outbreaks and epidemics can lead to the deaths of many people. Nurses facilitate people's wellbeing through preventive care, public health awareness campaigns and work alongside other health professionals to ensure that communities are healthy and safe. Both teachers and nurses are essential professionals that foster knowledge acquisition and public welfare, respectively.
Personal Roles and Responsibilities in My Job Role
Nurses in the UK are team members of a broad group of health professionals. They do not work alone and interact with other health specialists to ensure smooth operations of health institutions. For instance, caregivers interact with therapists, doctors, surgeons, and patients. Nurses have a wide scope of roles and responsibilities. They are the ones who take patients' pulses, blood pressures, body weight, temperatures, and other samples when diagnosing sick people. These health specialists keep proper records, monitor patients' journey to recovery, and administer intravenous infusions and medications when necessary. Nurses closely monitor their patients so that they can identify if a particular treatment strategy is helping sick individuals to get better or not. If not, they suggest another treatment procedure to doctors to examine patients and identify whether it would be the best method. Caregivers sympathise with patients and develop trusting relationships, which enable them to obtain relevant information that would enable them to make proper improvements on patients' treatments (Castro-Sanchez et al., 2019, p. 2). Nurses provide emotional support to both patients and their families. They encourage friends and family members to be there for their loved ones when they are sick since that physical, social, psychological, emotional, and financial support is critical to patients' path to recovery.
On the contrary, teachers pass knowledge and skills to learners to improve their way of living. Their roles and responsibilities are to search for up-to-date information or reading materials to use in teaching. They identify learners' needs and get appropriate resources to fulfill them. Teachers engage learners during classroom sessions and support them in different ways to ensure that they have achieved their learning objectives (Hayes, 2017, p. 484). For example, they provide feedback on students' progress in learning.
Additionally, teachers prepare lessons in a way that the majority of learners will benefit from them. They are expected not to discriminate against learners based on their differences in culture, ethnicity, race, or religion. In the same way that nurses treat patients from different walks of life, teachers address distinctive types of learners' educational needs.
Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values
Teachers safeguard learners and prevent the erosion of British values. The four primary fundamental British values include the law, democracy, mutual tolerance and respect for those with distinctive beliefs and faiths, and individual liberty (Farrell, 2016, p. 281). In particular, teachers prepare learners adequately to benefit from the opportunities offered by British society. They promote the mental, physical, moral, spiritual, and cultural development of students. School curricula promote British values. For example, teachers help learners to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. They enable students to differentiate wrong from right and be responsible for their actions and behaviours. Learners are informed that they should obey the law and respect public and private institutions. Teachers help students to appreciate their cultures and those of others through respect. Moreover, they help learners understand how democracy works and how to participate in the democratic process without breaking the law. Consequently, people acquire vital lessons from schools, which enable them to be safe in society and respect and obey the law. 
When it comes to safeguarding learners, teachers are usually ...
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