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The City and the State where it is Located Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment requires you to critically discuss and evaluate the nursing management of a patient undergoing an elective orthopaedic procedure. The assignment is divided into two parts with a weighting distribution of 20% to part 1 (oral presentation) / 80% to part two (written submission).

Part 2

With your selected patient, use relevant evidence-based literature to critically discuss and evaluate two aspects of your patient’s care that demonstrates the standard and quality of care given. Include recommendations as to how and where better clinical practice could be implemented in your answer with reference to the two aspects of patient care chosen.

Guidelines for Care Study Assignment – Written Submission

This assignment requires you to critically discuss and evaluate the nursing management of a patient undergoing an elective orthopaedic procedure.

Select a patient you cared for in the elective orthopaedic setting. Use relevant evidence-based literature to critically discuss and evaluate two aspects of your patient’s care that demonstrates the standard and quality of care given. Include recommendations as to how and where better clinical practice could be implemented in your answer with reference to the two aspects of patient care chosen.

The assignment should include the following:

1. Introduction: (10 marks).

Introduce the assignment content - set the scene - include an introduction referring to the need for nurses with specialist knowledge and skills in Orthopaedic care. You could talk about maintaining quality in orthopaedic nursing etc anything that will give an interesting introduction to the assignment. Link the study to yourself and the patient - who you are, where you work, for example "I am an experienced staff nurse working in an acute 30 bedded orthopaedic unit…". Include an outline of the patient’s care - a brief introduction to the patient and an overview of the content. Give a history of the patient i.e. to include details of their present / past medical details regarding their treatment of the problem to date.

2. Main Body of the Assignment (45 marks).

Identify an appropriate framework such as a model of nursing or a problem-solving approach. Using your chosen framework of care, identify four actual / potential problems for your patient.

Critically discuss the management of this patient in relation to two of those problems using professional literature / evidence-based literature to support the discussion. When discussing the identified problems:

 Include an assessment of the problem

 Establish goals for this patient

 Detail the care that the patient received

 Evaluate that care in light of relevant / current evidence-based practice

Throughout this part you should be inserting phrases such as " using

my experience… " or "using my specialist knowledge and skills…".

3. Include recommendations as to how and where better clinical practice could be implemented with reference to the two aspects of patient care chosen (25 marks).

4. Conclusion (10 marks).

The main themes should be brought together resulting in a conclusion

based on the preceding discussion.

5. References (10 marks).

This section lists all the sources of information used in the text. Use the Harvard style of referencing, as detailed in the student handbook / programme handout.


68 YR old man

elective right total hip replacement

use a stick to mobilize

xr shows degenerative changes

lives with wsife in bungalow

hx hypertension, left thr, hypothyroidism, prostate enlargement

medications: amlodipine 10mg od, combodart 0.5/0.4mg od, atrovastatin 40mg nocte, eltroxine 75 od


1. postoperative pain (spinal anesthetic and multimodal wound infiltration, opioids use by different routes, validated pain scale, nurses education, frequent patient education and assessment and multidisciplinary approach.)etc care plan

2. postoperative constipation (fasting, opioid use, lack of mobility, spinal anasthetics) care plan, bowel chart, laxatives etc

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Management
By (Name)
The Name of the Class (Course)
Professor (Tutor)
The Name of the School (University)
The City and the State where it is Located
The Date
This essay will intensively look to evaluate the nursing management of a patient undergoing an elective orthopedic procedure. Nurses may be distracted by the huge from their clinical duties and tasks. Orthopedic patients admitted to medical facilities require skilled nursing care. It is to help avert possible risks or complications from their treatments and conditions. These patients need constant care and observation in their hospital stays, and nurses are required to detect and intervene fast when these complications occur (Orthopedic Nursing 2020). Health facilities should collaborate with their patient’s health needs. Orthopedics nurses are an in-demand specialty as they improve patient’s lives. They collaborate with the orthopedic team, patient and the patient family to promote patient healing.
There is a need to maintain quality in orthopedic nursing to formulate the nursing care plan, help meet the patient's physical needs, and ensure the psycho- spiritual-cultural-social needs of the patient are met. It is also to evaluate the nursing care objectives. Measuring the care quality provided by nursing practitioners is a necessity. The first aspect of improving healthcare quality measures it as it indicates significant factors and practical solutions for improving the nursing service. Nurses should provide care with equal measure to the patient's needs. Nurses working for these patients should take appropriate care measures and promote patient participation in self-care programs.
The aspects of the nursing process of holistic care are spiritual, psychological- Physiological-social-cultural aspects. These are used in the conceptual framework to evaluate the quality of nursing care to the patients. The quality aspects are prioritized as follows; upholding the hospital's appearance, answerability, quality assurance, integrity, and empathy. The appearance of the hospital includes the staff's look, which affects patient satisfaction.
I am an experienced staff nurse who works in an acute 30 bedded orthopedic unit. I am actively involved in recording my patient’s history and symptoms of his disease and monitoring his health. I also administer medications and treatments. My patient is a 68-year old man who has an elective total hip replacement. He uses a stick to mobilize, and the x-ray shows degenerative changes. He lives with his wife in a bungalow. A systematic record of past events suggests that he has Hypertension, Prostate enlargement, and hyperthyroidism. He has undergone a total left hip replacement procedure. Orthopedic Nursing Care quality monitor tools were used, which ensured an 81% achievement of the patient goals. The orthopedic patient's priority achievement was higher than the patient's physical needs and their psycho-cultural-social-spiritual needs. These tools help orthopedic nursed to identify the weaknesses and strengths of delivering nursing care.
Nursing Management Care for Orthopedic Patients
Improvement of orthopedic patient care is an active process that must be the top priority of a medical care personnel’s mind. A patient-sensitive system needs to be implemented in critical patient care objectives (Spence 2019). The system should focus on quality and efficiency in both non-medical and medical patient aspects. The development and sustenance of the system are also important. My aspects are communication and patient care because the outcome is determined by health, welfare, patient stress, and patient satisfaction. A multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach will be used in the orthopedic patient's care (Goldberg &Quinlan 2020). It will include a benefit-risk analysis, consultative patient, nurse decision making, resource allocation, portfolio decision analysis, and attention to the patient’s access to services.
MCDM helps structure and solve decisions involving multiple criteria. It's a methodology for appraising alternative criteria to one overall appraisal. It supports deliberation without the need for accruement. The MCDM can support different decisions, such as comprehending the value of treatment for reimbursement purposes, identifying the treatment alternatives for patients, and choosing between treatment options.
A risk-benefit analysis can balance multiple risks and benefits and help make informed decisions about medicinal products. The analysis can include problem identification, the healthcare objectives, alternative treatment methods, the results, trade-offs, unpredictability and risk outlooks, and associated decisions. Patient involvement is important and well acknowledged.
The staff aspect in orthopedic units comprises nurses with high skills and familiarity with various orthopedic conditions, operations, and medications. Orthopedic patients are a peculiar surgical patient group because their operative location, comorbidities, and underlying conditions make them high-risk individuals for complications. The nurses use their skills to conduct muscular-skeletal exams that ensure minimal complications and increase mobility. Adverse events may also occur at a higher rate for these patients. The patients are admitted to general acute units with minimal supervision and monitoring devices. Staff ratios in these units are usually low in these units. On occasions that require a higher level of surveillance, patients are transferred to areas with a hardwired monitoring capability, resulting in a distraction of orthopedic care.
The nursing practice's implementation combines a low nurse ratio and effective, innovative patient education and novel surveillance technol...
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