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Challenges of Communicating and Promoting Initiative

Essay Instructions:

In the 2,000-word essay, you will be asked to critically evaluate, using evidence-based knowledge, the challenges of communicating and promoting the initiative to a target group related to your field. You will be expected to explore these challenges in depth and demonstrate understanding of life course theory. This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to synthesise ideas, critically reflect upon and evaluate your own learning from having undertaken this module and to identify future personal and professional learning needs.

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Better Health Campaign
The public often suffers from numerous health challenges that they might need external assistance and motivation to overcome. Many people, especially those suffering from overweight and smoking, and drug addiction, may frequently desire to lose weight and quit the addictive practices. However, in most instances, these groups are likely to lack the necessary support to take some practical actions that could make them feel better and improve their health. In recognition of this problem, the U.K. government has recently channeled immense efforts and resources towards promoting a heath campaign termed "better health." Better health initiative was launched on 27th July 2020 during the coronavirus crisis and tailored its messages to support the public take necessary actions for making healthy lifestyle choices. The campaign targets a wide variety of individuals suffering from diverse lifestyle health diseases, including obesity. To help address the prevalence of obesity, the campaign chiefly tailored its message towards encouraging the public to increase their engagement in physical exercises and embrace healthy diets (Talbot and Branley-Bell, 2020).
Safeguarding Mental Health
Mental health is regarded as the state of well-being where individuals realize their potential. The realization of this potential is dependent on developing the ability to cope with normal stresses in life and work fruitfully and productively to make significant contributions to the community. The concerns pertinent to mental health issues are distress, trauma, and identity. Better health campaign, specifically in relation to seeking to encourage obesity to take actions of health improvement, commits to safeguarding mental health. Obesity is a complex health issue with mental risk factors. As argued by Lazenbat, "the risk is inclined to the fact that individuals who are overweight often deem themselves as lacking a feeling of social belongingness compared to others (leaner individuals) with normal weight" (Lazenbatt, A., 2010, p.15). Worse still, intrinsic and external factors are influenced by how individuals with obesity are made to feel and think about themselves. Contemporarily, overweight has been linked to identities of less worthiness and negative stereotype. These elements trigger the prevalence of stigmatization and discrimination of individuals with obesity, which exposes them to mental health problems instigated by depression and trauma.
Obese individuals are frequently subjected to discrimination and stigmatization. Lazenbatt (2010) determined that individuals with obesity are often viewed with a negative lens of despise. As a result, a sense of low self-esteem is typically triggered in the individual suffering from obesity. Low self-esteem is consequently associated with feeling depressed and developing perceptions of reduced self-worth. In this regard, Lazenbatt deduces that the feeling propagates mental health issues among people suffering from overweight (Lazenbatt, 2010, p.18). The campaign has thus recognized that there is no better health for obese individuals without promoting mental health. Considering that obesity has been determined to be one of the concerns subjecting the victims to mental health issues, safeguarding overweight individuals' mental health has been deemed imperative. The commitment to promoting mental health is vested upon enabling individuals with obesity to lose weight to lead a normal life. The goal is to facilitate productive living free from stress, discrimination, or stigmatization and make obese individuals feel proud of their identity as they walk the journey of attaining a healthy lifestyle.
Biological Theory
In regards to enhancing the effectiveness of a better health campaign to address obesity, it is mandatory to understand the dynamic factors contributed to and the genesis of the health issue. The etiology of the obesity problem relates to the biological theory. The biological theory of obesity deduces that there is an association between genetics and the occurrence of obesity, that is, the genetic contribution to human obesity. As posited by Rea and Extein, "the theory is guided by the determination that if parents are obese, there is a more than 80 percent chance for their offspring to be obese" (Rea and Extein, 1993, p.64). The theory shows that obesity, to a large extent, is inherited. Individuals who inherit the predetermined disposition for efficiently storing fat are subjected to the risk of obesity. As a result, the theory shows a clear connection between the weight of the parents and those of their children (Rea and Extein, 1993).
Similarly, the theory informs that obesity might arise due to poor eating habits. Thus, the situation implies obesity as nature versus nurture health due to its causes being affiliated with genetic transmission and eating habits. Based on the biological theory's understanding, the Better Heath campaign can deliver the right messages to the target individuals.
Thus, the people with obesity can be motivated based on being provided by the awareness that they are not an outcast, rather just generically unique. Many obese individuals, especially in extreme overweight situations, tend to look down upon themselves and do not often feel comfortable in their skin. It is thus important to make them understand that problem they are facing is not their fault. Obese individuals should be encouraged to achieve healthy living by being motivated in the right way. Therefore, as informed by Rea and Extein, "it is vital to impart them with the knowledge that their condition is merely attributed to the difference in genetic compositions and what they eat, and that they can still attain normal weight by adopting heal...
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