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International Business Strategy

Essay Instructions:
International Business Strategy Part 2 This document contains the assignment brief for Part 2 of the International Business Strategy assignment. It must be completed in addition to Part 1 of the assignment already distributed which is “Evaluate the ways in which strategic alliances can allow multinational companies to achieve ‘global integration' and/ or ‘local responsiveness'” you are doing it now, just to let you know this essay it has to be report for the subject International Business Strategy but new work is separate from the first essay and please when you finish it do Not put them together , this essay like feedback or your opinion about what have you learned from the first assignment which is order number (00012960) and it should be not more than 1500 words please ,If you need to ask any question just send me any time . Part 2 title Does studying the theory that you have used in Part 1 of this assignment help you to understand the real world of international business? Maximum word limit: 1500 words Guidance ‘Part 1' refers to the essay you have selected for Part 1 of the assignment (please see module handbook for detail). The purpose of this piece of work is to encourage you to think about the role that theory plays in understanding a your chosen. It is a personal reflection and as such does not need to be written in a formal academic style. The use of ‘I' is acceptable. You should make direct reference to the work you have done in Part 1 and what you have learned from it. The types of questions that you can pose to yourself could include: - Has studying the theory helped me to understand the real business world at all? - What have I learned? What do I know now that I didn't know before? What concepts are new to me? - Will this learning help me see the business world in a better way? If so, how and why? - Is the theory useful? If yes – say how this is the case. If not, why not? Do I think the theory is wrong? You might also comment on the process of learning you have undertaken - What has been the most difficult part of the process? Has my learning improved as a result of doing the assignment? - If I were to do the work again, what would I do differently? - Could I have improved the work I have done? There are, of course, lots of other questions that you might ask yourself. You should use references where necessary (for example, if you found a particular journal article really helpful, you will need to refer to the journal). However, the focus of this part of the work is not to demonstrate your academic reading. Suggested reading You do not have to undertake any specific reading for this subject because it is based on your own reflections (thoughts) about what you have done. However, there is a guide on reflective writing that you are advised to consult. This is accessible on the front page of Blackboard (see below.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Tutor’s Name:
(24 March 2011)
International Business Strategy
A Resource-Based Theory of Strategic Alliances
Studying the resource based theory of strategic alliance multinational companies and organizations has made me to understand the complex world of international business strategies in a better and more elaborate way. Carrying out the study has made me undetected the various reasons why companies enter into alliances and as part of international business strategy. In an addition to that learning the theory has made me to identify the various benefits that multinational companies derive from the strategic alliances they enter (Bolton, 2001). Resource based review of firms has not in the past been systematically applied to strategic alliances therefore by using the theory enable one to examine roles of the firms resources that are engaged in strategic alliances to attempt and put forward general the issues of strategic alliances in a resource based view through systems use of various findings available in the literature that covers international business strategies.
Studying the resource based theory on international business especially on strategic alliances has made a great impact in imparting a big deal of knowledge in me as I have come to understand the four aspects of strategic alliances that include: the rational, formations, structural preference as well as the performance of such partnerships as it regards to prevailing conditions in the global market (Roy, 2007). The theory suggests that the rationale for companies entering into alliance is to the value creation potential of the resources of the companies when pooled together. In addition to that one is able to note that there exist several resources characteristics which include: imitability, imperfect mobility, promises an accentuated value creation and the substitution ability which serve critical roles when in comes to formations of such alliances.
In addition to that the theory discuses the significance that the resource profiles of each firm involved in the alliances play in determining their structural preferences when it comes to considerations of the four major categories of alliance which includes: minority equity alliances, equity joint ventures, unilateral contracts based and bilateral based contract alliances (Bolton, 2001).
Studying resource based theory ahs made me to understand the recently emerged alternative approaches that help in understanding of industrial organizations together with their competitive strategies in the global market. The theory approaches the issues of international business strategies in a more modern way as compared to the traditional approaches of study. The theory yield a lot of in formation regarding the business in the real current world where firms are equated to the broader set of resources that it owns including the tangible and the intangible assets that are permanently tied to the company. Unlike the traditional approaches which heavily relied on the analysis of competitive environment, this theory focuses in analyzing the various resource of the firm which in most cases are firm specific, semi mobile or imitable and heterogeneous in terms of resource base (Roy, 2007). A sustained heterogeneity of firms lead to a competitive advantage which consequently leads to above normal return and economic trends.
By doing the assignment I have learned several benefits that comes with entering into strategic alliance for instance the abilities of partners to penetrate to new markets in a an otherwise competitive business world, also a have learned that by entering into alliance companies are able to derive higher benefits and gain competitive advantage as compared to operating individually as they consolidate each others resources and thus benefit mutually (Roy, 2007).
Some of the new concepts that the resource based theory introduces to the understanding of strategic alliances includes the new findings that sustainable differences in the firm’s profitability can not be attributed to industrial differences and traditional approaches fail to yield such information. It further enhance the understanding of the diversification strategy as the theory strongly argues the strategic relatedness with in the conglomerate thus allows an examinatio...
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