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International Marketing Assignment 2

Essay Instructions:
The next Olympiad will take place in August 2012 in London. Many organisations will be using the Olympics as an opportunity to link their products with the global prestige of the Games. For some of them the Games will allow them to promote their brand in the UK market and for others to target the wider global market. You are the International Marketing Manager of a FMCG manufacturing organisation, which is an official partner of London 2012. You have been asked to report to your Board of Directors on how you are planning to leverage your sponsorship in order to gain the maximum promotional benefits for the company's products. You will be required to justify your choices and you should also evaluate any drawbacks relating to the promotional campaign. - Word Limit not more than - 3000 words - You may choose from any of the following product categories – confectionery, ice cream or cosmetics. You should assume that the organisation is selling products in both developed and emerging markets. - Report format, fully referenced within the report. Marking Schedule Promotional campaign plan 30% Justification of campaign plan 35% Evaluation of drawbacks 20% Evidence of Research 10% Presentation, structure, language etc. 5% PLAGIARISM PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO COPY DIRECTLY FROM SOURCE MATERIAL, EVEN WHERE THAT MATERIAL IS REFERENCED. IF YOU WISH TO USE A QUOTATION OR DEFINITION THIS SHOULD BE PLACED IN INVERTED COMMAS AND REFERENCED. REFERENCES SHOULD BE IN THE HARVARD SYSTEM.
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Running Head: International Marketing Assignment
International Marketing Assignment
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11 April 2011
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc290335002 \h 3Overview of the Ice Cream Brand PAGEREF _Toc290335003 \h 3Product: PAGEREF _Toc290335004 \h 4Price PAGEREF _Toc290335005 \h 4Placement PAGEREF _Toc290335006 \h 4Promotions PAGEREF _Toc290335007 \h 4Assessment of Current Marketing Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc290335008 \h 5Objectives and Goals (Proposed Marketing Mix for the Olympics) PAGEREF _Toc290335009 \h 6Proposed Communication Channels PAGEREF _Toc290335010 \h 7Print Media: PAGEREF _Toc290335011 \h 8Internet PAGEREF _Toc290335012 \h 8TV and Radio PAGEREF _Toc290335013 \h 9Proposed Promotion Mix PAGEREF _Toc290335014 \h 9Advertising PAGEREF _Toc290335015 \h 9Personal Selling PAGEREF _Toc290335016 \h 10Sales Promotions PAGEREF _Toc290335017 \h 10Public Relations PAGEREF _Toc290335018 \h 11The Budget PAGEREF _Toc290335019 \h 12Determination of Effectiveness PAGEREF _Toc290335020 \h 13
The paper seeks to formulate a promotion strategy for an ice cream manufacturing company called Icy Delight which is a multinational company with its headquarters in London. With the upcoming Olympics being held in London, the company applied for a partnership in the event and got the desired status of being an Olympic partner. With the partnership already in place, the company is now looking to exploit this state of affairs to yield maximum advantage. The paper will detail the current positioning and marketing mix of the brand and then go on to assess the current marketing opportunities, which will be the basis of the objective and goals set specifically for the Olympiad 2012. The report will then go on to discuss some of the communication channels, the proposed promotions mix and the tools for disseminating, evaluating and financing the promotions campaign.
Remeberall concerning Icy Delight
Icy Delight was founded in the year 2000 and since then has enjoyed sales worth £10 million annually. The ice cream company since its humble start in the year 2000 has opened up franchise dealerships in various other European and Western countries. Currently it seeks to develop a consumer base in the developing countries of the world. It has opened one dealership in China, which supplies to some of the major retailers in the country, but the company wants a more aggressive campaign so as to spread its supplies more widely in the country.
Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration here is that the company has acquired a partner position in the Olympiad 2012, and has several opportunities which it can use in order to expand its consumer base better. In order for the current position of Icy Delight, we need to take into consideration the marketing mix that it employs currently, so that some changes can be proposed to it in light of the opportunity that exists currently in the market with regards to the Olympics which are looming ahead.
The product is Icy Delight and it is sold in 40 different flavours, in two different forms - cones and cups. Each of these forms has three SKUs which are small, medium and large. The product is sold in a packed form, at franchise stores as well as at major retailers.
The product is targeted towards the mass-consumer and in that respect is targeted at being more affordable rather than being premium-priced.in being targeted to the mass consumer, the pricing has to be kept at par with the competition in order not to indulge in a price war. CITATION Wil06 \l 1033 (Williams & Curtis, 2006 )
The product is placed at major retailers and in franchise stores. As far as the franchise stores are concerned, these are mainly kiosks that are placed at strategic points in malls and near major supermarkets. With regards to the products being available at major retailers, it is usually tried that the products are placed near the point of sale where the major impulse buying of confectionery takes place. CITATION Den85 \l 1033 (Rook & Hoch, 1985)
The promotions of the brand include various BTL and ATL activities that are targeted towards increasing the consumer interaction with the brand and are part of the integrated marketing communications programme that the brand is communicated under. CITATION Mar00 \l 1033 (Marketingteacher.com, 2000)
According to the IMC of Icy Delights, the product is being positioned as a treat for families on occasions of celebration. The brand persona is such that it is tried to be linked to the attitudes of being a friendly, buoyant child with a penchant for spreading fun and happiness. In accordance to this the promotions are geared at occasions for celebration such as Christmas, valentines, new years, thanksgiving, Halloween, mother`s day, father`s day etc when there is a reason to celebrate. The promotions are in the form of fun family fiestas in the major parks of the countries that the company is located in. Special gift packaging is introduced as are coupons and gift certificates distributed at schools and malls. CITATION Phi09 \l 1033 (Kotler & Armstrong, 2009)
Assessment of Current Marketing Opportunities
The current marketing opportunity, presented in the form of the Olympiad can prove to be a turning point for the company, which is trying to gain a foothold in the global arena. The various advantages and opportunities that this partnership will provide include the following:
There will be increased exposure to people and tourists from all over the world, as peoples from all countries will be visiting the UK for the Olympics and it will be a great chance to leverage the brand to other nations, as it is in congruence with the goals of the company to expand to other nations of the world. Furthermore, it will also be a chance to test whether the company can support the increased demand for its products and whether its supply chain will be able to handle the spurt in growth that is expected to come about and the brand will be able to have more consumer interactions and a chance for more varied feedback on a smaller scale, where it can determine the various tastes of the different nations attending. It would be an ideal time to get some feedback from other communities on a smaller scale, through some of the people who are attending the event. Additionally, the cultural differences in impulse buying of confectionery will also be determined as impulse buying forms a major portion of confectionery sales. CITATION Joh95 \l 1033 (O'Shaughnessy, 1995)
Sales will increase during the Olympics as well, as there will be kiosks placed at strategic points in order to ensure ease of accessibility. According to CITATION Wel09 \l 1033 (Welcome to the London Olympics 2012!, 2009), there are around 500,000 spectators expected with an expected sales of the number of tickets to be around 9 million. These figures are enough to offset the cost of the partnership in Olympics as the brand will be projected as a goodwill ambassador for a healthier lifestyle as it will be seen endorsing healthy activities, and its name will be leveraged through this association. CITATION Jac02 \l 1033 (Kacen & Lee, 2002) With the logo of Icy Delight being placed on the uniforms of team players, they will have a positive connection with the brand. And some of the activities will serve as a positive public relations activity and serve to enhance consumer experiences with the brand. CITATION Mic04 \l 1033 (Etzel, Walker, & Stanton, 2004)
Objectives and Goals (Proposed Marketing Mix for the Olympics)
The objective for the Olympics 2012 is as follows:
"To gain the maximum benefit out of exposure to many nationalities across the world in one place, and use the Olympics as a testing ground to fuel further expansion."
The goals that derive out of this main objective are several and include:
"Cater to increased demand in London at the time of the Olympics"
"Hire additional people to man the kiosks and to manage the promotional campaign. These can be college or school students looking for part-time work".
"Hire a public relations and BTL consultant to manage the BTL and PR activities planned for the Olympics in a professional manner."
"To create a holistic image of the Icy Delight brand as a ‘treat` dessert, and create a campaign that maximizes impact by being image-focused, conveying the essence of the brand through integrated marketing communications."
These goals and objectives will be achieved with the help of the proposed promotional mix strategies as stated in the later part of this paper.
There are various communication channels that the company will need to use to serve the purpose of its promotional needs. Foremost, the number of venues that will be utilized for the Olympic include the following:
1 "Aquatics V...
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