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Business & Marketing
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MS Word
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Essay Instructions:
i do some work but there are alot of things i should be change so can you help me with that iwill send some decoument for that pls and i need some graph in Demographics and in the Segmentation i want change from student to 1- Business people 2-Emergency travellers 3-People unable to travel via plane 4-Anyone in the long run (when price will decrease) thank you very much
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Customer Inserts His/Her Name
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Customer Inserts Tutor’s Name
Writer Inserts Date Here (Day, Month, Year)
Technology has significantly changed almost every facet of our lives, making it easier, and even more enjoyable. Just to mention a few, the internet and intranet helps us to connect with people who are very far from us in just a few minutes and most importantly they keep us up to date concerning all the happening all over the world. Similarly, its effect on the transportation industry is also notable; more than any other time in history, transportation has become very easy and fast due to inventions of machines such as airplanes and jets among others, which have rendered barriers such as mountains and seas among others insignificant.
As such, following the above evidence, it is without argument that we should always uphold any new technology if we are to make our world a better place. In this regard, this paper is purposed to expound on Teletransporter by most importantly focusing on it marketability by analyzing the demographics of its potential marketplace, outline the segmentation of the potential buyers and on the other hand account for the rejected segments and lastly but not the least explain how I will target the identified segments.
To start with, teletransporter is a new technological device that is purposed to reduce the travel time of a person in the sense that it Transports a person in all parts of the world by chemical reactions of molecules (Teuber 2004). It is an inventory of Dr. Wiggins, and is designed like a cubicle, which is lined with panels on its inner side. When a person gets into the cubicle, the scanners scan his or her state (both the mind and the body) and thereafter transmit the information to a Replicator in any city, which on the other hand uses the received information to produce an exact person. As such, it stands to be the fastest transportation device, considering the fact that transportation is not delayed as it is the case with road, air and sea transportation.
First, it is of worth to note that, a teletransporter is designed for use by all kinds of people regardless of their age among other specifications. However, its potential market is mostly by the students and the working class.
In the contemporary world, there has been escalating rate of unemployment and as such, the number of available potential workers is more than the available job opportunities. As such, a worker must meet the requirements of their employer including punctuality in order to secure their jobs. In this consideration, , introducing this device to the members of the working class, can result to increased sales since as already mentioned, these people need to have better means of transport in terms of fastness in order to avoid lateness and consequently secure their jobs.
Additionally, a part from the need by the employees to secure their jobs, there are certain types of jobs that requires them to keep on moving from one place to another. For instance, doctors, police officers and guards always receive emergencies that require them to move to other places urgently. As such, there is high potential of sale amongst such workers.
Similarly, despite the fact that technology has enhanced e- learning, majority of the students still travel from schools to home and vise vasa and they often have to deal with the existing negative externalities in traveling such as congestion of vehicles on the roads among others.
Additionally, due to the now high population compared to the existing limited resources, the costs of living has become very high and therefore forcing majority of the students especially in the developed countries to multi-task, in the sense that, they have to attend schools and at the same time engage themselves in part-time jobs. This requires them to have better means of transport, which can help them to move to all the places they are required to, easily and faster. As such, if a teletransporter is introduced to the students, the possibility of high sales is more.

 EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 \s 
The Quarterly Graph
Business people
Emergency travellers
People unable to travel via plane
Anyone in the long run (when price will decrease)
From the above demographics, I choose to focus on the students due to one major reason among others; a large number of the students are comprised of the youths and more than any other age group, youths are adventurous and people who like trying new things out. As such, it is easier to explain, and to convince them to uphold this new transport device.
On the other hand, the reason as to why I reject the working class is in consideration of the fact that, the group is largely comprised by the non-skilled and the middle-skilled individuals who earn low wages and salaries. As such the number of potential buyers is only limited to the highly skilled who might have enough money to purchase the device. A...
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