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Reflection and professional development essay

Essay Instructions:
Hi, Have a look on the attached file please: This summative assessment builds on the professional development matrix assessment. In your reflection and personal development essay you are required to:‐ - Reflect on and discuss the entirety of your learning on the module, and on this basis - Self‐select one competence in which you recognise a need for significant personal development You are expected to draw from your learning diary maintained throughout the module and write a reflective essay which critically analyses your learning and one dimension of personal development based on your module experiences. The ultimate purpose of this assessment is to develop your capability for reflection in order to benefit from the emergent learning in your future action and development. In doing the essay you will be completing the learning cycle by reflecting on your learning on the module, drawing conclusions from your learning and finally, thinking about how the insight gained can inform your future learning and development. The following list of questions may help stimulate critical analysis of your learning on the module:‐ - What did you discover about yourself that you weren't previously aware of? - What successes and difficulties did you encounter and why? - What did you enjoy/not enjoy and why? - Did anything surprise you about yourself or others? - How did you perform in teamwork? - What did you notice about the performance of others? - Was there anything that you think affected your engagement or performance on the module? - How did you feel at various stages of the learning process? - What did you think about feedback you received for others? The essay should comprise the following main headings: introduction; analysis of learning; competence development; conclusions. References, in the Harvard style, should be included in the text and reference section of the essay. Assessment 2 Marking Criteria Introduction 5% Analysis of Learning 50% Competence Development 30% Conclusions 10% Presentation 5%
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: April 27, 2011. Reflection and professional development essay Introduction The research paper is my reflection and professional development essay. Sincerely speaking I was a bit confused on what I felt about the module before starting the class. However, I had a glimpse of what it entailed. For instances understanding that working with others as well as issues relating to being a manager and a leader. With a clear understanding that change is inevitable and borrowing from what Rene Descartes, a French philosopher, who said thinking means existing. Thus for human beings we need to first realize ourselves, then change and continue in moving. Thinking helps in making on maneuver their thoughts as well as vision. It makes one to fully exist, admitted as well as being recognized by others. Failing to innovate and be creative with my live has noted will make me not be in a position to catch up with the changes in the world hence standing a chance of being rejected by others. I have managed to progress well in terms of academic. Immediately after high school I managed to undertake and graduated with a bachelors degree in business related disciplinary. Currently am anticipating graduating with a master’s degree in Business and Marketing. It is worth noting that through the module I have learnt a number of vital attributes that are key to successful managers. These include self management, learning preferences, interpersonal interactions, influence and persuasion, personal leadership approaches, influence and trust, others include; presentation skills, effective decision making, acting in an assertive manner, team building, being a team player and being effective in managing own time. Although I was aware of development needs before I undertook the module, they were fully focused as I progressed with the module. For one to be able to be competent in a given organization, he or she needs to be fully aware of his/her different learning methods, ability to fully utilize their personal effectiveness skills among others. Additionally, it is apparent that the only constant in the business world is change, and for this reason, for employees to be sure of coping with such changes, there is need for them to acquire certain skills that will help them be competent in doing business Analysis of Learning According to Dunn &Dunn, 1999 different individual do have varying learning styles. Knowing ones learning style is of significance as it will not only work in eliminating frustrations related to learning but also enabling individuals to learn through other viable ways and not just in their preferred style. Additionally one is also able to an environment in which other can learn from you is made possible. From class activities it’s been indicated that am a reflector with high scores in both theorists and pragmatist style. The peers and classmates showed a person with activist qualities. It’s my belief to be able to take an activist role should situation call for it. This has therefore been a point of strength since it allows me to adapt to situations. As pragmatist I learn best from activities that there is a clear association between subject at hand and issues in relating to real life situations, there is a link between the shown techniques and the practical advantages of the same, active concentration on handling issues at hand for instance coming up with action plan, there is room for practicing what has been learnt in presence of an instructors or a coach, when provided with models that fit what am doing and given timely chance to put in practice what I have learnt, (Gable & Reis, 2010). As at theorist I learn effective in case there are interesting concepts and ideas and the issue of immediate relevance does not count, am intellectually structured, I can investigate the relationship between ideas, concepts, events as well as situations. Additionally, I learn best when I have an opportunity to ask questions. Similarly as a reflectors am capable of learning effectively in situation where by am provided with an opportunity of watching, thinking and pondering over events, having time of adequately assimilating before giving views, am provided with ample time to carry out an in-depth research, am given a chance to review how I learn, when aided in sharing information with others mainly by prior agreements and lastly when am provided with an ample opportunity of making decisions without being pressured (Goldstein & Hogarth, 1997). That fact that am perceived as both an activist though I see myself as reflector means I posses both the weaknesses on the same. These may include being too quick in to making a decision. These may sometimes lead to adverse situation that can put my ability to be questioned. This means to be the right manager calls for balancing between making timely but accurate decisions. Understanding oneself rather than feel forced into a role by what others expect. Another thing learned from the module was the interpersonal relationships. This can be termed as an association between two or more individuals that might range from fleeting to enduring. Normally, the relation is perceived as being a connection between two people, for instance, romantic or intimate relations, or parent child relations. My fellow classmates’ say that, am a diligent leader, they explain that, I usually understand other individual’s emotions. According to them, this has been of great importance in withstanding stressful conditions, as well as having the ability of reading people and understanding emotions. For better interactions, I usually listen to, as well as understand other peoples’ point of views. I achieved this ability by restating in words what the other individual has. This has made individuals to respect med by appreciating that I do listen to them. Another way I can use to improve on interpersonal skills includes being humorous, trying to resolve some conflicts for others, bringing people together, as well seeing things in the other person’s point of view and stopping complaints (Maniaci, & Reis, 2010). Having interpersonal skills is much helpful, as I will use them during interaction. This is because, the way I handle others has great effects on my professional life. As an effect, improving such like skills can be of great importance in the confidence building, along with enhancing relationships with others. It is good that most students in my class have this kind of character; most of them have been with it since birth, while others have developed it while growing up, either in schools or parents. With inert personal skills, I have the capability of learning how individuals are likely to react to certain situation. With good interpersonal skills, I have learned on how to identify the best ways of interacting with others in different situations. I leant that, there were some of my classmates were working hard or even had brilliant ideas, but they had a problem with connecting with individuals who were working around with them. As a result, I was suppressed to learn that, such individuals’ professional life is under jeopardy. However, I got to learn that, there are several concrete skills that one needs in improving social skills hence try to get closer to colleagues. First, I was surprised...
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