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Toyota Motor Corporation Marketing Strategies

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Toyota Motor Corporation Marketing Strategies
Table of Contents
 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779661" 1.0 Executive Summary  PAGEREF _Toc290779661 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779662" 2.0 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc290779662 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779663" 3.0 Situation Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc290779663 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779664" 3.1 Objective  PAGEREF _Toc290779664 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779665" 3.2 Company Profile  PAGEREF _Toc290779665 \h 5
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779666" 3.2.1 Business Results  PAGEREF _Toc290779666 \h 6
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779667" 3.2.2. Sales Results  PAGEREF _Toc290779667 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779668" 3.2.3. Facilities  PAGEREF _Toc290779668 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779669" 3.3 Environmental factors impacting the organisation  PAGEREF _Toc290779669 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779670" 3.3.1 Internal Environment  PAGEREF _Toc290779670 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779671" 3.3.2 External Environment  PAGEREF _Toc290779671 \h 8
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779672" 3.3.3Technological Aspects  PAGEREF _Toc290779672 \h 9
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779673" 3.3.4 Governmental Regulations  PAGEREF _Toc290779673 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779674" 3.3.5 Social and cultural changes  PAGEREF _Toc290779674 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779675" 3.3.6 Climate  PAGEREF _Toc290779675 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779676" 3.3.7 Business Partners  PAGEREF _Toc290779676 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779677" 3.4 SWOT Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc290779677 \h 11
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779678" 4.0 Global Strategies  PAGEREF _Toc290779678 \h 13
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779679" 4.1 Competitor Analysis and Competitive Advantage  PAGEREF _Toc290779679 \h 15
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779680" 5.0. Target Market  PAGEREF _Toc290779680 \h 16
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779681" 7.0 Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc290779681 \h 18
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc290779682" 8.0 References  PAGEREF _Toc290779682 \h 20

Toyota Motor Corporation Marketing Strategies
1.0 Executive Summary
This is a paper which is aimed at analyzing the set marketing objectives of the Toyota Motor Company and creating recommendations of the viable ventures to take consideration of when operating the organisation. There is a detailed stating of the objectives of the strategies to be considered. The objectives highlighted would lead to an effective marketing plan and consequently lead to the marketing strategy. The company profile of the organisation gives an extensive and in depth look at the company’s history, statue at the world market, the executive structure, and the business standings. The global strategy gives the strategies or techniques applied in the attempt to maintain or improve its world statue. The paper has an extensive view at the environmental factors that affect the Toyota Motor Company, both the internal and external environment. They are governmental factors, climate change, social or cultural factors, technological trends. Later it looks at the company analysis and its competitive advantage alongside other parties in the world arena.
The target market is the most important aspect of an organisation that aims to advance itself; there are several instances of targets being looked at by the Toyota Motor Company; the women, the disabled, the youth among others. Finally ends by giving recommendations on the relevant areas to be considered for advancement of the company. The recommendations are made in reference to the analysis made in the strategies and the environmental factors looked at initially.
2.0 Introduction
The paper intends to carry out an analysis of the market strategies applied by the Toyota Motor Company taking into consideration its undertakings in the market ability, its manufacturing processes, the executive background, the product itself or otherwise the vehicle quality. The areas found to have possibility of advancement to much better success opportunity are to be ultimately recommended. The paper takes into consideration the market trend; the price of the products, the location of the organisation and the product itself. Developing a marketing strategy without a marketing plan is a blinded plan with no head way. The objectives created will help advance the marketing plan and hence the marketing strategy is brought to play.
The marketing strategy and analysis of the Toyota Motor Company is an important tool for the top-level company data and information. The company was established in 1937 in Japan. The Toyota became the best seller in the 70s in the US, in the 80s it began selling manufactured vehicles in the US, in 2006 it became the second biggest seller and third in the world. The success attributed to the Toyota Company is due to the exemplary market strategy applied (Thomas 2001). The Toyota Company makes believe the importance of a good marketing strategy for a stable and strong market leader.
3.0 Situation Analysis
The Toyota’s ability to be and remain as one of the world’s biggest car manufacturer and seller is attributed to a number of things in its internal environment. This may be expounded on as more importantly the able leadership it has acquired. The management team is one of the world’s best and it is what pushes a company to the top. The situation analysis of the Toyota Company is more effectively brought out clearly in the in-depth look at the SWOT is preferable. The SWOT mainly looks at the company’s relevantly strong areas, and then looks at its weakness as there is no company no matter its stature in the society that has no weak areas that try to drag down the company. The opportunities available to advance the company to greater and more profitable stature, the opportunities may be provided by the company itself, the competitors or even the location of the business. Finally, there are certain threats that aim to pull down the company to its knees and are what gives the company sleepless nights. The top leadership works out to evade the threats or reduce them but is rarely done away with completely.
3.1 Objective
Objectives for the marketing plans to be developed are to be aimed at solving several issues as stated here; to provide a clean and pollution free environment if not to reduce the carbon placed in the atmosphere by vehicles. Vehicles are known to pollute the air with the emissions attributed to it, measures to reduce it are hence important. There is also an aim to reduce the impact (distortion) caused to the vehicle or otherwise, the damaged attributed to the vehicle is considered for reduction to a minimum. Toyota, as the world’s leading car producer and seller also aims to train the users of its car with the sole aim to reduce accidents on the road.
Company Profile
Toyota Motor Corporation is company that is based in Japan mostly deals in automobile and financial business. It is the world’s largest automotive manufacturer or otherwise stated as "The biggest automobile-manufacturer" (Toyota-Global 2011). The designs and manufacture of diverse products vary from subcompacts to luxury and sport vehicles to SUVs, trucks, buses and minivans. The vehicles are manufactured by combustion or hybrid engines. The subsidiaries to this company do manufacture vehicles. The automotive parts for Toyota are made by Toyota itself in addition to sale to other customers. There are three segments that are applied in this company’s undertaking; they are the automobile segment, financial segment and other segments. The automobile segment is mainly involved in the design, manufacture and the sale of cars incorporation with passenger cars, minivans and trucks in addition to their accessories. The financial segment caters for the financial services of the company’s sale in the products in addition to the lease of vehicles and equipment. The other segment is committed to the design, manufacture and sale of housings in addition to information and communication business. There are several famous models: Camry, Corolla, Tundra truck, Land Cruiser and Lexus. Asia provides 40% of the total sales made by the company.
The company has an able executive platform consisting of chairman and representative director, vice chairman, president, an executive vice president, senior managing directors, directors, corporate auditors and managing officers.
3.2.1 Business Results
 LINK Excel.Sheet.12 C:\\Users\\Rony\\Desktop\\Book1.xlsx Sheet1!R1C2:R9C5 \a \f 4 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 
ValuationTMCompany Name Price Change7203Toyota Motor Corporation (ADR)77.64-0.24NSANYNissan Motor Co., Ltd…3,240-30FFord Motor Company170HMCHONDA MOTOR CO., LTD14.71-0.10GMGeneral Motors Company35.960.70DDAIFDaimler AG (USA)30.24-0.34TSLATTesla Motors Inc.71.59-1.08
3.2.2. Sales Results
 LINK Excel.Sheet.12 C:\\Users\\Rony\\Desktop\\Book1.xlsx Sheet1!R1C1:R6C5 \a \f 4 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 
ValuationTM Company Name Price Change7203Toyota Motor Corporation (ADR)77.64-0.24NSANYNissan Motor Co., Ltd…3,240-30FFord Motor Company170HMCHONDA MOTOR CO., LTD14.71-0.10
The Toyota Company has a group called the Toyota group which incorporates several companies that were established in different years and perform different activities an example is; the Toyota industries corporation that manufactures and sells spinning and weaving machines, the Aichi Steel Corporation that handles steel products, the Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd which handles auto parts and household appliances among several others.
3.2.3. Facilities
The company has a wide range of design and R&D which is located abroad from the U.S.A to Belgium. There is the Japanese production site which has the manufacturing plants which is located in the Toyota city. There is also the plant tour & Toyota Kaikan Museum which do provide touring opportunities. There are also worldwide operations performing the manufacturing activities in their various countries. Among several other manufacturing opportunities.
Due to the 2007 financial crisis, the Toyota Motor Company is no longer the leading motor company in the sales there have been several recalls made to the products and the unreliability of the products produced, but otherwise steps have been made to try and return the company back to its initial statue as a force worth looking at as a threat to competitors and reliable for customers.
Environmental factors impacting the organisation
3.3.1 Internal Environment
The internal environment of a company focuses more on the components within the organisation. It involves areas like the structure of the company, prevailing culture, policies advanced on the human basis with the processes, the skills and experiences of the employees among others.
3.3.2 External Environment
On the external environment issues of considerations are the customers who are the main users and promoters of the product produced. Competitors are also the part of the external environment who keeps the company on toes with the continued development of its products to be able to challenge the competing companies. The economy also has a bearing on the company in that with its decline, customers lack the resources to purchase the products produced hence leads to a decline in the commodities purchased, otherwise a loss incurred in a stable economy, customers or users of the products have enough money to be able to purchase the products leading to the advancement of the company profit wise. Technological wise is the key to the success of the company as it is and helps to maintain the standards of the company or even better elevating the standards of the organisation to world standard statue. There are several technologies that are advanced to try and uphold the operations of the company.
3.3.3Technological Aspects
Technology is a critical tool in the Toyota Corporation. It is a supporting and enables the procedures involved in the business. Technology in the Toyota Company helps to do away with waste and otherwise elevate the production of the vehicles. Behind the technology are information systems; Just-in-time which is a quite complex supply chain system used by suppliers to ensure timely arrival of the parts. An example is when there is a departure of a car from the paint shop, the system sends to the supplier an electronic message giving the specification of the seats needed and in the manner wanted, such instructions are availed by the Toyota’s proprietary Assembly Line Control System (ALCS) software.
Still on technology there is the Jidoka, as the production process continues, there are times when there is a stoppage to try and correct any errors. Such stages can be manual or otherwise be softwares with alert operators to problems detected. Kaizen is a tool used for the continuous development of the product it is aimed at adding value to the product. It aims at to evade the wastage of time by workers going to get the tool and correct the state. Andon is a visual tool normally used by the managers to tell him whether the process of car production is moving on smoothly or there are issues to be addressed, hence acted upon on occurrence, such tools any include; plasma screens, electronic dashboards and overhead displays. The Poka Yoke is cheap device that one depend on to help detect defects in the operations of the product, it may be applied to use as a tool holder with a sensor or otherwise a light signal which is send to a computer whenever there is an interruption detected which is send to the computer or an interruption in the stream used to send the light signal. Toyota applies the use of SQL server, Oracle, Dell servers and Citrix for remote access in addition to Blackberry for messaging and Weblogic from the BEA Systems.
3.3.4 Governmental Regulations
There are also the governmental operations that affect the operations of the production process. The situations where there are changes in the laws, regulations and governmental policies have a bearing in the operations of the company, more so the laws or regulations that relate to the trade industry, protection of the environment, emissions of the automobile, fuel economy and the car safety in addition to the laws and regulations affecting the litigation results and other legal matters (Toyota-Global 2011). Any form of political instability has a huge bearing on the outcome of the market industry. Its instability tends to make customers to shy away from such places and go for other more stable countries leading to a loss on the part of the company and the country too.
3.3.5 Social and ...
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