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Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Report for the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes

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1. General Instructions: 1.1 Word Count 3000 words. This excludes, Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, References and Appendices (+ a maximum addition of 2 pages of appendices). Word count should not be exceeded (an allowance of +/ - 10% of the stated value is allowed). 1.2 Referencing The Harvard (also known as Author/Date) system of referencing should be used for all submission. For guidance on the Harvard System, please see this quick guide: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/library/documents/guides/qgbus003.pdf. Figures & Tables All figures, charts, diagrams and tables should have a number, clear description and note any source reference(s) used in their creation. All figures, charts, diagrams and tables must be labelled and referred to in your text. 1.3 Presentation and Submission of Assessment Essay to be submitted in MS Word. Assessments should be typed using 12-point font size (Arial), with 1½ line spacing and a 4 cm margin on the right-hand side of the page. All pages must be numbered. Your Report must be submitted via MyAberdeen by: 11:00pm Sunday 5th June 2022 (UK Time). Note: Late submissions will receive a penalty as per the University‘s Regulations and Guidelines.

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS RETAIN AN ELECTRONIC COPY OF YOUR ASSESSMENT 2. Individual Assessment Task Preparing a Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Report for the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes. 2.1 Background Worldwide eBikes is a fictional company, however this challenge is typical of the kind that an established business might face when looking to expand into new markets. You are being asked as an external consultant, appointed by the board of Worldwide eBikes, to present your recommendations regarding their strategic digital marketing plan for launching their products into Australia, as described below. Consultants Briefing: Prepared by the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes The Board of Worldwide eBikes are very keen to expand into the Australian market. If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we hope to sell bikes both in our own e-commerce store, and through retail partners. We haven’t promoted our products in this area of the world before, so we would appreciate your insights and guidance. I convinced the Board that we should spend some budget on research, and I am delighted to have been able to secure some of your time on this. 2.2 The Task I need you to prepare a written report that I can take to the Board. In general, Board members have only a basic knowledge of the internet and we need a much better understanding of digital marketing, and the potential of expanding into Australia, if we are to be confident of spending money on this. I have prepared a list of questions that I would like you to address in your report and look forward to hearing back from you soon. a) Digital Market Opportunity: What do you think of the current opportunities for marketing eBikes (digitally) in Australia? Is it something we should be excited about and can you show us evidence to support your opinion? We understand that you can use various online tools to look at search trends and keywords, and also to evaluate the current competition, so we’d appreciate your insights from these. We are interested in research that you have personally carried out (not research already carried out by others). b) Persona Research: We need an in-depth understanding of our potential customers. Please describe the kind of research that you would undertake if you were to create ‘buyer Personas’ for the Australian e-bike market (you do not need to create the actual Personas). Also, please provide three practical benefits of having well researched Persona’s and explain how these would assist our business launch there. c) Short Term Market Impact: If we decide to pursue this opportunity, we will need to quickly create awareness and ‘buzz’ around our products. Please provide your in-depth recommendations for two digital marketing tactics that we should undertake as our top priorities for effective short-term results, together with your justification of these choices. These might include website development, using any of the various digital marketing channels, and/or digital advertising. The Board are looking for specific, detailed ideas and examples for each tactic. d) Fiscal Oversight: Finally, the Board is very concerned with appropriate fiscal oversight. We realise the importance of reviewing analytics reports in determining which of our digital marketing activities are effective and which might need to be modified or even discontinued. Please list four KPIs which can be tracked using digital analytics tools that would help to evaluate your recommended short-term marketing tactics and discuss the insights that each one could provide. 2.3 Specifications and Requirements You are required to fully explain and justify all recommendations that you make. Include details and examples, and evidence of research undertaken, with illustrations such as screenshots or data as you see fit. Provide definitions for any technical terms that someone unfamiliar with digital marketing might not immediately understand. FORMAT OF YOUR REPORT All students must adopt a report format as described below, and in the following order: 1. Cover Page of your submission details in the normal style 2. Executive Summary (a summary of your key findings, and recommendations) 3. Market Opportunity 4. Persona Research 5. Short Term Market Impact Tactics 6. Fiscal Oversight 7. Appendices (If you require them) Plan your work to ensure that you are covering each section of your report adequately. Consider introducing charts, images etc. if you believe that they would benefit your client’s understanding of your report. Finally, please ensure that your work is written in your own words. A written piece of work cannot be a simple ‘cut and paste’ of material found on the web or in journals or books. Moreover, you must accurately acknowledge the contributions of others (i.e., your work must properly reference quotes, ideas etc.; see 1.2).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

by (Name)
The Name of the Class (Course)
Professor (Tutor)
The Name of the School (University)
The City and State where it is located
The Date Executive Summary Australia's e-bike industry may face a few obstacles, but it also has significant untapped potential. Australia is an excellent place for investors who want to buy electric bicycles in the current market. The company's promotional efforts will significantly impact the Australian market due to its efforts to influence individual purchase decisions. They have been able to capitalise on their efforts and see excellent outcomes for companies that have done a fantastic job advertising themselves. Activated brands are a vital indicator of brand extension and are therefore recommended as the centre of brand marketing. Along with helping the business reach its intended audience through conventional means, notices can also help it do so via social media.   Table of Contents Executive Summary. 2 Market Opportunity. 4 Persona Research. 7 Short Term Market Impact Tactics. 9 Fiscal Oversight 11 References. 13 Market Opportunity According to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, electric locomotives will be the next big thing. Electric locomotives are now exempt from customs duty in several countries, including Australia, because of this. Electric bikes, motorbikes, and scooters are all sold at eBikes, a store in the United States. Because they can be powered totally or partially by portable electronic devices or by electric energy, they meet a particular need or provide a unique opportunity. For eBikes with pedal assist/peddle in Australia, thick throttles are necessary. There is a wide range of uses for electric bicycles, such as the scooper/motorcycle, including recreation and communication with others. There are a few bumps in the road ahead for electric bicycles in Australia. Australia is a great place to invest in electric bicycles right now. Government and law have made many of these opportunities possible by promoting electric bicycles for their environmental benefits. Demand for electric bicycles is on the rise due to the rising cost of fuel and the growing number of individuals who support the fulfilment of sustainable development goals, including ecologically friendly and efficient alternatives for commuting to work. Since there has been a rise in support for sustainable development goals, the number of persons in favor has also increased. The need for leisure time increases all day long in developed countries like Australia (Veal, 2005). More and more people are opting to commute by electric bicycle due to a growing awareness of the necessity of leading a healthy lifestyle. A person can go on an electric bicycle is substantially more than the distance a person can travel on a boat. Low-impact sports like cycling have benefited a person's physical and mental well-being. Riding has a wide range of health benefits, including stress reduction, increased endurance, and increased the cycling community's e-biking fitness. There are numerous reasons why Australians are using electric bicycles, from getting to work to getting around town and keeping a healthy exercise regimen. The electric bicycle market in Australia is expected to develop at the fastest rate in the next few years (Tollefson, 2018). Throughout the forecast period, the market for electric bicycles is expected to face several hurdles, including unreasonably high prices and unfavourable restrictions, such as regulations restricting electric bicycles' usage in specific scenarios. There has been an increase in the number of R&D operations, which are expected to provide the groundwork for future profitability, particularly in improving bicycle infrastructure. Electric bicycles are the speciality of Bolt Bikes, an up-and-coming entrepreneurial company (Allemann & Raubal, 2015). It was founded a few years ago, and it currently has offices in San Francisco, Melbourne, Sydney, and London, where it currently conducts business. With this in mind, eBikes' primary focus is developing electric bicycles for delivery services such as those supplied by businesses and couriers rather than the consumer market. The overall cost of the electric bicycle sharing service is expected to be no more than $79 per week. In the projection period from 2017 to 2025, a CAGR of 6.0 per cent is predicted for the Australian electric bicycle market ("Powder coatings market in Poland to grow at a CAGR of 8.3 per cent over 2014–2019," 2015). A recent study took it from 17.12 billion in 2020 to 20.27 billion in 2025. The number of individuals purchasing electric bicycles has steadily increased over the past few decades. This is because electric bicycles are permitted in many places, and many states have preferred laws. New opportunities and research directions are being opened up by the growing global market for electric bicycles. Electric bicycles, which allow riders to travel longer distances with no effort, have been increasingly popular among people concerned about their health or interested in frequently exercising over the past several years. When it comes to bikes powered by an electric motor, "e-bikes" or "electric bikes" are a chosen term. The speed at which electric bicycle batteries recharge varies from 25 to 32 kilometres per hour, depending on the rules in effect in each country. Depending on the power of the motors within, electric bicycles can be categorised as walkers, on-demand throttles, speed scooters, motorcycles, and electronic mopeds (Feng, 2019). Australians are increasingly searching for ecologically friendly and resource-conserving modes of transportation, and the market for electric bicycles is expected to increase significantly over the next few years. As a result of a lack of actual support for electric bicycles, the national government has still passed favourable legislation. As a result, if significant restrictions are placed on electric bikes and other types of bicycles, the market for e-bikes is expected to decrease. Research and development activities have increased the performance and the infrastructure for cycling and the investment in the potential for future market growth. Across the globe, cities are plagued by traffic congestion, and Australia is no different. In most major cities worldwide, including Australia, gridlock is common. Traffic management is getting increasingly complex as the existing infrastructure struggles to keep up with the increasing number of vehicles on today's highways. As a result of the awful traffic conditions affecting the area, people's work and personal lives have been thrown into a loop. Australian governments and other civic groups have begun implementing strategies to reduce traffic congestion in cities and towns. The Australian government is increasingly encouraging electric bicycles for public transportation. When electric bicycles initially appeared, they took up the same space as traditional bicycles. As more people take to the roads on two wheels, traffic jams are reduced, and easier road maintenance. Researchers have spent a great deal of time studying the usefulness of electric bicycles, even though there is a gap in the market. However, it has been demonstrated that eBikes face several technological hurdles. Because lithium-ion batteries are more energy-dense, they have a shorter chemical life. On the other hand, trained mechanics can open the engine block to ascertain if the battery has failed, which is a difficult task. One of the typical problems that might arise when changing a belt or chain is sprocket damage, which can also be caused by inadequate tension. If the chain and sprocket have been used for an extended period, they may need to be repaired or replaced. Persona Research An in-depth study of the client's persona is an effective tool for improving customer loyalty and brand equity. An in-depth understanding of customer personas provides a clear picture of both the company's product and the company's culture to target audiences and buyers in particular (Wu, 2017). Brand personality is communicated consistently through the company's branding to develop a strong emotional connection with the target audience. One or more creatives, mascots, people, or fictional characters can be included in a public persona. Brands with distinct personalities allow corporations to imagine a well-known face linked with the brand once they have established themselves. Brands can show that they represent the people who buy their products when communicating with customers. The most acceptable source of information for building a brand identity is the people who use and are interested in the products and services of a firm. Brads can also be beneficial if they reflect their values and convey their message to their customers. With the help of genuine people working for the firm, a brand's loyalty and trust can be established. This is an instrumental piece of software for e-commerce websites because of the substantial impact individual customers have on a company's bottom line. In addition, eBikes customers and businesses in Australia have the option to develop a genuine relationship with the brand. A firm's brand personality may not be able to convey the intended message if it is not consciously developed (Nazir et al., 2020). Certain companies may need to employ celebrity endorsements to get the word out about their offerings to get their products noticed. Skinny Man Gourmet Jerky, for example, saw a surge in sales thanks to the product's low caloric content and its appealing taste. If you are interacting with clients or other users, it can be helpful for you to establish a persona. When a consumer is unavailable, the forecasting technique gathers information to develop persona research. It is done without the customer's presence in mind at times like this. A company's first few clients and research data may be sparse or non-existent. As a result, firms may have difficulty making well-informed decisions. Providing accurate forecasts is much easier when a company has a broad consumer base. This is partly due to the ease with which first-time eBike users can provide their data. Customers should constantly interact with the firm that makes the product to get relevant input from its users (Stock, 2014). All of their customers, including those who are hesi...
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