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Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Report Worldwide eBikes

Essay Instructions:

Individual Assessment Task
Preparing a Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Report for the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes.

Specifications and Requirements
You are required to fully explain and justify all recommendations that you make. Include details and examples, and evidence of research undertaken, with illustrations such as screenshots or data as you see fit. Provide definitions for any technical terms that someone unfamiliar with digital marketing might not immediately understand.

All students must adopt a report format as described below, and in the following order:
1. Cover Page of your submission details in the normal style
2. Executive Summary (a summary of your key findings, and recommendations)
3. Market Opportunity
4. Persona Research
5. Short Term Market Impact Tactics
6. Fiscal Oversight
7. Appendices (If you require them)

The background to the individual assessment Worldwide eBikes is the same as the group assignment, and the individual assessment essay needs to be continued based on the research of the group assignment. Thank you so much for helping me with my personal homework. thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Executive Summary
There are many reasons why digital marketing is so important. One of the most important reasons is that it allows businesses to communicate with their customers efficiently. With digital marketing, businesses can send messages to their customers quickly and easily. It is essential because it allows businesses to keep their customers updated on the latest news and products. Worldwide, eBikes plans to expand its business roots in Australia, and the trend analysis shows that the industry expects to grow to a CAGR of 6.7% from 2021 to 2026. The persona research indicates that the potential customers for the company would be urban commuters, adventurers, and fitness enthusiasts.
Blogging and social media marketing is expected to improve the results for Worldwide eBikes. Blogging and social media marketing can be highly effective when reaching out to customers. Providing exciting and engaging content makes it possible to attract attention and encourage people to learn more about the company and its products. It can then lead to sales, which the company will be keen to maximize. This move is likely to be seen as a positive one by many people. It will help improve communication with customers and promote the brand more widely. It would lead to increased sales and better results for Worldwide eBikes in the long term.
The first KPI that the business would consider to improve its overall health is an increase in traffic on the website, e.g., page views, shares of social media posts about the site, and the number of repeat visitors. The second KPI would be the content abandonment rate to indicate how effectively the company performs in online sales. Digital platform leads are the third indicator to emphasize marketing effectiveness. The fourth KPI is the conversion rates to convert leads into paying customers.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc105087038 \h 21.Digital Market Opportunity PAGEREF _Toc105087039 \h 41.1eBikes Trends in Australia PAGEREF _Toc105087040 \h 41.2Keywords Analysis PAGEREF _Toc105087041 \h 51.3Competition Analysis PAGEREF _Toc105087042 \h 61.4Finding on Statistics PAGEREF _Toc105087043 \h 72.Persona Research PAGEREF _Toc105087044 \h 72.1Target Market PAGEREF _Toc105087045 \h 72.2Three Advantages of Personas PAGEREF _Toc105087046 \h 93.Short-Term Market Impact Tactics PAGEREF _Toc105087047 \h 104.Fiscal Oversight PAGEREF _Toc105087048 \h 115.Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc105087049 \h 14References PAGEREF _Toc105087050 \h 15

Digital Market Opportunity
eBikes Trends in Australia
eBikes industry is promising in Australia because of growing demands in the traveling, social, and fitness markets. The market is expected to grow to a CAGR of 6.7% from 2021 to 2026. The growing demand in the sector is due to increased fuel prices, increased health concerns, and increased environmental awareness. Figure 1 shows the trends and forecasts in the electric Bicycle Market in Australia. From 2015 to 2020, the industry’s value increased to 44%, and from 2020 to 2026, it is expected to increase by 7% (Lucintel 2021).
Figure 1: Trends and Forecast for the Electric Bikes in Australia
(Source: Lucintel 2021)
The Australian bike market is estimated to be worth $2.1 billion, making it a significant contributor to the economy, according to new research commissioned by CyclingIndustry. The report, undertaken by independent research firm SGS Economics and Planning, is the first-ever study to map the economic value of the Australian bike market comprehensively. The bike market employs more than 34,295 people and generates $2.1 billion in wages and salaries. The Australian bike market proliferates and has a significant economic impact, and the report provides valuable insights into the industry and its potential growth areas. The report found that the two key drivers of market growth are the increasing popularity of cycling as a leisure activity and increased investment in cycling infrastructure by government and private institutions (Cycling Industry, 2021).
Keywords Analysis
The electric bicycle industry is overgrowing in Australia. It can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing cost of fuel, the growing awareness of the benefits of electric bikes, and the increasing popularity of cycling as a form of transportation. Electric bicycles are a great way to save money on transportation costs, and they also offer several other benefits, including improved health, reduced pollution, and increased fitness. Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular in Australia, and the industry is expected to multiply in the coming years (Cycling Industry, 2021). It is good news for the environment, and it also means that there are plenty of opportunities for electric bike manufacturers and retailers to gain a foothold in the Australian market. Figure 2 shows the relevant trends over the last 12 years on how people search eBikes in Australia. The analysis shows that electric bicycle is the most searched in Australia and the electric bikes. eBikes has a meager search rate (Google Trends, 2022).
Figure 2: eBikes Keywords Trends
Source: (Google Trends, 2022)
The analysis in figure 2 shows that the term electric bicycle is primarily used in online search, which means that Worldwide eBikes can focus on marketing its product by using keywords which has strong search history. In figure 3, the analysis is strengthened by overviewing how many people search “eBikes” in different regions, and it is seen that New Zealand, Canada, and Australia are in the top three positions, which provide a healthy edge for Worldwide eBikes to expand its roots in these regions.
Figure 3: Region-wise Demand for eBikes
Source: (Google Trends, 2022)
Competition Analysis
The competitors in the industry are presented in figure 4, which are Giant Bicycle, Merida, ORBEA, Focus Bike, and Specialized Bicycle Components.
Figure 2: Major Competitors
(Source: Lucintel 2021)
The Turbo Vado 4.0 features a robust, reliable, and long-lasting motor that will take up to speeds of 28 mph. It also comes equipped with a large battery that will travel up to 50 miles on a single charge. The Turbo Vado 4.0 features a sleek and stylish design that will stand out from the crowd. Finally, the Turbo Vado 4.0 has various features that will make the ride easy and more fun, including a front and rear cargo rack, a headlight, and a horn. The other competitors in the industry are GoCycle, Null, Cowboy 4, and others (Ellis 2022).
Finding on Statistics
The analysis shows that the trend of eBikes search is rising in Australia, which is a vast opportunity for Worldwide eBikes to expand its business there. Apart from the trend, other factors that can be analyzed to evaluate the market potential for eBikes in Australia include the population size, income levels, and climate. The population size of Australia is over 25 million, and the average annual income is over $51,680 (Worldbank 2022). Additionally, the climate in Australia is conducive to riding bikes, with over 80% of the population living in areas where eBikes are a practical transportation option. These factors point to a high market potential for eBikes in Australia. Worldwide eBikes is well-positioned to capitalize on this opportunity and will be able to grow its business significantly by targeting this market.
Persona Research
Personas are fictional, archetypal customers representing a particular target market for a product or service. Personas are created through market research and then used to design and test products and marketing strategies. There are several types of eBike riders, each with its motivations for using an eBike.
Target Market
The Urban Commuter
This persona is motivated by convenience and efficiency. They use their eBike to get around town quickly and easily, making it their primary means of transportation. The Urban Commuter is looking for a reliable and affordable way to get around town. They want an eBike that will help them save time and money while being environmentally friendly. The ideal bike for the Urban Commuter would be fast, easy to operate, and has long battery life. It would be great if the eBike also had a comfortable seat and good brakes.
The Adventurer
This persona is motivated by the desire to explore new places and experience new things. They use their eBike to get around town and take short trips outside the city. The adventurer is looking for a new way to explore the world and has an eye on eBikes. eBikes offer a great way to cover more ground and explore farther away from populated areas. They are also perfect for those who want to add a little extra excitement to their adventures. eBikes can take the business to new places and help them see things that they might never have seen otherwise. If this sounds like something the adventurer is interested in, they should consider getting an e-bike. eBikes come in various styles and sizes, which will fit their needs.
The Fitness Enthusiast
This persona is motivated by improving their fitness levels. They use their eBike for longer rides on flat terrain or to help them reach specific fitness goals. The fitness enthusiast wants to ride bikes more efficiently, while the eBike enthusiast wants to be able to ride bikes more quickly. Neither is interested in the other’s primary motivation. However, they may be interested in some of the same secondary benefits, like getting more exercise. In that case, they could be good friends. The fitness enthusiast wants to ride bikes more easily. The eBike enthusiast wants to ride bikes mo...
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