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Strategic Digital Marketing Plan for WorldWide eBikes Australia

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Individual Assessment Task
Preparing a Strategic Digital Marketing Plan Report for the Marketing Director of Worldwide eBikes

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Executive Summary
In the Australian market, WWeB will need extensive digital marketing activities to effectively rival competition for customers' attention. An overview of the Australian market provides the following digital marketing opportunities:
A majority of Australian adults spend ample time online based on high rates of internet penetration and ownership of digital devices.
eBikes sales are on the increase on the Australian market.
Australians have an array of motivations for cycling, including environmental protection, ease of movement as a recreational & social activity, and enhancement of fitness while preventing physical & mental health complications.
Competitors have not effectively engaged cycling customers with content involving benefits and issues around cycling.
Based on these opportunities, digital marketing is necessary for the country, with the customer motivations forming the basis on which content can be developed. In terms of short-term outcomes, key recommendations include:
Development of a website
Establishment of social media pages and engagement with influencers.
These recommendations are expected to create a ‘buzz’ in the Australian market and will be evaluated based on KPIs like Bounce Rate and Social Share Voice.

Worldwide eBike (WWeB) is a UK-based organization that designs, manufactures, distributes, and retails bicycles, eBikes, and their accompanying accessories like head gears, gloves, digital capabilities, and safety clothing. Currently, eBikes are the leading source of revenue for the organization, and market indicators suggest that their consumption increases. As a result, WWeB is looking to expand internationally, having identified the Australian market as an ideal destination. The company plans to sell its prized products through its e-commerce platform and retail partners. At the same time, the company's leadership intends to leverage the power of digital technology in bringing these products closer to the people, given the increasing importance of digital tools in shaping marketing strategies, connecting with consumers, and driving sales. Since WWeB has never marketed its products in this jurisdiction before, there is a need for market insights and guidance. Therefore, the current paper is a strategic digital marketing plan report requested by the WWeB’s Marketing Director.
2.0 Market Opportunity
Section 2.0 highlights the growing global and Australian eBikes markets and the digital marketing opportunities that can inform a digital marketing plan (DMP). The section also outlines the opportunities currently being exploited by eBike sellers or retailers on the market.
2.1 Global Outlook of eBikes Market
As of 2021, the global bicycle market was valued at $59.33 billion, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2% between 2022 and 2030 (GVR, 2020). An array of factors will fuel the increase in global demand for eBikes and bicycles in general. For instance, bicycles are among the transportation alternatives that simultaneously solve ample problems for people. Such problems include increased overreliance on fossil fuel and their impact on the environment, persistent traffic jams in major cities, the need to lead a healthy life and avoid risks like obesity and diabetes (exercise), the need to belong in a group (bikers), and as a means of having a fan or play especially among children and youth.
Further, some governments are rolling out infrastructure to accommodate safe cycling. At the same time, developments in other technologies like AI, IoT, GPS, and mobile applications have expanded the biking experience and, therefore, contributed to the increasing global demand. Market research further suggests that the pandemic might have favored the cycling industry since bicycles provide a means of social distancing in the transport sector. Therefore, governments and organizations are promoting cycling as part of the anticipation of potential future pandemics. Lastly, the marriage between contemporary cycling experience, emerging digital technologies, and internet connectivity has resulted in eBikes. According to GNW (2022), the eBikes market segment will grow with a CAGR of 14.9%. Therefore, WWeB should expand its activities globally to stay competitive based on this projected market growth.
2.2 Australian Outlook of eBikes Market
Australia is among the countries that have experienced a surge in demand for eBikes. According to Johnston (2021), eBikes have been flying off the shelves in Australia for the past six years. In 2018, demand for all types of bikes reached 110% leading to a surge in sales of eBikes by 131%. Sales doubled nationally between April and December 2020 and went as high as 220% in some regions. Data further show that riding increased 200% along the River Torrens Linear Park Trail, Charles Sturt Council, from 800 rides per day in 2019 to 1600 in 2020 (GSA, 2022). This surge resulted from the emergence of people from lockdowns, where they sought cheaper, safer, and environmentally friendly means of transport. While the spike in demand and sales due to the pandemic may fade, market projections (IBIS, 2022) suggest an annual growth rate of at least 7.9% between 2022 and 2030.
There are currently over 50 brands offering cycling and repair services in the country and have incorporated digital marketing strategies to take advantage of government-initiated projects that support cycling. For instance, in the 2018/19 fiscal year, the City of Melbourne committed $28 million to active transport improvement to establish and integrate cycling requirements on the city's roads. According to CDM (2019), this initiative would increase city residents' desire to cycle. Thus, the Australian market is an ideal destination for WWeB because of the current and emerging demand for cycling experience.
2.3 Opportunities for Digital Marketing in Australia
Digital marketing is a component of marketing that relies on the internet and online-based digital technologies, smartphones, PCs, and other digital technology to promote services and products. According to Kotler et al. (2018), digital marketing is necessary for modern organizations because it connects people and business organizations. Thus, the first opportunity for digital marketing depends on how much the target population relies on digital technology. The second opportunity is defined by the characteristics of the market vis-vis how the proposed product will meet user needs within that market.
2.3.1 Reliance on Digital Technology
Australia is among the leading nations on the planet regarding internet access. According to data from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA, 2021), 99% of Australian adults have access to the internet, while 91% have an internet connection at home. More interestingly, almost 98% of Australians over 55 years use the internet. While older adults rely on desktop computers and tablets to access the internet, younger Australians rely more on smartphones, laptops, smart TV, and game consoles. Youth are the most present on social media. Reports (Nielsen, 2020) further show that 60.3% of Australian online activities are done through smartphones, indicating that the country is on track toward a mobile-first society. Lastly, Nielsen (202) established that, on average, Australian adults spend 96 hours on a digital device per month, with 76 hours going to smartphones. The combination of internet penetration and ownership of digital devices allowed up to 80% of Australians to shop online in 2021 (Durkin, 2022). Facebook (71%), Instagram (44%), WhatsApp (31%), and Snapchat (27%) are the most popular social media platforms in the country (Statista, 2022), with Google dominating the market share for all search engines by 94% (Statista_, 2022). These statistics indicate that digital marketing cannot be ignored if WWeB is successful in the Australian market.
2.3.2 Motivation Behind Increase in Cycling Demand in Australia
The previous subsection established why digital marketing is necessary for the Australian market. However, digital marketing is ineffective if the content is not relatable to the consumers. This means the motivations behind the desire to own a bicycle should be reflected in the content that targets consumers. In Australia's case, several motivational factors, which are not necessarily unique to the country, influenced the surge in demand and sales of eBikes. Digital marketing content that addresses or highlights these motivations is far more likely to get consumers' attention on digital platforms and provide a stickiness effect.
Most Australians are cycling for physical fitness. According to a recent survey by Sport Australia, cycling is among the top five physical and recreational activities that are most engaged and among the cheapest ways of staying fit or having fun for people across all age groups starting from 8 years to 80 years. This means Australians are cycling both for fun and to achieve much-needed physical fitness. Physical fitness is an essential consideration for Australians, given that an estimated 2 in every three people aged over 18 years are either overweight or obese (AIHW, 2020). Further, cycling is promoted in Australia because it improves mental health outcomes and reduces risks for cardiovascular diseases. Thus, there is a push from the health sector and other government agencies for people to engage more in activities like cycling.

The government's involvement is significant for the environment and transportation considerations. Australians are cycling to school and work because it is flexible, reduces congestion (traffic) on the roads, reduces carbon emissions from vehicles, and enhances air quality; therefore, cycling, as an eco-friendly activity, fits into the Australian environmental policy. These explain why the government is increasingly promoting and supporting infrastructure developments to support cycling as an alternative, safe, and eco-friendly means of transport. In some jurisdictions, like South Australia, local governments have established master plans to address the future of cycling in the country with crucial objectives, including inclusive, accessible, integrated, and enjoyable cycling (GSA, 2022). In essence, Australians are not cycling just for fun. However, they are having fun while avoiding physical & mental health problems, staying fit and strong, spending less on transport, reducing congestion on their roads, improving their air quality, and establishing or belonging to social groups are cycling clubs.
These benefits of cycling can form the basis for the digital marketing content can be developed. However, to better influence, the market, WWeB’s online content should also address the issues that keep some Australians from cycling. According to GSA (2022), there are four types of people when it comes to cycling in Australia: strong & fearless, enthusiast & confident, interested but concerned, and no-way & no-how. The ones considered brave & strong are not deterred by emerging issues like lack of infrastructure and safety concerns. Unfortunately, this section of the population is only 2% of people who own bicycles (Austroads, 2019). The interested but concerned category is a bigger section of the population and which WWeBs should target with their digital marketing efforts. These are people interested in cycling, understand the benefits of cycling, and are curious about it. However, road safety concerns keep them away from cycling.
2.4 Exploitation of Opportunities by Competitors
Australia's advancement in digital technology, combined with the compelling reasons for cycling, provides a strong foundation for digital marketing opportunities. With over 50 brands in Australia, most have relied on digital marketing to promote their products and services. Australia's leading eBikes manufacturers and retailers include Ride Advice Cyclery (RAC), Wollogong Bike Hub (WBH), Biology, and 99 Bikes. These organizations have ventured into digital marketing based on their reliance on websites, social media platforms like Facebook & Instagram, search engines (Google), and organizational blogs.
All the websites list the available products alongside prices and offers. 99 Bikes (see figure 1) lists all its product categories at the top of the Home Web page for easy acces...
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