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Marketing Communication Plan. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

please use the REPORT structure,it is very important, thx! including the title page, executive summary, contents list, introduction, marketing communications plan (or a more creative alternative),Ethical Considerations, Conclusions,List of References,Appendices

Marketing communications: a European perspective

Book by Pelsmacker, Patrick de; Geuens, Maggie; Bergh, Joeri van den 2018;

Artificial Intelligence in Advertising in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Kietzmann, Jan; Paschen, Jeannette; Treen, Emily 2018-09-01;

are core textbooks, must be quoted in the report

Recommended Reading:

Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective

Book by Belch, George E.; Belch, Michael A.; Dietzel, Jörg 2012

Unlocking the Power of Integrated Marketing Communications: How Integrated Is Your IMC Program? in Journal of Advertising

Article by Keller, Kevin Lane 2016-07-02

Revisiting the IMC construct in International Journal of Advertising

Article by Jerry Kliatchko 2008

Convergence culture in the creative industries in International Journal of Cultural Studies

Article by Deuze, M. 2007-06-01;

Measuring Emotion -- Lovemarks, The Future Beyond Brands. in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Pawle, John; Cooper, P 2006;

Fifty years of using the wrong model of advertising in International Journal of Market Research

Article by Heath, R 2008;

What Do Consumers Do Emotionally with Advertising? in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Gordon, Wendy1  2006;

Improving integrated marketing communications practices: A comparison of objectives and results in Journal of Marketing Communications

Article by Patti, C.H.; Hartley, S.W.; van Dessel, M.M.; Baack, D.W. 2017-07-04 ;

Advertising Budgeting Methods and Processes in China in Journal of Advertising

Article by Gerard Prendergast, Douglas West and Yi-Zheng Shi 2006;

Advertising Creativity: Some Open Questions in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Kover, Arthur J. 2016-09-01;

Drivers of creativity within advertising agencies: How structural configuration can affect and improve creative development | WARC


When Are Apps Worth Paying For? How Marketers Can Analyze the Market Performance of Mobile Apps | WARC


How Consumers in China Perceive Brands In Online and Offline Encounters in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Chan, Terri H.; Chen, Rocky Peng; Tse, Caleb H. 2018-03-01;

Social media for public relations: Lessons from four effective cases in Public Relations Review

Article by Allagui, Ilhem; Breslow, Harris 2016-03;

Social media advertising: Factors influencing consumer ad avoidance in Journal of Customer Behaviour

Article by Ferreira, Carlos; Michaelidou, Nina; Moraes, Caroline; McGrath, Michelle 2017-08-31;

Revisting the Relationship between Ad Frequency and Purchase Intentions in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Lee Burton, Jennifer; Gollins, Jan; McNeely, Linda E.; Walls, Danielle M. 2018-08-24 ;

Impact of Media Context On Advertising Memory in Journal of Advertising Research

Article by Kwon, Eun Sook; King, Karen Whitehill; Nyilasy, Greg; Reid, Leonard N. 2018-04-26;

Planning Media Schedules in the Presence of Dynamic Advertising Quality in Marketing Science

Article by Naik, Prasad A.; Mantrala, Murali K.; Sawyer, Alan G. 1998-08;

The Influence of Level of Processing on Advertising Repetition Effects in Journal of Consumer Research

Article by Nordhielm, Christie L. 2002-12;

Allocating spending on digital-video advertising: A longitudinal analysis across digital and television | WARC

Webpage ;

The use of Facebook to promote drinking among young consumers in Journal of Marketing Management

Article by Moraes, Caroline; Michaelidou, Nina; Meneses, Rita W. 2014-10;

Analyzing the Impact of Online Brand Trust on Sales Promotion and Online Buying Decision. in IUP Journal of Marketing Management

Article by Soni, Neha1

Assessment Brief

This written individual assignment draws on your knowledge and understanding of key marketing communication theories, practices and tools, as well as your understanding of the potential ethical issues involved in marketing communications.

To tackle this assessment, you will need to prepare a marketing communications plan of 2,000 words for company or brand of your choice. The firm may be either B2B or B2C; alternatively, you may wish to consider a non-profit organisation, for example. Whatever organisation or brand you choose, it must be relatively large and well known in the UK.

You should aim to select your organisation or brand by the second teaching week. Making this selection early on will ensure that you have enough time to complete your assessment successfully.

Your goal is to carry out a situation analysis of your chosen brand/organisation, and to produce a set of recommendations regarding their communication strategy, tactics and monitoring moving forward. Your recommendations may relate to one or more of the organisation’s brands/ products/ services, the organisation as a whole, internal communications, or a combination of these different elements.

Your integrated marketing communications campaign plan should include the content outlined in your textbook (see De Pelsmacker et al. 2017, chapter 4).

This individual assessment consists of a written report of your marketing communications plan and is worth 100% of your module mark.

Written Report Guidelines

The word limit for the written report is 2,000 words with no leeway. Reports that exceed this limit will be penalised.

A written report generally serves to present the analysis, discussion and recommendations for a given question or case study. The most noticeable difference between an essay and a report is the layout.

Reports are designed to be easily and quickly absorbed by the reader. Therefore, they are laid out schematically and everything is headed, numbered and labelled. This also helps you to develop a logical structure. The following layout is not entirely typical, but is appropriate for this assignment.

Title Page

This page should be informative, and use two or three lines if necessary.

Executive Summary (75-words maximum)

This is a vital part of the report. It helps the reader to understand the report more readily. It also helps busy readers, who do not have the time to read the complete report, to gain an overview of the content. It should include a brief summary of each main section of the report, but the most important components are a clear statement of the purpose of the report, and a summary of the recommendations and conclusions.

Contents List

The list shows the main sections and, if appropriate, sub-sections of the report, alongside the pages on which the reader can find them.


This section gives the reader a brief background to the work discussed in the report.

Marketing Communications Plan (or a more creative alternative)

This section will incorporate your recommended communications campaign plan. You will use theories, definitions and examples to enrich/strengthen your arguments and analyses. This section should contain the following subheadings:

• Situation analysis and definition of the marcomms problem;

• Target market profile;

• Objectives;

• Message and creative strategies and tools;

• Campaign evaluation and control;

• Budget.

You may wish to add more subheadings to this section. You should read the relevant chapter of your textbook to gain an overview of what each of the subheadings above entails.

You are expected to support your arguments with relevant theories and facts available in the required and recommended readings for this module. Additional resources (peer-reviewed academic journals) may also be used, as this will show your ability to carry out your own research and to act as an independent learner.

Ethical Considerations

This section requires reflexivity. It should discuss the potential ethical and/or social issues that may emanate from your campaign plan implementation. You must also discuss how you can prevent such issues occurring and/or how you would address such issues, should they arise.


This section provides a clear account of the conclusions of the report. It often involves reiterating key arguments that have appeared in previous sections, but the reader will not want to go back and find these. Rather, s/he will want them all clearly set out in the same place.

List of References

You must list the sources (e.g., books, academic journals, reports, websites) you have consulted to produce your report. The recommended format is the Harvard Referencing System. You should consult http://www(dot)i-cite(dot)bham(dot)ac(dot)uk/Harvard.shtml to learn how to reference your work appropriately.


The appendices must show evidence of the in-class activities you engage in throughout the module (i.e. proof of participation in blogging exercises, case study analyses, presentation and in-class paper discussions).

Please note: information supporting your arguments (e.g., tables, charts, figures and illustrations) should be included in the main text of the report. However, be careful when choosing what to include in the report, as such elements should be used with caution and only where they can help to strengthen your key arguments. Any text included in tables will be counted towards the total word count of the assignment.

The word limit for this assignment is 2,000 words, excluding appendices and references. There is no leeway and reports that exceed this word count limit will be penalised.

The report submission deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday, 27th March, 2019. Penalties apply for late submissions.

Module Learning Outcomes

The aim of this assignment is to assess the extent to which you meet the learning outcomes outlined for this module. Therefore, this assignment will assess whether you are able to:

• Critically appraise the diversity of marketing communications activities, and the concept and process of integrated marketing communications;

• Discuss differing approaches to theorising marketing communications and their contributions to the conceptualisation of marketing communications strategies and tactics;

• Demonstrate a critical and comprehensive understanding of varied marketing communications tools;

• Analyse and critically evaluate national, international and/or cross-cultural marketing communications strategies and campaigns; and

• Critically discuss the ethical issues traversing marketing communications and their role in culture and society.

Marking Criteria

Written reports will be assessed based on criteria including: quality and quantity of information; quality of analysis; scope, detail and creativity of recommended marketing communications strategies and tools; application of relevant theories; presentation and style; and evidence of in-class activities, to be demonstrated in the appendices.

Quality and Quantity of Information

A good report will follow all the guidelines provided above. It will also require extensive use of a wide range of information sources, and should demonstrate some initiative in searching out relevant information. Reports that lean too heavily on a very narrow range of sources will be penalised. NB: Since you are required to produce detailed references, make sure you keep a very careful track of where all the information you get comes from as you gather it (worth up to 10 marks).

Quality of Analysis

Reports will gain good marks for being genuinely analytical, and will lose marks for being merely descriptive. A description tells you how something is. An analysis tells you what its significance is. You must consider structure and the integration between sections of your report as very important criteria for grading (worth up to 20 marks).

Scope, Detail and Creativity of Recommended Marketing Communications Strategy

The marketing communications recommendations will be marked according to their integration with the analysis, creativity, originality and impact. Detailed and specific marcomms recommendations are required (worth up to 30 marks).

Application of Relevant Theories

A good report will take every opportunity to apply the concepts, models and techniques that you encounter in the module and its associated reading appropriately (worth up to 20 marks).

Presentation and Style

The finished report must be double-spaced, paginated, fully referenced, report-formatted, spell-checked, and grammatically correct. Marks will be given for the professional presentation of the report and attention to detail (worth up to 10 marks).


Your appendices must show evidence of the in-class activities you have engaged in throughout the module, that is, proof of participation in blogging exercises, case study analyses, presentation and in-class paper discussions (worth up to 10 marks).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Transparent Hands
Marketing Communication Plan
Executive Summary
Transparent Hands is a multi-national NGO with operations in major countries such as the U.S and the U.K. The major goal of the NGO is to provide surgeries for free to those people that cannot afford it. The NGO relies on donor contributions to be able to offer people free medical services. Their primary competitions are those NGOs that also rely on donor contributions to support various initiatives.
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc4057229 \h IIIntroduction PAGEREF _Toc4057230 \h 4The Marketing Communications Plan PAGEREF _Toc4057231 \h 4Situation analysis PAGEREF _Toc4057232 \h 4Service Analysis PAGEREF _Toc4057233 \h 4Market Analysis PAGEREF _Toc4057234 \h 5Competitive Analysis PAGEREF _Toc4057235 \h 5Current Financial Status PAGEREF _Toc4057236 \h 6Macro-environment PAGEREF _Toc4057237 \h 6Target market profile PAGEREF _Toc4057238 \h 6Objectives PAGEREF _Toc4057239 \h 7SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc4057240 \h 7Strengths PAGEREF _Toc4057241 \h 7Weaknesses PAGEREF _Toc4057242 \h 8Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc4057243 \h 8Threats PAGEREF _Toc4057244 \h 8Message and creative strategies and tools PAGEREF _Toc4057245 \h 8Campaign evaluation and control PAGEREF _Toc4057246 \h 9Budget PAGEREF _Toc4057247 \h 10Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc4057248 \h 10Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc4057249 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc4057250 \h 12
Having an integrated marketing communication plan is not a new concept. It has been advanced over the years and is now quite embraced. According to Kiliatchko (2005, p16), integrated marketing communication outlines the process of managing all sources of information about a service or a product that potential customers are exposed to, and which can move customers towards using those services, thus helping to maintain their loyalty. To most organizations, marketing communication is fundamental to their marketing efforts (De Pelsmacker, Geuens, and Van den Bergh, 2007). Coming up with a good marketing plan requires understanding the consumer journey, and this is normally complex (Kietzmann, Paschen and Treen, 2018, p263)
This communication plan is supposed to attract more donors to the initiative to offer free surgeries to those people that cannot afford it. The NGO has been instrumental in supporting the needy people from Pakistan, where some 70 million people live below the poverty line and cannot afford surgical treatments. The NGO has served this population successfully and to expand its reach; it needs to attract more donors while maintaining the existing ones.
The Marketing Communications Plan
Situation analysis
Situation analysis provides an overview of the circumstances that an organization faces (Fill, 2009, n.p; Ngwalle, 2010, n.p). Under situation analysis, we have market analysis and service analysis. We shall also look at the macroeconomic situation and their current financial standing.
Service Analysis
Service analysis is important when it comes to an understanding of the standards of services that are offered at an organization (Milichovský, 2013, p40). Transparent Hands offers surgeries for patients that they deem deserving. This is primarily what the company deals with, allowing donors to choose the patients they want to spend on and offering them a platform to make their donations transparently.
Market Analysis
A market analysis helps in understanding the dynamism of the market, thus allowing operations to run smoothly (Orasmäe, 2017, n.p). Currently, the NGO serves several parts of the globe with a presence in the U.K and the U.S. The NGO offers donors the chance to select those needy patients whose medications they can cater for. The donors can monitor how the patients are treated so that every fund can be well accounted for.
Therefore, the primary targets are those rich donors from all over the globe. The NGO targets any person who has the ability and the willingness to contribute. A majority of rich people in the developed countries are normally willing to contribute to the promotion of the welfare of those in need. What most donors need is transparency in the way their donations are handled because this is what drives them to contribute more or less to such courses.
Competitive Analysis
Competitive analysis provides an overview of the competitors within a market segment (Czepiel and Kerin, 2012, p42). The primary competitors of Transparent Hands are other charitable organizations within the UK. Even though no organization offers the same kind of services, there is competition for donors. Therefore, nothing stops a donor from shifting allegiance if they believe that the competitors are more organized and transparent in the services that they offer. The biggest competitor is “JustGiving” which also collects donations for funding of great courses around the world.
Current Financial Status
For most NGOs, while the government can offer some kind of support, their survival depends on grants and donations from donors and well-wishers (Hénon, Randel and Stirk, 2014, p109). Most NGOs have to account for their grants and donations, but they never have to declare their profits or losses the way other organizations do. However, they are accountable to their sponsors to ensure that they remain transparent and can account for all the funds given unto them.
Macro-environment refers to the conditions that affect the economy in general and not just a particular sector (Birnleitner and Student, 2013, p22; Pîndiche and Ionita, R., 2013, p327). Donations to charity have increased within the U.K over the last two years. In 2017, online giving increased by 12.1% globally while it increased by 18.5% within the U.K compared to 2016 (NPT-UK, 2018, n.p). This is the reason Transparent Hands has looked to attract potential donors online. The growth of social media has come with new ways of influencing marketing. Through social media, it is possible for organizations to reach wider audiences relatively cheaply. With the growth of technology, it has become even easier for organizations to use social media to expand their reach.
Target market profile
Every company needs to know their particular group of customers that they aim at their products or services. It is this group of customers that Larsen (2010, n.p) defined as the target market. Primarily, the target market is women. As NPT-UK (2018, n.p) notes, women have a higher likelihood of giving to charitable courses as compared to men. However, more men have been known to dedicate a lot of their wealth to courses that help to uplift the poor. As technology evolves further, it will even be easier for non-profit organizations to reach more potential donors easily. These donors will be able to make their donations towards the treatment of patients of their choice.
1 To determine the people most likely to act as donors towards helping the needy.
2 To establish who the greatest competitors of Transparent Hands are.
3 To explore additional services that can be offered so that the organization can be of greater value to a large number of people.
4 To establish the media preferred mostly by people to gather information about charitable organizations.
5 To reach out to more donors so that the number of needed people helped can increase.
6 To ensure that media coverage for transparent hands increases every month through highly publicized events.
SWOT Analysis
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