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The Importance Of Teamwork In The Workplace

Essay Instructions:

1. Equity Theory

2. Herzberg Theory

3.Motivation in the work

4.Mc Clelland's Theory. ( Achievement, power, and affiliation )

5. UK writer.

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Teamwork is a very common term used in everyday life. A collective and coherent effort of all members in a group to achieve something that has equal importance for all of them is called teamwork. All individuals in a team are referred to as team members (Wohlers & Hertel, 2018). These team members may or may not have some conflicts, but the ultimate purpose of making the team is to bring together their skills and steer them towards achieving a bigger goal.
Businesses across the globe use teamwork as a tool to grow their empire. It is also a fact that where many countries are already utilizing from this idea, countries like China are still relatively new to the arena. It has also been noted that one or more members of the team can let the whole team down. This leaves a negative effect on the overall performance of the team and business loses the opportunity to gain perceived advantages. There are some factors behind this failure that need to be addressed; however, the lack of motivation is the major cause here. It is important for organizations to find appropriate ways to keep the motivation level high amongst all team members for positive outcomes.
Below I will briefly touch Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of motivation, and then further discussion will be on how teamwork can play an essential role in a workplace concerning the motivation theory.
Herzberg’s Hygiene Theory
Frederick Herzberg was an American psychologist. He gained respect and popularity after the publication of his hygiene theory, which is also known as a two-factor theory. In this theory, he talks about the factors that cause work-related satisfaction and dissatisfaction for employees. These factors work like a force which is directly related to the performance of employees.
Importance of Teamwork
It will not be vague to say that all the modernity of today is the product of teamwork. How is it possible? In the last decade or so, the world has progressed more than the previous few decades together. This is due to the realization of businesses about the importance of teams (Winck, 1993). It has allowed many multinational companies to make teams, split tasks amongst them and achieve much faster results. This also allows many workers to develop their skills and gain recognition, and according to Herzberg’s theory, this is a factor of job satisfaction. The productive outcomes, thus, lead the companies to increased profitability and success.
Faster Results
It has been observed that skilled individuals are an asset for companies, but working alone can slow down the company’s growth. To achieve faster results, fresh perspectives of other team members can be more useful for the business than anything else. In teams, people bring out their skills and knowledge to achieve a common goal.
Coherent Effort
Let us take an example of a project your business needs to complete within a tight deadline. You have seven employees working on it but all separately. They will certainly do their best but might not be able to perform well, and you will either miss the deadline, or desired results will not be achieved. It is good to put the ten people together to work as a team. The level of efficiency will increase with their strengths working under...
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