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Systems Thinking and Sustainability

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Systems thinking is critical in developing solutions to sustainability challenges Name: Professor: Institution Course: Date: Systems Thinking and Sustainability Wicked problems refer to social, economic and environmental issues which are difficult or impossible to solve because of their complex nature. Ordinarily, these problems constitute of many interdependent factors which are hard to get solutions to for reasons such as their incomplete nature, contradictory knowledge, different opinions involved and their sizeable economic burden. Some of the features of a wicked problem may include lack of a definitive formula, the solutions of these problems cannot be tested, they have no exhaustive solutions, and they are interconnected with other issues. Additionally, solutions to wicked problems lack ultimate tests which make it hard to validate them; this may cause undesirable repercussions that may exceed the intended advantages after being implemented. Unlike the common issues that people encounter, wicked problems cannot be solved in a finite period through the use of standard techniques. Systems thinking may be defined as a comprehensive approach which involves focusing and examining the working of different parts which constitutes a system. Understanding how these small parts operate aids in understanding the working of the whole system. Systems thinking methods is different from the traditional analysis approach in that it breaks down a system into subsystems which are key in understanding and finding solutions to complex organizations. Systems thinking helps in seeing the structures, patterns and the cycles in a system rather than only focusing on particular events in a system. This makes it easy to identify the deep roots that result in complex behaviors, this is vital in predicting and changing the outcomes of a complicated issue (Arnold and Wade, 2015). It is keynoting that comprehension of the broad view of any given system is essential for quick recognition of causes of problems in an organization or a system and it also aids in knowing what and where to work on to achieve sensible results. Sustainability is critical when looking for a solution to complex issues. It is concerned with meeting the needs of the current problems without compromising the abilities of future generations. Usually, sustainability is comprised of three pillars which are economic, environmental and social. It should promote social development through establishing cohesion between communities thus achieving adequate and acceptable levels in the quality of life. Also, it should encourage ecological integrity by ensuring that nature and environmental systems are maintained at a balance and that they are inexhaustible resources (Williams, Kennedy, Philipp and Whiteman, 148). This is possible through protecting and using them in a rational manner. Further sustainability is aimed at promoting equal economic growth for all without harming the environment. It is essential to understand that systems thinking is fundamental in promoting sustainability through sustainable innovation. Usually, complex issues necessitate fast, innovative and practice solutions. This is practically important in a society where social inequality, climate change, and global economy require urgent solutions from individuals, organizations, and governments. There is a need for using systems thinking methods to handle these issues because the traditional approaches provide frameworks and tools which when implemented they struggle or fail to offer the intended solutions. To ensure that the solutions reach their full potential, greater attention should be focused on broader contexts of the different factors that are involved in the system. The global tourism is significantly increasing every year, and it is not expected to slow down anytime soon. Therefore, travelers and authorities are required to implement the necessary measures so that they can keep things in balance and aid in sustainability. Sustainable tourism may be referred to as a worldwide travel industry which is committed to promoting and not harming the country's local environment and heritage and also aid in enhancing the economy of the local people. Stronger sustainable tourism would help in impacting different areas of the society, for example, it would help in stimulating inclusive and sustainable economic growth by reducing poverty and increasing employment (World Tourism Organization, 2018). Also, it would promote resource efficiency and protection of the environment, and this would help in dealing with the problem of climate change and boost cultural diversity and heritage by promoting mutual understanding. The tourism industry is a dynamic and complex system which includes different interacting components, and it also involves various stakeholders each holding different management goals and objectives, and this makes it difficult to organize and control the system towards sustainability. Tourism trap causes over-tourism which is likely to cause potential threats to popular tourism destinations in different parts of the world. If not properly managed the problems caused by tourist trap facilitate negative and unavoidable social, environment and economic consequences. The problems experienced due to tourist trap are wicked since they are highly interconnected and they are not easily solved using the traditional approaches. The use of a systems thinking approach in developing sustainable tourism will help in looking deeper and comprehend why events happen in certain ways in the tourism industry thus causing some of the problems that are currently being experienced. Systems Thinking on Social Pillar There are many problems which have been caused by the tourist trap on the environment. These may include culture crush; this is particularly experienced in destination locations where tourists visit and fail to educate themselves or observe the customs of the local people. This is likely to make the locals feel offended thus causing conflicts. For example, the Middle East countries expect that women should cover themselves, therefore, when tourist women appear half-naked it might cause problems with the society and the local people may feel objected. Additionally, tourism can also contribute to ethical issues such as prostitution and sex tourism, sexual exploitation of young women and women has matched the growth of tourism in different countries around the world (Ghimire, 2016). Although tourism is not a direct cause of sexual misuse, it provides easy access to it since the availability of money makes it easy to lure children and young adults into this business. Additionally, tourism may also erode traditional values; this occurs when the local people adopt the moral principles of the visitors at the expense of their policies. Cultural deterioration is also likely to happen as a result of damaging existing cultural resources. It is also important to note that historic sites and monuments are also at risk of being vandalized as investors are securing spaces to construct hotels, restaurants, and apartments to host the tourists. Disputes related to the available resources have also been encountered between the locals and the tourists. Paramount resources such as the available houses and energy are the primary cause of disagreements. Systems thinking method is examined as a satisfactory and efficient approach for examining the variables that influence the performance of the social sustainability pillar. The application of this technique will result in a critical understanding of the various social subsystems which contribute to these social issues. Finding the solution to the factors described here will help in obtains a suitable solution to the broader social problem which is brought by tourism. For example, regarding cultural crush, educating or informing the tourists about the cultures of the destination before traveling may help them in understanding how they need to act so that they may not get with conflict with the local communities (Bâc Dorin Paul, 2012). For instance, local governments should develop a guide which helps the tourists know how they are supposed to dress. In this case, tourists who walk around the cities with their bathing suits may comprehend that this is unlawful and disgraceful to the local people. Changing their way of dressing would promote peaceful coexistence between the tourists and the local citizens, thus avoiding cultural crushes. Also, promoting the economic welfare of the local people may help in solving ethical such as sex tourism and prostitution. When the local people are economically empowered, children and young women will not be lured with money to sex exploitation by the tourists. Besides, enlightening the local populations about the importance of the historical sites in the tourism industry may make them recognize the need for preserving these monuments. Further offering the investors with alternatives sites for constructing restaurants would also help in safeguarding the tourist attraction sites. This indicates that systems thinking would help in promoting sustainability. Obtaining solutions to the factors causing the social problem will help in fixing issues with the social pillar. It is clear that educating the visitors about cultural practices of their tourist destination will minimize conflicts, improving people welfare will reduce prostituti...
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