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Inside Deconstruction Terrorism

Essay Instructions:

Objective-1 Examine definitions, origins and causes of terrorism
Objective-2 Compare objectives, patterns, and actors of terrorism before and after 2001.
Objective-3 Evaluate the character and influence of terrorist groups, their goals, structure, logistics and operations.
This is an assessment of the objectives listed above, you may only use the required readings provided resources here. No additional texts are permitted. You will be penalized if you ignore this request.
It means that you should carefully comb through the readings provided to find facts that pertain to these questions.
Please be sure to answer all three questions. You don't have to write an introduction or conclusion.
The required length is 4 double-spaced pages in 12 pt. font, not including the References.
Make sure to use the Chicago Reference Style with in-text citations and include a Reference List at the end of your essay.
Answer all three questions!
Choose a terrorist group (other than al Qaeda and ISIL) from the readings provided below, and describe it. Who are its key personnel? Why is this organization important?
Why is terrorism so difficult to define?
Pape claims that "suicide terrorism" can be sustained over time only when there already exists a high degree of commitment among the potential pool of recruits." What does he mean in the wordy statement?
Recommended readings.
Hoffman, Bruce. Inside Terrorism, Columbia University Press, 2006.
Byman, Daniel. Deadly Connections : States that Sponsor Terrorism, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Daniel Byman (2020) Understanding, and Misunderstanding, State Sponsorship of Terrorism, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2020.1738682
Hoffman B. Rethinking Terrorism and Counterterrorism Since 9/11. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. 2002;25(5):303-316. doi:10.1080/105761002901223
Cragin, R. Kim, et al. Dynamic Terrorist Threat : An Assessment of Group Motivations and Capabilities in a Changing World, RAND Corporation, The, 2004.
Deconstructing terrorism is the running title.
Consider the 2006 publication too, titled 'Policy analysis' by Pape, Robert A. Suicide terrorism and democracy: what we have learned since 9/11

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deconstructing Terrorism
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Terrorism is described as using illegal power or brutality against people or possessions to threaten or intimidate a nation into advancing communal objectives. Law enforcement identifies two types of terrorism that are domestic and foreign terrorism. Domestic terrorism is headquartered in the U.S and conducted out by Americans acting on their initiative. Terrorism related to foreign governments or parties exists outside of a country's boundaries.
Since 2001, terrorism has dominated the news. Whenever there is an accident involving an explosion, one of the first things to be asked is if it was another act of terrorism. Terrorism may be the most critical security concern of our time. It is, however, not a recent occurrence. People are highly affected by poor economic management, and this may be a driving force behind violence as people battle for what they desire.. Terrorist organizations are also established by persons who lack morals, leading to dehumanizing atrocities. Terrorists of this type want to be acknowledged as human beings with the same rights as everyone else. They may also be affected by religion, such as Muslims who disagree with some notions, resulting in bloodshed, and who believe that their ideas should be considered as well. Because of their differing views, religions may have an impact on terrorism.[Bruce, Hoffman. "Inside Terrorism Columbia University Press." New York (2006): 33.]
Objective 2
Terrorism is sometimes analyzed as a consistent result of a political letdown. When individuals seek remedy for their problems through the government but are unsuccessful in getting the government's awareness, they may turn to violence. Violence, in this perspective, is the outcome of a rational examination of a group's aims and objectives, as well as its assessment of the possibility of triumph.
Terrorism conveys a political statement, and its aims are more than merely to cause harm. It has recently evolved into a dangerous threat in all countries across the world. Terrorists, on the other hand, always target specific groups and are driven by social, economic activity, politics, and religious ideas. The number of terrorists has grown over time due to their ability to persuade individuals from all around the world to join them. The development of nationalism is one of the primary causes of terrorism. Nationalist movements may be motivated by political or religious views, and the opposing party may resort to terrorism. Inequality is another factor that contributes to terrorism.[Bruce, Hoffman. "Rethinking Terrorism and counterterrorism since 9/11." Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 25, no. 5 (2002): 303-316.]
Objective 3
Terrorists are thought to be ignorant, easily misled, and motivated to violence as a result of poverty, according to popular belief. The truth is far more complicated. Gathering reliable statistics on all types of terrorists is challenging, but many broad patterns have been inconsistent, regardless of group.. Even in the same nations, the average suicide attack kills ten people, but the middle non-suicide attack kills one person. As a result, they're tactically helpful. At the political level, the techniques are likewise more successful. Because the concept that where one suicide attacker exists, there may be many more exists, one assault might be interpreted as a foreshadowing of future attacks. As a result, powerful nations have begun to withdraw militarily. Hezbollah employed suicide strikes in Lebanon in the 1980s to force the United States to withdraw its military commitment. In October 1983, 241 Marines were murdered, including one suicide attacker among them. Ro returned four months later.[Kim, Cragin, Sara A. Daly, Susan S. Everingham, Jill House, M. Rebecca Kilburn, and Cheryl Y. Marcum. The dynamic terrorist threat: An assessment of group motivations and capabilities in a changing world. Rand Corporation, 2004.] [Ibid]
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