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Social Sciences
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Analyzing Life through Sociological Concepts

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you are tasked with using sociological concepts from lectures and your readings to analyze your own life. You do not need to do outside research, and need only rely only on course material. The assignment should be 1-2 pages long, single spaced. The assignment must be a minimum of one full page. Your paper in this assignment is an open-ended sociological reflection using your life as the site of analysis. The aim of the assignment for you to develop your sociological imaginations by using concepts to think about your own life. You will choose two (and absolutely no more than three) sociological concepts (from lecture, the textbooks, or the readings) to reflect on a circumstance or event from your life related to one of the following: family, education, or work

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Analyzing Life through Sociological Concepts
Institutional affiliation
Social Concepts Reflection
The sociological concept is the scientific analysis of the human relationship. The primary presumption of sociology is that groups to which people belong and social interaction that transpires in those groups essentially shape human habits. Instances of sociological concepts comprise social stratification, norms and values, and social mobility. This essay considers various sociological concepts, and analyzes how I would apply them in real life situations, with a reflection on how they might influence me daily actions.
Social stratification refers to the societal categorization of people into a social ladder based on factors like education, wealth, and power. Social stratification encompasses a hierarchy of social groups. Educational accomplishment often determines an individual’s social class. My academic works and go-getter attitude saw me climb the social ladder at work. I had worked hard to be recognized and rewarded for a higher position at my workplace, and I intend to work even harder to maintain my status. I realized that social stratification provides the drive and motivation towards objective attainments. I also comprehended that people seem to relate social gratification to inequality, a sentiment I do not echo, and that’s why I intend to use my newly found status to motivate and educate fellow students who just joined the work environment.[Dillon, Michele. Introduction to sociological theory: Theorists, concepts, and their applicability to the twenty-first century. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.]
Social norms are principles, guides, and prospects for definite behavior; values are importance and value concepts. We as humans need norms for guidance and direction for our behaviors. Having a comprehensible set of values often help workers comprehend what the company stands for. The business’ values always give a sense of security and guidance for work, which results in the right decision-making by the employees—the decision that aids in accomplishing the company’s visions and objectives. Also, a person’s value time and again aligns with the business values; a person employed in the organization not only outstandingly perform but also has a prolonged existence in the company. At my workplace, there are norms that guide our practices; they include...
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