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The Bond between Humans and Dolphins (Literature & Language Essay)

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The Bond between Humans and Dolphins
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It is undeniable that humans have long felt a strong attraction towards dolphins. Humans, being social beings have an urge to socialize, not only with other humans but also with animals (Grandgeorge and Hausberger 2011, 399). Such human-animal socialization is more pronounced in the attempt by humans to socialize with dolphins. Humans have interacted with dolphins since time immemorial. Indeed, an analysis of dolphins has been critical in understanding the origins of human beings in the animal kingdom. Significant similarities exist between dolphins and humans that are not even found between humans and apes. For instance, the idea that dolphins need to get air from the surface of the water makes them similar to humans. Due to the curiosity of people to unearth such similarities, the bond between dolphins and humans have grown with time. In the past, human interaction with these sea mammals was limited to hunting. As individuals learned of their intelligence and capability to interact, the bond grew stronger. However, an increase in instances where dolphins have injured individuals has led to questions regarding whether such a bond exists (Christiansen 2016, 2). Similarly, instances where dolphins are injured, for instance by boat propellers have risen concerns about the encounter of dolphins with humans. This begs the question, does a genuine bond exist between humans and dolphins?
Some dolphins prefer to live closer to humans and forsake the habitats to enhance interactions with humans. Fungie (also known as Dingle Dolphin) is an example of a bottleneck dolphin that has become separated from other world dolphins and now stays in close contact with humans. First seen in 1983, Fungie has remained in close contact with humans for 37 years. He is known to interact playfully with swimmers and divers with no recorded cases of being aggressive towards them (Gregg 2020). Without a bond with humans, Fungie would have instances where he has harmed humans. On the other hand, the individuals Fungie has interacted with have not harmed him. Divers and swimmers enjoy being close to him. While it is normal for social animals like dolphins to stay in close contact with one another, it is rare for them to seek out contact with people (Gregg 2020). Fungie is a demonstration that it is not only humans who want to have contact with dolphins. In the same way, dolphins want proximity with humans and hence make an initiative to actualize it. Given that Fungie has been consistent in his contact with humans, this implies that he has a genuine bond with them. His interaction with human beings shows how dolphins and humans can interact harmoniously.
Humans visit zoos to enhance their bond with dolphins. Modern zoos are critical in fostering the care and welfare of the animals they exhibit and educating the public on the importance of conservation efforts. Further, zoos have been known for being a form of entertainment and a major destination for visitors especially during their leisure time (Godinez, Andrea, and Eduardo, 2019). As urbanization increases, more individuals want to create time for leisure. This has seen an increase in the number of people visiting animals. The same has happened to zoos housing dolphins where more visitors have been observed. Individuals want to interact with dolphins. This it would be challenging to interact with the animals in their natural habitat, zoos have made it possible for humans to maintain close contact with dolphins. People want to interact with dolphins to enhance the bond with them. In the same way, dolphins benefit from their interaction with humans. Individuals with no sense of bond with animals continue to destroy the environment. This has been done through pollution of the environment which has destroyed the habitats of wildlife including that of dolphins. However, when individuals visit zoos, they begin appreciating the essence of conservation efforts (Godinez, Andrea, and Eduardo, 2019). The entrance fee paid to access the zoos goes into protecting the animals from extinction. In the end, while humans get pleasure from interacting with dolphins, the animals benefit from the conservation efforts. The fact that humans can sacrifice their money to support the conservation of dolphins shows that the bond between the two is genuine.
Dolphins share significant characteristics with humans, both physical and mental, which causes the two to find some common grounds to enhance their bond. Physically, dolphins are mammals like humans. They give live birth just like humans and unlike most fish in the sea, do not have gills. Like other mammals, dolphins breathe air into their lungs. Mentally, dolphins show significant similarities to humans. Together with whales, dolphins possess the largest brains in the ocean, which are even larger than that of human beings. Due to their intelligence, dolphins have impressive problem-solving skills, social interactions, and have a complex communication system. They not only can learn and humans but also they can pass the knowledge to others. While dolphins are intelligent, this does not mean that they are smarter than humans. They do not possess the same cognitive abilities as individuals. They still lack problem-solving and structured discussion to the degree that individuals do. However, with a certain degree of intelligence, dolphins are among the smartest animals. Humans connect because of their cognitive abilities. The complex social interactions that humans have developed over the years has allowed them to create strong bonds among themselves. Without intelligence, humans will be unable to reach out to each other and subsequently form strong bonds. In the same way, as humans find dolphins to possess a level of intelligence, they are inclined to become curious about these animals. Humans hence find it easy to bond with dolphins due to their cognitive capability. In the same way, since dolphins have intelligence, it is easy for them to connect and humans.
Dolphins swim along with humans and help them sometimes when in danger. In their quest to interact with humans, dolphins seek out after humans. Dolphins have been appearing to swim along with humans. They appear friendly to swimmers and divers. In the case where humans are in danger, say from sharks, dolphins have been known to save humans. They do this by forming a protecting wall along swimmers to shield them from danger. Incidences of dolphins saving humans have been recorded since time immemorial. Historical accounts demonstrate that dolphins have been saving humans in danger. For example, in November 2004, four swimmers were saved by dolphins from a great white shark. Rob Howes had gone swimming with his daughter and two of her friends on the North Island. While swimming, dolphins appeared suddenly. However, Howes thought that the dolphins were being playful, not knowing the danger that the swimmers were in (Jones 2004). The dolphins started herding the swimmers up by pushing them together by doing tight circles around them. When Howes tried drifting away, some of the dolphins herded him back. Suddenly, Howes spotted a 10ft great white shark moving towards their direction. It is at this point that Howes realized that the dolphins had circled the swimmers to protect them from the shark. The dolphins kept their vigil for more than half an hour until the shark lost interest and the swimmers could swim back to the shore. Similarly, Maddalena Bearzi records how dolphins guided them to rescue a suicidal girl. Bearzi and her research team were monitoring a school of bottlenose dolphins near the shore in the waters off Los Angeles, California (Bearzi 2020). As the animals were feeding in a circle, one of the dolphins changed direction and moved towards the deeper water. Soon, the rest of the school followed, until they stopped and formed a ring around a dark object. One of the scientists soon recognized a lifeless body in the water. The researchers ended up rescuing the girl, thanks to the dolphins that they managed to save the suicidal girl on time.
The two incidences demonstrate how dolphins are willing to protect humans from sharks and rescue those drowning. This indicates how dolphins have empathy towards humans. The animals are hence willing to do whatever it takes to warn humans of i...
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