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Review of Secondary Sources (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Follow the instructions, I have already found three academic journal articles relate to my research topic, let me know if you have any questions.

Instructions: In 800-1000 words, write a review of an academic book or 3 academic journal articles and/or book chapters in an edited volume (peer-reviewed) relevant to your research topic. In your review, you must answer the following questions: What is the thesis or main argument of the book or each article? What is the subject or topic of the book or each article? How does the author support his/her argument? How does the author structure his/her argument? How has this book or set of articles helped you better understand the subject? Your review should be double spaced, using standard fonts and rules of citation (i.e. Times New Roman, 12 point; footnotes in Chicago Manual of Style; PARENTHETICAL FOOTNOTES NOT PERMITTED).,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Aiqi Wu
INTS Seminar
Professor Markle
Review of Secondary Sources
Debata, Ranjan, & Tian, Guang. “A cultural rights approach vs. nationalist mobilization: An applied anthropological case study of the Uyghur diaspora community.” Practicing Anthropology, 33, no. 4 (2011), 35-38.
Debata, M. R., & Tian, R. G. (2011). A cultural rights approach vs. nationalist mobilization: An applied anthropological case study of the Uyghur diaspora community. Practicing Anthropology, 33(4), 35-38.
Thesis statement
Debata and Tian (2010) have used the article to discuss the political activities of a population of Uyghur migrants in the United States and the appropriate approach that such a population should exploit to gain their independence amicably from the People’s Republic of China. The article embeds the discussion on the viability of either nationalist mobilization or a cultural rights approach to arrive at the targeted solutions.
The Topic
The topic of this publication peer-reviewed article is “A cultural rights approach vs. nationalist mobilization: An applied anthropological case study of the Uyghur diaspora community”. Debata and Tian (2010) have driven the topic from the activities of Uyghur migrants who live in the US. Debata and Tian’s article discusses the political activities of a population of Uyghur migrants in the United States and the appropriate approach that such a population should exploit to gain their independence amicably from the People’s Republic of China. The article embedsdelves into the discussion on the viability of either nationalist mobilization or a cultural rights approach to arrive at the targeted solutions socio-political solutions by the Uyghurs. The authors argue that the number of Uyghur political organizations have increased in the past due to a lack of unified political ideologies. At the same time, the Chinese government has consistently accused members of the Uyghur community living overseas of terrorist activities. More notable is the fact that members of the Uyghur who live overseas have failed to form a singular strategy to explore their political course.
How the Authors Support their Argument
The authors also argue that members of the Uyghur community in the US are pursuing the right political course through the wrong strategies. They support this argument by analyzing the multiple Uyghur political organizations that exist in the US. Each of the organizations is assessed based on its structure and political approach. The conclusions are stemmed from the analyses.
Structuring the Argument
The authors have structured the argument in such a manner that it depicts both sides of the divide. The inputs are developmental. That is, the authors describe the topic from causes to impacts. The article is subdivided into subtopics that explore elements of the main purpose of the study. The researchers have also included primary inputs from the targeted populations that enhance the quality of their argument.
Understanding the Subject
Debata and Tian (2010) have employed an approach that eases the understanding of their assertions. Reading this article eases the understanding of disagreements between China and Uyghur people. This article is a testament that more inputs must be put in understanding people before concluding complex concepts.Any study about the Uyghurs can benefit onfrom this paper’s approach in exploring reasons how different political ideations have impacted the Uyghur’s quest for independence.
Ding, Mei. “From Xinjiang to Australia: Shifted Meanings of being Russian.” Inner Asia, 17, no. 2 (2015), 243-272.Ding, M. (2015). From Xinjiang to Australia: Shifted Meanings of being Russian. Inner Asia, (17)2, 243-272.
Thesis Statement
The article is based on anthropological fieldwork in China and Australia, and it investigates the formation of the eluosi zu and the changing concept of ‘the Russian’ in Xinjiang, with the emphasis on the socialist period after 1949 when this Russian community began their influx into Australia.
The Topic
The titletopic for this article is “From Xinjiang to Australia: Shifted Meanings of being Russian”. Ding (2015) follows the development of a small group of Russians descent who migrated into China’s Xinjiang before showing an affinity towards Australia. Russians are said to have lived in China, in a place called Xinjiang, since the 19th century. Their presence in China was acclimatized, with them being recognized as one of the ethnic groups in China. This Russian community is fast becoming an important tool in the relationship between Australia and China in as far as international relations is concerned.
The article is bas...
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