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Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Cover Letter Essay. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Cover Letter

The cover letter has two parts.

First, do a close reading of your own writing (1 page double spaced) in which you make an argument about how your work has evolved using your essays and pre-drafts as evidence. As you make your argument, consider the following questions:

Which is your best essay? Offer specific details on its merits.

What are your weaknesses as a writer, and what work have you done this semester to overcome or reduce them?

What writing discoveries have you made? What important concepts did you learn in this class?

What frustrations did you encounter, and how did you handle them?

What patterns do you see in your portfolio? Is there a consistent feature to your writing that you didn’t recognize before examining all of your work together?

What does your portfolio illustrate about your development as a writer, student, or critical thinker?

Second, imaging that you have been given the following prompt and asked to write a 10–15 page research paper for an economics class:

“The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 with some variation among the states. Make an argument about the effects of increasing the minimum wage.”

In 1.5 pages (double-spaced), write one full paragraph addressing each question:

What are the steps you need to take to write a successful paper?

Given that you may never have taken a class in this discipline, what discipline-specific knowledge would you need to learn?

In what ways will the skills you learned in your UWS help you to write this paper and answer the first two questions?

To the writers that it only requires 2.5-page double-space paper. And the first part is one page and the second part is 1.5 pages. Clarify it to the writers for me please. Basically what second part of this assignment is asking if you got a writing prompt of that topic and requires you to write a 10-15 page essay (Just imagine you have to write 10-15 paper on that topic, you do not have to write an actual 10-15 page essay), answer the following questions:

Write one full paragraph addressing each question:

What are the steps you need to take to write a successful paper?

Given that you may never have taken a class in this discipline, what discipline-specific knowledge would you need to learn?

In what ways will the skills you learned in your UWS help you to write this paper and answer the first two questions?

In one paragraph and 1.5 pages. Is this explanation clear?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cover Letter
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Cover Letter
Throughout this semester, I have seen my work evolve in great ways that I did not imagine possible. From all the works we have done, the essay I consider my best is the one on the bond between humans and dolphins. The paper was argumentative where one side of the argument refuses the existence of a bond between the two given the aggressive behavior of dolphins towards humans whereas the other side supports the existence of this bond considering that dolphins often save humans. The nature of this essay allowed me to do extensive and rigorous research that has enabled me to grow. As a writer, my major weakness was starting on a paper immediately before making an outline. However, through the proposal, I have been able to overcome this and now I write a plan and good proposal before starting my paper. From this class, I have been able to learn that good writing is a process that requires thorough preparation. I discovered that it is necessary and important to research the broader scope since this enables one to understand the topic and thesis better. For instance, in this proposal, the more I compared my sources of information, the better I understood the direction of my thesis. The main frustration encountered was in relation to the nature of the topic that required me to undertake extensive research. Because of this, I struggled a lot to incorporate enough evidence in my research paper. To handle this, I decided to lay down a good plan on how to write the proposal and rather than starting immediately, I took enough time to understand the topic. Based on my portfolio, there is no doubt that I have developed as a writer as evidenced by the proposal. The proposal clearly shows that extensive research was done thereby leading to the high quality work. This is because I incorporated all the feedback from my peers and instructor.
Writing a successful paper requires that one follow some steps. In this case, the first step will be to analyze the prompt in order to ensure that I understand everything that is required. The next step would be to create a thesis statement that summarizes all the main ideas that will be covered and discussed in...
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