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The Controversy Surrounding Confederate Monuments

Essay Instructions:

Papers should be at least four full pages in length (excluding illustrations), no more than six full pages in length, double-spaced, and in a 12-point font. The paper is due on April 19 before 11:00 AM.

Among the most controversial works of art in the United States today are public monuments commemorating the Civil War, particularly those that portray the war from a Confederate perspective or that include African Americans. This assignment asks you to explore the controversy, to examine some of the positions taken up by those engaged in it, and to formulate your own understanding of the best way to proceed at present.

Use any (and as many as you like) of the following questions as a prompt for your essay:

What are the main issues raised in the debate, and how have they been addressed? What reasons have been offered for the removal or preservation of Civil War monuments? Which do you find convincing or unconvincing? Why? What solutions have been offered regarding individual monuments? Should none, some, or all of the monuments commemorating the Civil War from a Confederate perspective be removed? What are the most important things to consider in relation to the controversy?

The exact organization and focus of your essay is up to you. It may be easiest to focus on the controversy in general and to articulate your own attitude or approach to it. It may be helpful to use individual monuments and arguments as examples in your essay. You may wish to focus on one argument or one instance of the controversy in particular, and include other arguments and instances in relation to it. All essays, however, should have a clear organization, with an introduction, a body that explores various aspects of the problem, and a conclusion.

Rather than having you conduct research independently, we have gathered together a number of relevant articles, excerpts from books, and other material. This material is found on the course Compass site in the section devoted to the second paper. You will find there a “Library” divided into three sections: scholarly essays, journalism, and other material. Your essay must cite two works from the first section and two from the second. Those in the third section are optional, but students who are particularly interested in the topic, or who would like to attempt to use evidence in more creative or evocative ways, are welcome to use them. The section contains an article that is only peripherally related to your topic (but nonetheless very interesting) and two poems. You may also cite material that you have found independently. In general, editorials from newspapers declare strong opinions and may help you formulate your own. Scholarly articles may be helpful in providing examples and establishing facts. They generally pursue more nuanced and complex arguments. Your paper should not simply repeat someone else’s arguments, but should bring a variety of arguments into a dialogue, even if ultimately you side with one author in particular.

Much like we did in the in-class debate devoted to the Benin Bronzes, we want you to cite evidence and employ arguments found in the reading, in addition to formulating your own arguments. In section we pulled quotations and points out of scholarly articles for you. Now you must find this material for yourself.

All ideas and quotations taken from other authors must be properly footnoted using the rules found in Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing about Art, 290, and 333-340. (This is the book you used in the first weeks of this class.) Barnet is following the conventions of the Chicago Manual of Style (found here: https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formatting_and_style_guide/chicago_manual_of_style_17th_edition.html). You do not need to cite any information that you take from the various parts of the assignment itself or from lecture and section, as we will consider this to be knowledge that is generally known.

Remember, cite all your sources, whether they are the ones we have given to you, or ones that you found on your own. You do not need to cite commonly available or known ideas and facts.

Regarding the writing, hopefully you will begin the paper early enough so that by the end, you have time to revise your writing. When evaluating the papers, we will take into consideration the extent to which the writing is organized, concise, elegant, clear, and engaging.

Papers should be at least four full pages in length (excluding illustrations), no more than six full pages in length, double-spaced, and in a 12-point font. The paper is due on April 19 before 11:00 AM.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Controversy Surrounding Confederate Monuments
The Controversy Surrounding Confederate Monuments
The issues surrounding the confederate monuments has produced different arguments, especially in the Southern regions of the United States. There have been nationwide protests against racism and people are advocating for removal of confederate statues in the nation. In total, there United States has more than 700 monuments and statues. In the recent past, Florida removed the statue representing a confederate soldier in Hemming Park because there was a planned protest in the area. Virginia also removed the monument of General Stonewall Jackson, which represented a confederate soldier because of the violence against racism that rose in the region. One of the arguments from individuals supporting the removal of the monuments is that they are protesting against white supremacy.
Stonewall Jackson in Richmond, Virginia
A confederate statue removed in Hemming Park
The monuments and statues are considered as shrines promoting white supremacy, and people are protesting against the racial representation in many of the statue’s places across the United States. The essay focuses on the issues raised in the debate, how they have been addressed, and the reason for removal and preservation of the monuments. Further, the essay will also offer reasons on why these aspects are convincing and solutions that can be offered regarding individual monuments. There are certain important aspects that can be considered in addressing the issues surrounding the controversy.
Main Issues Raised in the Debate
The elimination of the monuments and statues is an ongoing debate across the United States. It is a debate that has existed since the 1960, shortly after the civil war. It has been more than 150 years since the monuments were constructed, but there is still consideration how history will be affected upon their removal. As noted earlier, there are several local governments that have decided to remove the monuments from their public spaces. There is a group arguing that removal of the monuments is a similar to erasing the history and culture of the Southern region. Most people represented by the monuments served the confederacy and depict the soldiers who fought in defense of slavery (Blight, 2020). The existence of the confederate statues reminds people of historical injustices, especially racism and slavery. Most of the people represented in the confederate statues also opposed their used through the advancement of messages of intolerance and hate.
Those who defend their removal argue that they are not representing racism and slavery. They say that the confederate engaged in the civil war to safeguard their rights and in opposition of the federal system. Through the use of the confederate flag on the statues, they are commemorating the history and culture of the region. However, the minorities, especially blacks consider the presence of these statues as something that offensive and promotes white supremacy. The symbols represented in the statues represent messages about the values cherished by those who promote their preservation. The statues are never symbolling of culture and history (Valls, 2019).
The issues of racism and white supremacy remain controversial, rendering the future of the confederate monuments uncertain. There are many possibilities regarding their existence and wellbeing in the American landscape. They are directly linked with the history of racial injustices across America. Most of the people represented by the statues engaged in activities that aimed to advance racism, slavery, and other prejudices against minorities is America. Therefore, to remove the monument is not erasing history (Beetham, 2020). It is a...
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