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Police Brutality in America Today

Essay Instructions:

English 2110

Dr M

Formal Essay Assignment (100 points)

This assignment seeks to satisfy NSU’s General Education Competency Student Learning Outcome:

Students will communicate an understanding of the diversity of human experience, including issues such as nationality, ethnicity, race, language, gender, sexuality, exceptionalities, religion, and culture.

The goal of this SLO is for students to think critically about how nationality, ethnicity, race, language, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, and other factors contribute to the ways in which writers (and all of us) build and express ideas about selfhood and membership in society.

Thus, as I grade these papers, I will be asking questions like:

• Does the student analyze, not simply summarize, relevant elements of the literary works to document diversity while demonstrating awareness and understanding of cultural differences and expressions?

• Does the student explore diversity in a literary context, considering, for example, literary elements such as language, characters’ or speakers’ backstories, characters’ or speakers’ identities and behaviors, textual symbolism, and so on?

• Does the student produce quality writing? For example, does the essay have appropriate structure and organization, clear topic sentences that make a claim, quotations and other evidence in support of that claim, explications to show how that evidence is effective support, strong transitional sentences, a logical progression, and few if any errors in grammar, syntax, and punctuation?

• Does the student’s essay satisfy the chosen writing prompt?

The prompt:

1. Choose two (or three) works from any of our readings this semester and compose an essay of at least 1000 words in which you explain the works’ relevance for a reader in the United States in 2021, specifically reflecting on how reading, analyzing, and researching the background and culture in these works changed the way you understand your own identity, culture, and position as a global citizen.

Please organize the material and use specific examples and quotations from the stories and/or poems to support a clear and specific claim that you make about identity, diversity, and yourself through the analysis and interpretation of the works you have chosen.

The argument should be your own, related to you and your own experiences and ideas, and should be arguable based on a close reading of the texts. Your ideas may also be reinforced by the work of published critics, reviewers, and/or interviews with the authors. A separate final page of your paper should be a Works Cited on which you list any research materials and the texts that you discuss, all of which must be cited by author and page number in the paper

*** Stories to research***

“Emmett Till’s name still catches in my throat”

“Blink Your Eyes”

“A Small Needful Fact"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

(Course Name)
(Instructor’s Name)
(Date of Submission)
Police Brutality in America
Police brutality happens when police officers use excessive and unwarranted illegal force against civilians. Brutality ranges from battery to assault and also extends to torture, mayhem, and murder. Police brutality could also involve intimidation, harassment (false arrest), verbal abuse, and other types of mistreatment. Americans of all races, genders, ages, ethnicities have been subjects of police brutality. For example, in the early 19th century, the poor and working-class white Americans showed their frustrations towards discriminatory practices and laws in northern parts of the country. The Jewish and other immigrants from Europe expressed their fears and discrimination by police in their communities. Also, many police departments had to use extralegal tactics to fight Italian immigrants to discourage organized crimes. Complaints of harassment of persons of various sexual orientations were voicing police brutality and racial profiling. However, the majority of historically oppressed people are African Americans. There have been many reports of anti-black operations in the various police departments, and also related prejudice plays a significant role in the oppression of marginalized groups. Most of these officers are from white police departments.[Angus, Jeanelle, and Vaughn Crichlow. "A race and power perspective on police brutality in America." FAU Undergraduate Research Journal 7 (2018): 8-8.]
In addition, African Americans can attest that they experience racism directed towards them by police compared to any other race. The rogue officers are accepted into their departments because of systemic acceptance, success, and promotion. Their actions are seen as values, attitudes, and practices that have been infused into their system. Most urban police departments show group loyalty and solidarity with this culture. African Americans have experienced police brutality both in the past, and the issue is still persistent today. Racial and economic disparities are the main reasons why such actions still progress.
Diversity is defined as a wide range of interests, experiences, and backgrounds. Groups of people and individuals are diverse in their race, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, geographical area, sexual orientation, and language. Diversity can be measured across many variables. People can have different skills, hobbies, and career interests. They can also have different political views. Diversity also includes being open to differences in perspectives, people, and cultures. Diversity should embrace the multitude of different cultures and backgrounds in one environment towards the same goals. Diversity explores a comprehensive integration and immersion of various people, cultures, and experiences. The variation in people's backgrounds can bring intellectual interest and aptitude.
Police brutality has been a cause of civil riots to oppose racial dissemination. The worst civil riots were witnessed since 1960. The riots came about from the murder of unarmed black men, the fatal shooting of teenagers, and the use of excessive force and assault. These riots have caused loss of lives, arrests, and damage to property of colossal value. For example, in the Los Angeles Riots of 1992, around fifty people were killed in six days. More than 3200 people were injured, while the value of destruction of property is estimated at $ 1 billion. Most of these protests also come from the failure of the judicial system to indict rogue police officers for their actions. There is also a huge diversity in how the judicial system treats convicted felons. White persons undergoing judicial treatment get preferential treatment and are more likely to get...
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