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A Reflection Paper on Linguistics

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A Reflection Paper on Linguistics
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A Reflection Paper on Linguistics
Linguistics has a powerful effect on everyone. The language spoken by a person determines so much more than any other medium. The words used by people often have a tone and a connotation. One thing that I have noticed is that there are languages that have words for certain phenomena that other languages do not have. I am also enthralled by how some languages are developed with male and female in mind. The case I am referring to is Spanish. In Spanish, objects are given male or female names. For instance, la niña refers to unpredictable weather conditions, wherein there is so much rain. This speaks about how Spanish is as a language- there is maleness and femaleness. In contrast, el niño refers to drought and is a male-centered word. I have always been fascinated by other languages and I often wonder how many amazing books and songs I am missing out because I don’t speak that language.
The speakers were able to convince me that learning a language during early life is important for growth and development. No matter how many languages a child is exposed to, the child will learn the language from early on. I was convinced that there are people who are born and are exposed to more than three languages. Another thing that the speakers convinced me is that there are syntax and rules in dialects that are not found in languages. I agree with...
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