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Research Outline 2.2: The Bond between Humans and Dolphins

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See attached, the instructor recomand us to do two types of outline, tranditional written-out outline and a graphic outline. Please do the tranditional outline for me please so I can do the graphic outline by myself. Thank you!

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Research Outline 2.2: The Bond between Humans and Dolphins
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Human beings are social and hence have an urge to socialize not only with fellow humans but also with animals. Such human-animal socialization is more pronounced in the attempt by humans to socialize with dolphins. Humans have interacted with dolphins since time immemorial. Indeed, an analysis of dolphins has been critical in understanding the origins of human beings in the animal kingdom. Considering the interaction, this begs the question, does a genuine bond exist between humans and dolphins?
1.0 Some dolphins prefer to live closer to human beings
1.1. Fungie (also known as Dingle Dolphin) is an example of a bottleneck dolphin that has become separated from other world dolphins and now stays in close contact with humans. First seen in 1983, Fungie has remained in close contact with humans for 37 years.
1.2. He is known to interact playfully with swimmers and divers with no recorded cases of being aggressive towards them.
2.0 Cases of aggressive behavior in dolphins can be linked to captivity
2.1. Captivity severely compromises the dolphin’s quality of life. In the wild, dolphins can swim long distances looking for food and mates and interacting with other pod members.
2.2. However, in captivity, dolphins are kept in questionable conditions, leading to stress that eventually leads to aggressive behavior
3.0 Humans visit zoos to enhance their bond with dolphins
3.1. The number of individuals visiting zoos to interact with dolphins has increased. Individuals want to see and interact with dolphins to enhance their bond...
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