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Choose one of the following question. Speech for Amnesty International

Essay Instructions:

3500 words chicago referencing

Assignment Instructions

Choose ONE of the following (in each case there should be a list of reference sources at the end):

You are appointed to be the Minister for Immigration, write a speech introducing your NEW refugee policy to Amnesty International OR

Write an annotated pamphlet for asylum seekers arriving in Australia by plane outlining the current position in relation to their options and rights OR

Write a pamphlet, for the general public in Australia, explaining the current situation in relation to refugees around the world and how they are treated by Western countries (use maps, charts, graphs etc.)

Marking criteria

This is the marking matrix I use. However, as a social scientist I know that since the marking of essays cannot be an exact science, these are just areas for you to make sure that you have covered. Past experience suggests that students find creativity and critiquing the sources the most difficult aspects.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Speech for Amnesty International
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I have much respect for the work that Amnesty International is doing to ensure that human rights are observed across the various parts of the world in which they have branches. The organization has done good work because it is evident in the daily news that people are being mistreated and justice does not prevail. It has been the obligation of Amnesty International to identify such cases in the countries that they represent and do a follow up on the cases to ensure that justice is done. This has resulted in a world whereby individuals are confident about doing the activities that are allowed by human rights. Therefore, I will urge the Amnesty International to adopt the policy of doing background checks on refugees. I will also talk about the various reasons as to why the background checks are of importance. Also, I will outline the various challenges that the organization might face during the implementation of this policy as well as the expected benefits.
The new refugee policy will ensure that every refugee is taken through a thorough screening process to get as much information about them as possible. Among the processes involved will be a separation of families from individual refugees. This will make it is to get information about every person. In the case of families, they will be required to provide their identification documents that will be in turn verified from their home countries. They will also provide contact information for other family members that can be consulted in the event of an emergency. To add on, it will be important to get the political views about the people to ensure that they will not be a source of unrest in the host country. Some people have strong political views which can bring a negative influence on other people, hence making them question the eligibility of the government. People are out there to sale news, and therefore, an individual might pretend to be a refugee so that they can collect information about the government and sell it to other countries. Political wars are known to begin as a result of minor political opinions in a country which turn out to be a problem when exposed to the masses. For instance, journalists have a great talent in presenting information in a manner which would evoke feelings from the audience. In the case of individual refugees, a more serious screening will be done because they raise a question as to why they have fled their countries leaving their families behind. It is unfortunate that some of their families might have perished in the war. However, that is not a guarantee for a free pass. A person with a bad intention would do anything to ensure that they cover their tracks. Therefore, the individual refugees will be asked to provide identifying information as much as possible before they can be allowed into other countries. Also, their biometric data will also be collected. This would help in ensuring that they do not have bad intentions for coming into other countries. If possible, their government should be able to verify their identities and eligibility of being accepted into another country. After the screening process, the refugees will be provided with new identity documents that they will be using while in the host countries. In several occasions, the authorities will require them to provide such documents. Also, a background follows up will be done based on the contact information that the refugees provide during the interview. This is essential in ensuring that they gave the correct details.[Fischer, Philip R. "Refugee Screening." Infectious Disease Alert 37, no. 7 (2018).]
Background checks have been done in various sectors across the world. In most cases, they are identified with organizations to ensure that they employ the right people. Therefore, in the case of refugees, it is important to carry out background checks to ensure the safety of the individuals that the refugees will interact with. Most of the refugees have fled their country as a result of war and, hence, it is difficult to tell the notion that they have about other people. The background checks involve a screening process to ensure that they do not have weapons that they could in turn use to harm the natives of the country that they have fled to. Refugees spend a substantial amount of their life not knowing what peace is and, therefore, a slight argument with another person would mean a lot to them to the extent of killing a person. In such a case, it could be difficult for Amnesty International to seek justice for the parties involved. First, the society believes that the refugees deserve much sympathy for the troubles that they have gone through and therefore, this could be a justification for their reason of committing a crime.
On the other hand, the natives would be judged wrong for having disrupted the feelings of a person who fled their country to seek peace in another nation. Therefore, this means that doing background checks would ensure that the refugees do not come with any weapons that can be used to cause harm to other people. As a result, this would free your organization from the burden of having to solve difficult cases regarding human rights.
Also, there has been an increase in the number of terrorist attacks across the world. Governments of various countries have taken the initiative to ensure that the security system of their countries is tight hence preventing the occurrence of future attacks. Similarly, Amnesty International can play an important role in helping the reduction of such attacks by doing background checks on refugees. Some individuals pretend to be refugees fleeing war from their countries while on the other hand, they have a motive of going to a certain country so that they can plan their attacks. It is easier for a terrorist to attack a place whereby they have prior information regarding the manner in which things are done in such a place as compared to the idea of launching an attack to a foreign area. The terrorists take their time to learn the ways of the people and, in turn, strategize on the best time when they should launch their attack.
An example is the case of Somalia and Kenya in Africa. Research shows that Somalia has been a base for the Al-Shabaab. Therefore, the Kenyan government sent troops in Somalia to help the residents in curbing the attacks that were being done by the al-Shabaab. As a result, the Al-Shabaab decided to retaliate by carrying out terrorist attacks in Kenya. For instance, they attacked a university in the northeastern part of Kenya whereby a substantial number of students were killed. They also made an attack on a mall in the same country killing hundreds of people. It is believed that the al-Shabaab made their way into the country by going into refugee camps known as Dadaab. The government of Kenya has even advocated for the closure of that camp to prevent the occurrence of further attacks because it was acting as a pass to terrorists. However, it would also be unethical because most of the refugees are genuine and therefore background checks would help in ensuring that the camp does not host terrorists. Such a case is bound to happen to any country. Therefore, doing background checks on the refugees before allowing them into the country would help in the identification of the individuals that have an ill motive of entering that country. In turn, this would eradicate any terrorist attacks resulting from some of the refugees. Your organization has the obligation of protecting human rights. I believe that every human being has a right to live and hence, their life should not be cut short by terrorists. Therefore, Amnesty International can help a lot in preventing terrorism.[Anderson, David M., and Jacob McKnight. "Kenya at war: Al-Shabaab and its enemies in Eastern Africa." African Affairs114, no. 454 (2014): 1-27.] [Cannon, Brendon J., and Dominic Ruto Pkalya. "Why al-Shabaab Attacks Kenya: Questioning the Narrative Paradigm." Terrorism and Political Violence (2017): 1-17.]
Also, the background checks would act as a natural way of preventing people with bad motives from entering a country. For example, the border of the United States of America carries out a thorough screening to all the refugees entering the country. The screening is also done on other people coming in for business purposes. Hence, this sends a message to other nations that it would not be easy to enter the United States of America with an ill motive. The through screening would also help in identifying drug traffickers that are out to destroy the lives of young people in the refugee camps. It would be difficult to solve a case of drug trafficking in a refugee camp because it would come back to the border security as to how an individual ended up with drugs in a refugee camp. Therefore, Amnesty International has the obligation of protecting human rights by ensuring that refugees do not do things that would comprise their stay in their country as refugees. Some of the refugees might be genuine, but deciding to involve themselves in illegal business leaves the host countries with no option but deport or prosecute them. Drug trafficking has become one of the most talked about topics because it is happening all over the world. The drug trafficker always gets a way of entering into a foreign country with drugs. Women and children have been the made target used by the traffickers to get drugs into a particular country. To add on, they pretend to be refugees so that they can be given an easy pass into their target country and, therefore, the screening should not exclude them. They should be the main targets of background checks. I believe that Amnesty was developed to watch over the rights of children due to their innocence. Hence, ensuring that the children do not fall victims of drug traffickers can be a big step towards the observation of their rights. Standing for human rights does not only involve the idea of helping people once they have been caught in trouble, but it also involves the eradication of the issues that might lead the people in trouble. This can be best done by carrying out background checks on individuals.[Kallius, Annastiina, Daniel Monterescu, and Prem Kumar Rajaram. "Immobilizing mobility: Border ethnography, illiberal democracy, and the politics of the “refugee crisis” in Hungary." American Ethnologist 43, no. 1 (2016): 25-37.] [Kahn, Robert S. Other people's blood: US immigration prisons in the Reagan decade. Routledge, 2018.]
Concisely, one of the outcomes of carrying out background checks is that it will help in the eradication of terrorist attacks. For instance, the United States of America is expected to accept an approximation of 10000 refugees from Syria. However, their big worry is the question as to whether some extremists might take advantage of the refugees and enter the country with the motive of carrying out attacks. On the other hand, it would be logical to take in the refugees because most of them are children. Also, the United States ensure that they achieve this outcome by carrying out thorough background checks. Refugees have to submit themselves to an in-person interview that is carried out overseas. During those interviews, they have to provide personal biographical information, that of their friends, families and probably friends. This enables the government to determine the kind of person that they are about to accept in their country. They also provide their contact information and their previous employment records. In addition to this information, a record of the refugee’s fingerprints is kept for future reference in the event an individual is caught in a compromising situation. A detailed screening is done on the refugees from Syria because the US is careful about the tricks used by terrorists. Research shows that most of the terrorist attacks that have been taking place have a connection to the Syrians. As well, the refugees from Syria are fleeing war and therefore, it is important to ensure that a thorough screening is done to prevent them from transferring such war into other countries. Amnesty International d...
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