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Greek And Roman Understanding the Concept of Sexual Misbehavior

Essay Instructions:

Here are the topics

Essay one

[Select one essay from the list produced below. The specified length for this essay is 1000 words. The essay is due November 3 and it’s due by midnight. The essay will require a bibliography of at least six items (two of which ideally, though not necessarily could be books – you can find bibliographical items on line through JSTOR or Project Muse or Google Books). I don’t mind if you overshoot the word length, though you won’t get extra marks for doing so. Don’t undershot, however, as this may lead to lost marks. Footnotes and bibliography do not count as part of your word count. You can show me your drafts as often as you want.

1. Try to illustrate the importance of humor in Apuleius’ The Golden Ass and Juvenal’s Satires 3 and 4. (It would be better to keep your discussion limited to just two or three examples from each text. Define what you mean by humor, especially black humor.)

2. The theme of sexual misbehavior in males is very important in Seneca’s tragedy. It’s also important for Apuleius. Can you see any parallels between the way these two authors utilize this theme? (Don’t forget to define what you mean by sexual misbehavior.)

3. The theme of inversion is prominent in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses and in Juvenal, Satires 3 and 4. Can you see any parallels between the way these two authors utilize this theme?

4. Seneca likes to “comment” on the problems of his own era through the use of mythological legend. Can you find any parallels for this in Apuleius? (You should illustrate from both authors.)

5. How important is the theme of the destruction of the family for Apuleius in the Golden Ass and for Seneca in either the Thyestes or the Phaedra.

6. If you would like to nominate your own topic here, that is fine by me. However, you should check this with me first to make sure that there’s enough in what you choose.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Theme of Sexual Misbehavior
Throughout history, poets and novelists have used their literary works to detail and highlight some of the societal issues and also offer probable remedies. Some of these talented poets and novelists managed not only to pass their messages along through vivid themes, but they also did so humorously and comically that adhered to the greater public. Lucius Annaseus Seneca and Apuleius are two important literature “magicians” whose names are sung and celebrated in high accords because of the significant contributions they made in using their abilities with words to share insights on some of the societal concerns. Precisely, these two literature artists succeeded in highlighting the issue of sexual misbehavior in their narratives. The paper, therefore, purports to examine how Lucas Seneca and Apuleius managed to depict the theme of sexual transgression in males effectively.
Understanding the Concept of Sexual Misbehavior
According to Patterson and Burnham (2004) “sexual misbehavior or misconduct is a broad term encompassing any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation”. In the reiteration of the statement mentioned above, sexual misbehavior for the mere fact that there is a lack of consent is an offense and also includes forced sexual relations between intimate individuals. For instance, the act of a husband forcing himself on his wife is considered sexual misconduct and the spouse has every right to seek redemption from the relevant law enforcing agencies.[Patterson, James T., and John C. Burnham. "Bad Habits: Drinking, Smoking, Taking Drugs, Gambling, Sexual Misbehavior, And Swearing In American History." Journal Of Interdisciplinary History, vol 25, no. 2, 2004, p. 332.]
The theme of Sexual Misbehavior in Seneca’s Tragedy
The Senecan tragedy is a compilation of several plays written by Stoic Philosopher Lucius Seneca. He is attributed to not only fostering the development of the Stoic ideas and thoughts but also in his effective detailing of the issue of sexual misconduct in some of his plays. Gender inequality and stereotyping were rampant during that period and most cases comprised of men sexually molesting and victimizing individuals of the female gender. However, Seneca, as is seen in his plays, was able to show that the problem of sexual misbehavior cuts across both genders through the continued sexual misgivings that befell the male characters in the narratives.
From the play Phaedra, Seneca details about the lustful relations between the protagonist and her stepson Hippolytus. Seneca used the play to highlight the sexual transgressions of mothers and stepmothers. Phaedra had become lonely since her husband the King of Athens had long disappeared into the underworld, and as a result, she began to have affections for her stepson. The relation between close family members is considered as incest and has been outlawed and tabooed in many societies around the world. Nonetheless, Phaedra profusely confesses her undying love and passion for Hippolytus to her nurse and even shares that she would commit suicide if he denied her the opportunity for them to be together. Phaedra eventually tries to coerce her stepson into a relationship with her by advising him to take his place as the heir to the throne. By using coercive tactics and her position as the queen to lure Hippolytus into an intimate relationship, Phaedra committed sexual misconduct. Hippolytus though remained steadfast and refused her advances, and consequently, Phaedra accused him of rape and attempted murder.[Mayer, Roland. "Seneca: "Phaedra." Duckworth Companions To Greek And Roman Tragedy". The Classical World, vol 98, no. 2, 2005, p. 232.]
From the play Medea, Seneca denotes the protagonist as a creature of passion whose uncontrolled emotions and broken heart forced her into countless ef...
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