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Article Review related to The Class. Begaudeau’s Objectivity

Essay Instructions:

please only focus the article  (Leon Sachs) and the book "the class" by Francois Beaudreau (i will upload the cover of the book as well). do not use any other references. the theme should be the focus on "I agree/disagree with how the article Leon Sachs describes the book (the class) and why." use more and more individual opinion and feelings rather than data and quotes. thank you

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Article Review
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Article Review
First of all, The Class by Begaudeau is a story that describes an entire school year and is told through the unenthusiastic persona of a ninth grade French and Literature teacher at a public school in Paris. The details of the book are quite intriguing and prompted Leo Sachs to write about it. Well, Sachs does present some interesting facts about the book and shares his viewpoint concerning certain aspects of the book which am inclined to agree with. In his article titled Finding 1'Ecole republicaine in the Damnedest of Places: Francois Begaudeau's Entre les Murs, Sachs does make his views known. As indicated, I do agree with Sachs’ ideas concerning the book and this article seeks to show and explain the reasons why.
Begaudeau’s Objectivity
First of all, Begaudeau’s book can be confusing but reading it carefully does reveal certain facts which Sachs captures in his article. Sachs describes the book as being a “representation of the twenty-first-century republican school.” Well, this is indeed true as the twenty-first-century republican school does mimic the system Begaudeau captures in his book. However, it is crucial to also note how Begaudeau challenges the readers to think for themselves and to judge the Republican school with a new outlook and perspective. Instead of making things obvious and revealing the problems in the Republican schools, Begaudeau leaves it to the reader to fill in the gaps something which Sachs alludes to in his article. He says the book “trains the reader to look anew at the republican school and study the republican legacy with fresh eyes.”
Begaudeau’s Use of the Object Lesson
The other thing I agree with from Sachs’ description or analysis of The Class is his insistence that Begaudeau makes use of the object lesson method of teaching. Sachs notes that “the way in which Entre les Murs prompts the reader to observe and analyze with little authorial assistance approximates in literary terms that quintessentially republican teaching method known as the leçon de choses.” Begaudeau fails to develop the story or even the characters something that prompts the reader to seek for themselves and to fill in the missing pieces. Readers are forced deduce the underlying message from the book which serves as Begaudeau’s explanation and understanding of the Republican school. The object lesson method of learning entails the use of real-life examples or objects to study or learn something. Well, in this situation, Begaudeau’s book does serve as a good example of object lesson method of teaching because he offers a real-life situation and then expects the readers to capture or deduce for themselves what the implication or message is. Sachs is indeed right in his assertion because Begaudeau does prompt the reader to think more and analyze everything within the book.
Begaudeau’s Impartiality
In another instance, Sachs appears to indicate that Begaudeau is impartial in his depiction of the problems within republican schools. Well, there is some truth...
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