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The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) History Essay

Essay Instructions:

I found an art work in the Asian Art Museum(see it in files), and you could write around the art work I chose. If you think my choice is hard to write, you can choose a piece of art to write in the scope of the file I sent, but please ask me before you write!!!

!!All the requirements for writing are also in the file!!

Thank you:D

The art work website: https://collections(dot)asianart(dot)org/collection/guanyin/


Visual Analysis Paper #2 (Non-Western Art)- Due 11:59 pm, November 19 Submit via Canvas For this assignment, you must choose an example of ancient artwork from the nonWestern tradition for visual analysis. You may pick an Asian (India, China, Korea, or Japan), Mesoamerican, sub-Saharan African or Islamic object to write about, as long as it dates before 1400 CE. You are free to pick any object that you wish, though I would highly recommend getting approval from me before you start writing. For an Asian work of art, you may pick an object from the Asian Art Museum: https://asianart.org/ For a Mesoamerican work of art, you may pick an object from the National Anthropological Museum in Mexico: https://mna.inah.gob.mx/salas.php?sala=4 For an African work of art, you may pick an object from the Yale University Art Gallery: https://artgallery.yale.edu/ OR the Metropolitan Museum of Art: https://metmuseum.org/ For an Islamic work of art, you may pick an object from the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto: https://www.agakhanmuseum.org/collection Visual analysis is the basic unit of art historical writing, in which one addresses an artwork’s formal elements, such as color, line, texture, composition, and size. Basically, you should think as if you are describing the work of art to someone who has never seen it before, and who does not have the image in front of him or her. A formal analysis is also more than just a description of the work, and should include a thesis statement that encapsulates your conclusions about the work. The thesis statement, may answer a question such as: What do I think is the meaning and/or function of this object? What is the message that this work or artist sends to the viewer? How is this work of art an example of the historical period in which it was made (you may also consider the fact that it may be reactive against the art historical norms of the period)? The thesis statement is incredibly important, and is what makes your paper interpretive rather than just descriptive. REMEMBER: This is NOT a research paper, nor should your paper spend too much time discussing iconography. Your introduction- the first paragraph- should include the basic information about the piece that you are writing about (the artist, the title of the work, which is italicized every time you use the title in your paper, and the date). You should then discuss what the subject of the work is and provide a brief description of the work, which should help the reader understand how you formulated your thesis statement. In the body of your paper, you must analyze the form of the artwork and use this description to support any interpretations you may have about the object. For instance, if an image looks as if it is conveying a sense of power or authority, what are the visual elements (such as size, color, material, etc.) of the piece that made you come to this conclusion? Your paper should be carefully organized, and your observations should help support your thesis statement. Your conclusion- the final paragraph- should reiterate the main points you made in your paper, and explain how they all support your thesis statement. Other Paper Requirements: Please include the object’s tombstone information at the beginning of the paper, in the following format (this part should be single spaced): Title: Artist (if known): Medium: Provenance (where an object is from): Date: Museum and Museum Accession number: Your paper should be 2-3 pages double-spaced (roughly 500- 800 words with a standard font). Late papers will not be accepted. If you foresee an issue that would cause you to not be able to turn in your paper by the due date you must let me know ahead of time (and by ahead of time, I don’t mean the evening before the paper is due!). What you’ll be graded on: 1) How effectively you describe the work of art 2) How effectively you support your thesis statement 3) How well you organize the thoughts in your paper 4) Spelling 5) Grammar 6) Punctuation 7) How closely you follow the instructions for this paper

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Title: The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin)
Medium: Wood (paulownia) with pigments
Provenance: China; Song dynasty
Date: (960–1279)
Museum and Museum Accession number: The Avery Brundage Collection, B60S24+
The art titled The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) represents the Chinese Buddhist deity of compassion who assists others' spiritual goals. The artwork is a sculpture from the Song dynasty between the years 960 to 1279. This sculpture is a representation of the Buddhist religion in art. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is worshipped for the belief that he offers compassion to the laity and offers help to those who suffer. The wooden sculpture can be interpreted as male or female with a relaxed posture having one leg raised and a draped arm. The sculptured deity wears a triple crown, and the entire body is covered with a long garment with accessories such as a bulky necklace and jewels, a shawl above the shoulders, and a belt. The piece is wooden with slightly distinct shades of blueish green, brown and golden pigments. This sculpture could represent the religious connection between the Chinese and Indians.["The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) | Collections | Asian Art Museum". 2020. Collections. https://collections.asianart.org/collection/guanyin/.] [John Eaton Calthorpe, Blofeld. Bodhisattva of compassion: The mystical tradition of Kuan Yin. Shambhala Publications, 2009.]
The blend of various features of the artwork informs its association with Indian and Chinese traditions. During the 12th century, stone sculptures declined in China as wood pieces started to gain more value. The artwork also originates from the Song Dynasty in China and dates back to Indian-Chinese Buddhist interactions. Moreover, Chinese Buddhist art was greatly influenced by Indian Pala art. The angular transitions and the designs between body parts, the Oval shape of the face, a protruding chest, and high cheekbones have are derived initially from Pala traditions. Furthermore, China's wooden sculpture has a plump oval face contrary to the Chinese artistic practice of Square faces. The clothing line has an origin of India...
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