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History Essay: Comparing the Techniques of Anna Deveare Smith and Moises Kaufman

Essay Instructions:

Please write a 4-page essay comparing the techniques of Anna Deveare Smith and Moises Kaufman. How do they differ? What does each achieve that the other does not? Which do you think is stronger and why? You can argue from whatever perspective feels the most important to you – emotion, historical accuracy, current implications, or whatever you choose. But be sure to use specific details and quotations to build your argument. If you need the plays purchased let me know if there is any way I could get them for you. I have attached my previous essay and here is the comment that was provided to me: I can see that you worked hard on this paper. It shows in the many well-written sentences. And I can see that you hunted around to do research for it as well.

I wish you hadn't, however, because your reliance on other people's ideas makes it harder for your own to come through here. Rather than the other reviewers, I think there could be more of your own thinking and framework.

Additionally, you need more specifics and quotations to ground your claims and make them concrete. In a way, your paper is written with big ideas -- which is great -- but they need detailed examples to bring them to life.

Please consider the above comments when working on this essay, if you need the plays purchased please communicate so I can get them either in an e-book or some other way so you could utilize quotations and specifics to support the claims

Anna Deveare Smith, Fires in the Mirror

Moises Kaufman, Gross Indecency: Wilde

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Comparing the Techniques of Anna Deveare Smith and Moises Kaufman
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Comparing the Techniques of Anna Deveare Smith and Moises Kaufman
Emotional Technique
Anna Deveare Smith is identified as having the creativity to blur the lines between theatre and journalism through text from real-life encounters towards the creation of gripping portraits. The aspect of accessing the interviewees’ actual voices leads to the achievement of a unique perspective of the accounts of the author that the reading of other books cannot provide. Such a provision provides a greater depth of character by using such effects as tone, inflection, and raw emotion that enables the audience to experience other storytelling layers through voice.[Smith, Anna Deavere. Fires in the Mirror. Anchor, 2015.]
Even though there is no specific mention as such by Smith or Kauffman, there is an eminent comparison between their works. Kauffman’s work provides the channel as a model for Smith’s long-term series of plays. There is a demonstration by Smith on the powerful effects of recreating raw emotion in her performance. “To me, the most important doorway into the soul of a person is her or his words” (12). . In this case, the nature of Smith’s performance reveals the pain and frustration as reflected in the tone inflections.[Ibid]
The technique that Smith applies to reflect the various vocalizations, as well as gestures verbatim from the interview records, in this case, provides a bridge from character to the actor. Simultaneously, the technique also provides an actor to a character, thus creating a symbiotic relationship that adds value to the impact of storytelling. As seen in Moises Kaufmann and Smith in Fires in the Mirror, there is the aspect of capturing a similar authenticity in the identification of the culture. In this case, the dual-focused approach of reporting narrative through language as done by Smith and the common threshold that unifies the tragic event creates the ability to find the unexpected alongside the unguarded within every speaker as an objective base of interfering with the big picture.
While Smith and Kauffmann perform research on individuals representing their cultural world view, two significant differences exist between their presentation approaches. Kauffman bases his research on extensive study of certain individuals within a specific environment, yet not exclusively based on personal interviews. From the perspective of being interviewers and participatory observers, Kaufman emphasizes the value of exchanging between themselves and the interviewees more than towards the objective reporting of the event as journalists.
Kauffman spends considerable time, approximately fifteen months, building trust and familiarizing with interviewees alongside the town’s culture. In this case, the approach is considered by Kauffman as far more detailed as compared to the work done by most television journalists. Comparatively, Smith spends only a few days, specifically, eight days undertaking interviews on individuals for Fires in the Mirror. However much they share depiction of tragic events, Smith’s work is identified as lacking some degree of authenticity in the verbatim style of approach.[Smith, Anna Deavere. Fires in the Mirror. Anchor, 2015.]
The creative process, as portrayed by Smith, emanates from the correlation between language and character identity. Such a level of identity is coined through word selections, language gaps alongside speech patterns as applicable by the speaker and interviewee.
The use of language
The effect of language as used by Smith has a great influence on the character identity. For instance, the introduction part of Fires in the Mirror states:
I wanted to develop ...a technique that would empower the other to find the actor rather than the other way around ...If we were to inhabit the speech pattern of another and walk in the speech of another, we could find the individuality of the other experience that individuality viscerally. (xxvii).[Smith, Anna Deavere. Fires in the Mirror. Anchor, 2015.]
Smith’s reference to “the other [finding] the actor” represents the aspect of denying the actor the freedom of interpretation. Such a technique provides authenticity to the language of the characters considering their original means of conveying language by use of tone and gesture. However, the application of such techniques in acting limits various opportunities that could enable creative choices. Failure to recognize the language of characters may guarantees loss of meaning in some instances, therefore, preventing connection to the source. This is the value alongside reasoning that reflects Smith’s technique of mirroring. Examination of the effects of language gaps as provided by speech patterns increases the ability to build the connection between source originality and the actor’s level of interpreting character identification.
One typical example representing the language gap as applicable in people’s speech patterns entails the use of pauses and stutters. With the concept of incorporating the use of pause and stutters as provided in the original interview, the author provides a process through which the meaning of responses is said and not said. The use of the language gaps, such as the application of pause and stutter, provides a means of self-censor...
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