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The Gettysburg Adress History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

The Gettysburg adress by Abraham Lincoln


Start typing here. Indent all subsequent paragraphs and use one-inch margins all around and font size 10, 11, or 12 CPI (characters per inch). Trust your eyes. Your font size should be about the size of this text. Also . . . double-space all text. Single space and indent any “block” quotations that are at least five lines long. As a general rule, you should use block quotations sparingly—readers tend to see these things and skip over them. E.g., how many of you bothered to read the rest of this or bothered to note that I just did a cut and paste op to run this block quotation over five lines. Single space and indent any “block” quotations that are at least five lines long. As a general rule, you should use block quotations sparingly—readers tend to see these things and skip over them. E.g., how many of you bothered to read the rest of this or bothered to note that I just did a cut and paste op to run this block quotation over five lines? Single space all notes and bibliography but double space between each individual note and each individual bibliographic citation. Number all pages consecutively, including note and bibliography pages, in the upper-right corner beginning with the number 1. This is not, as they say, rocket science. Just make your project look like this document and you will be fine on matters of form. For help on note and bibliography form, you may purchase from the MATC bookstore or any good bookstore a copy of the MLA style guide or Kate Turabian’s Guide. Since we are in the internet age, you can save money by looking up sample citations on the internet. Here is an example: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/turabian/turabian-notes-and-bibliography-citationquick-guide.html 2 MS Word and other computer writing programs will allow you to do either footnotes or endnotes. For simplicity’s sake, we will all be doing footnotes. Here is an example of who footnotes will look like on your pages; this one shows how to cite a book and is taken from my own work.1 Here is an example of a short cut; “ibid.” is a Latin abbreviation meaning “in the same place.”2 Here is another example of how to cite an internet source.3 Here is another example of a short cut.4 And here is an example of what you can do with an “annotated footnote” (if relevant, you may add written material to your notes; thus, we call these “annotated footnotes”).5 Here is an example of a parenthetical note and please be aware that we will NOT be doing parenthetical notes (Smith, 19). This of course would refer to page 19 of a book by a person named “Smith.” By using footnotes instead of parenthetical notes, we will be taking notes out of the text and placing them out of the way at the “foot” (i.e., the bottom) of the page. We will do this so that you have some experience doing footnotes as you are liable to run into a professor down the line who will not accept parenthetical references. When should you use footnotes? Here is a link that explains in plain English: http://www.historyguide.org/guide/footnotes.html To insert footnotes in MS Word, simply click on "references" up top and then click on "insert footnotes." That's it. The software will place and number your footnotes. If you 1 Kenneth O’Reilly, Nixon’s Piano: Presidents and Racial Politics from Washington to Clinton (New York: Free Press, 1995), 26-29. 2 Ibid., 87. 3 White House press conf., July 15, 2008, http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/07/20080715-1.html 4 O’Reilly, Nixon’s Piano, 57. 5 Rather than look back to “Shock and Awe,” the Michigan GOP looked ahead to “Sub and Prime” with a plan to use foreclosure lists to prevent those who lost their homes from voting in the November elections. Michigan Messenger, Sept. 28, 2009. 3 have another writing program, just Google "name of your writing program how to insert footnotes." Finally, I have attached a sample bibliography page (scroll down and you will see it). The basic rule is to list each source in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name. Some sources have no author. Just a title. So, list all the sources for which you have an author first and then list all the sources for which you have only a title. List these alphabetically too, based on the first word in the title. 4 Bibliography Bruck, Connie. When Hollywood Had a King. New York: Random House, 2003. Reeves, Richard. President Nixon: Alone in the White House. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001. Strober, Gerald S. & Deborah H. Nixon: An Oral History of His Presidency. New York: HarperCollins, 1994. U.S. Senate. Select Intelligence Committee. Postwar Findings About Iraq’s WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How They Compare with Prewar Assessments. 109th Cong., 2d sess., 2006. _____. _____. Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. Hearings. 93d Cong., 2d Sess., 1974, Book 1, 123, 157, 229. “Battle for Fallujah,” n.d. [ca. Nov. 2003], http://www.talkingproud.us/Military042805D.html (link inoperative) “Team B.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 49(April 1993): 22-27. “The Texas Clemency Memos.” Atlantic, July/Aug. 2003, 31-44.

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HIST 206-202 (or whatever course/section numbers)
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Prof. O’Reilly
An Analysis of the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was 16th American leader with excellent knowledge and influential personality. His famous speech “The Gettysburg Address” during the America Civil War is quoted everywhere as the most motivational speech in American history. In this speech, he inspires his nation by reminding their magnificent past, stressing to be united, and preparing for a better future. Amid widespread anarchy and crisis, his speech conveyed the message of faith, order, peace, and optimism in the nation of the United States and came out as a great source of inspiration for the entire world.
Background of Abraham Lincoln
The 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, is known to be one of the most outstanding leaders in the history of America. The most prominent historical event during his presidency was the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February 1809 to a family of Lincolns in Kentucky. He was reared in Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana by the poor parents, who could not afford the expenses of his education. That is why Abraham Lincoln depended on self-education, with a particular interest in law. He got the degree of a lawyer and chose to practice his qualification in Illinois in 1836. His official political career began in 1846 when he was elected for a term to represent Whig Party in Congress after sitting in the state parliament from 1834 to 1842. Then, he associated his name with the Republican Party in 1856 and qualified for the presidential election in 1860.[Matthew Pinsker, "Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, and: Abraham Lincoln: A Constitutional Biography (review)," Civil War History 47, no. 2 (2001): xx, doi:10.1353/cwh.2001.0030.]
During his presidential movement, Lincoln laid strong resistance against slavery. Therefore, when he was elected as a president, several Southerners got frightened, expecting anti-slavery initiatives from him. Subsequently, seven Southerners quitted the Confederacy. However, four more states linked later. The president undertook to save Confederacy even if it destined to war.[Pinsker]
Violence broke out forming the Civil War in April 1861 under the defending of the Union by Lincoln, but he officially decreed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, eliminating slavery in cities still under control by the Union. This act by Lincoln turned out to be an iconic gesture of his mission to free slaves endeavouring through the Union. Abraham Lincoln is known to be the more decisive leader than any other in his energies to victory in the war. Activating martial law, suspending legal rights and exploring effective Union leaders are a few of his influential acts during the Civil War. After all, he found Ulysses S Grant to command the Union in 1864, who was the most trustworthy general according to the president.[Pinsker]
Lincoln delivered his most controversial, quoted and worldwide known Gettysburg Address on 19 November 1863, in response to the commitment of a cemetery of Union soldiers at the spot of the Ballet of Gettysburg, a pivotal Union triumph that had happened formerly in the year. Lincoln became president again in 1864. The Civil War ended in 1865 after over four years, having killed millions of the Americans. Soon after, Lincoln died in the morning on 15 April 1865 after having gunned down in Washington DC one day ago by a famous supporter of the Union, John Wilkes Booth.[Pinsker]
Analysis of the Gettysburg Address and Its Impact
The controversial Gettysburg Address was Lincoln's speech, delivered on 19th November 1863. This speech was in response to the devotion of soldiers at Union, killed at the battlefield of Gettysburg during the Civil War. Although the speech did not get immense importance at the day it delivered, it became a motivational set of quotes for Americans later. The address was delivered in a time of chaos and distress, creating optimism and inspiration. Not only for the United States, but also many other countries, this is considered to be the perfectly motivational and popular speech by Lincoln. The leader spoke to his people about the history, the value of unity, and instilled the light of motivation and faith among them.[Jared Peatman, The Long Shadow of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (Carbondale: SIU Press, 2013)]
The overall address contains only ten sentences composed of 272 words by Lincoln. These few words have undying importance for people everywhere in the world.
The address's first significant meaning,...
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