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The Course Project, Part 3: Presentation History Essay

Essay Instructions:

Learning Outcomes

After completing this part of the project, students will be able to summarize the research and conclusions of a thesis paper in the form of a short presentation.


Create a presentation of your research, including the following:

A cover/title slide with your name, title of the paper, date, class name, and professor.

Thesis statement (one or two sentences)

An outline of your argument

Three to five key points with cited images (title, author, year.)



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Project: Research Paper
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Project Presentation
The period that followed the Second World War was significant for the growth of art in America. The experiences in the course of the war created a notable social and cultural gap in America. It was a gap that neither military nor politicians could fill. The only people who came to the rescue of the nation were artists. Artists such as Jasper Johns, Yves Klein, and Jackson Pollock revitalized style in art and introduced prospects by which people associated. This presentation focuses on the works of the three artists and how they combined with changing perception, style, and cultural motivation in a difficult period for America. Artists in the modern era remain superior figures in America’s art, bearing their unique ability to invade the viewer’s real space through intricate inputs into the reverse perspective, imagery, and appreciation for aesthetic qualities of images as evidence in their works.
Jasper John’s Three Flags
Three Flags is one of the most monumental works following the war. Johns’ work was inspired by personal experiences gained from traveling through different cultures. According to Johns, Americans did not have the right perception of art. He believed that people explored the aesthetic value of art at the expense of the emotional responses that art could trigger. Three Flags is a work that intends to revitalize the viewer’s perception and attitude towards art as it helps society to be more focused on the cultural aspects of its growth. This work elevated Johns as an American hero because it delivered an intricate message to a nation that was almost falling culturally after a grueling battle experience.[Leder, Helmut & Gerger, Gernot & Dressler, Stefan & Schabmann, Alfred. “How Art Is Appreciated.” Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 6. 2-10 (2012). 10.1037/a0026396.]
Jackson Pollock- Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)
Autumn Rhythm was artist Pollock’s definitive works considering the impression that it triggered. Pollock is an artist who believed in personality as a vital influence on art. In Pollock&rsqu...
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