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Goddess Bastet and Egypt history: History Essay

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Goddess Bastet and Egypt History
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Goddess Bastet and Egypt History
The name of the goddess has undergone several changes. Initially, it was B'sst, then, Ubaste, Bast, and lastly Bastet as it is today. Claims reveal that the name might mean her of the ointment jar. It is because she is related to protection and also defensive ointments. She was thought to be a twin sister to goddess Artemis by the Greeks. Bastet was originally was a very fierce lioness warrior goddess of the sun. She was worshipped throughout Egypt and later changed into the cat goddess. She is explained as the daughter of Ra and Isis and was also a consort of Ptah, with whom they had a son.
The goddess was believed to protect the King of Egypt, and the sun god, Ra. She was also linked to the Eye of Ra, along with other gods in Egypt. Additionally, she was related to Nefertum, the god of sweet smells and perfume, imagined to be her son. Therefore, it created a deeper connection with her name, she of the ointment jar. She was so famous all over Egypt by ...
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