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Paper Proposal Assignment on The Civil Rights Movement

Essay Instructions:

Your paper proposal must consist of the following: a topic statement;
an annotated bibliography of at least four sources that you will use to write your paper. Your
bibliography must include at least one primary source, one credible web-based source (not
Wikipedia), a journal article from a peer reviewed academic journal, and a book or book chapter.
You must use the Chicago Manual of Style citation guide to format your bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement in America has played a critical role in building the current day democratic United States as we know it. After nearly a century since Emancipation Proclamation, the Black community plight in America was characterized by inspired violence earmarked ‘Jim-crow’ and other various forms of oppression. The fight to abolish racially powered institutions and legal framework that supported the oppression of Blacks led to the birth of Civil Rights Movement. Civil Rights Movement was prominent in the southern states and sought to unify Blacks to collectively bargain for better representation and recognition as equal American citizens. The movement, which lasted nearly one and half a decade, changed the landscape of American politics and left an indelible mark in American history. The movement under the leadership of several notable African-American leaders who advocated the use of non-violent means to push for change made remarkable progress despite many setbacks they endured. In this essay, a brief insight into the background of the movement, leadership, tactical methodology they used and their achievements are critically described.
In 1875 the supreme court stripped the Black community the citizenship rights they had been accorded by Abraham Lincoln. The court declared the recognition of the black community as unconstitutional and therefore invalid. That ruling cut short the dreams of the former slaves and subjected Blacks into a decade-long oppression, segregation, and disfranchisement. As of that ruling, the Black community was not represented in the government, and they were deprived of many civil rights as American citizens. The former slaves were unofficially held in economic servitude because of their economic ability which limited their options to strive for better policies that favored them. The white community still maintained supremacy over the Black community and passed laws that oppressed and racially discriminated the Blacks. That supreme court ruling I had ushered in a new era, an era of Jim-Crow laws that were designed to exploit, segregate and oppress the Blacks.
Jim-Crow laws were the legal framework that supported racial discrimination and stripped the full citizenship of Blacks which was recognized under the Constitution under Amendment XIV in 1868. The Jim-Crow laws hurt the Black community economically and sociallyCITATION Rev02 \l 1033 (Harvard Law Review). The supreme court sought to reinstate the white supremacy, especially in the Southern States by declaring the amendment unconstitutional. For nearly a century, the Black community was racially discriminated by the whites using the Jim-Crow laws. The Civil Rights Movement ignited in 1954 and focused on bringing down the white supremacy that racially discriminated them under Jim-Crow era. They fought to earn full recognition as equal American citizens in the Constitution and abolish the laws, policies, and stereotypes that had stymied their quest for social, economic and cultural empowerment. Their main focus was on the existing laws that treated them as second-class citizens and reinstitution of their rights to vote and representation in the government.
The civil rights leaders adopted a Gandhian method of voicing their concerns. They refrained from using force or any violent means to advance their course. The most common method adopted was peaceful demonstrations and boycotts. The efficacy of such methods at the time was a gamble especially in the West, but they eventually bore fruits. The key leaders of the Civil Rights Movement understood that violent means would be ineffective in the long run to pressure the government to address their concerns. The Civil Rights Movement leaders opted to use peaceful demonstrations that were well planned and coordinated CITATION Bri96 \l 1033 (Ward and Badger). The government at times responded by violence and hurt many demonstrators who took to the streets but the leadership maintained their strategy till their issues were addressed. In the process of the struggle, several of the key leaders of the Civil Rights Movement lost their lives and scores injured though it did not quell the situation. More people poured into the streets to push for legal reforms that abolished Jim-Crow laws. The process had continued for nearly fifteen years befor...
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