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Social Responsibility Of Architects: What Wouldnt You Build?

Essay Instructions:

Hello, I'm an architecture student. Because there is not architecture as an option, so the support told me to pick history. This is an architectural history related essay, therefore I hope in this essay, writer can write this with the perspective of architectural history and architectural design. Please read carefully. ( And my professor said that Trump Wall can not be an example in the essay) Thanks!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social responsibility of architects
During the early times, anybody who had basic visualization power could be able to fulfill the architectural requirements of the society. As days passed people needed someone with the minimum visualization power and some basic experience to design structures that met their needs. In the present day, people need well-educated professionals to design structures that they need in the society. The constant change in the level of professionalism has resulted from the desire to satisfy the complexities of society. In the early days, people are fewer in numbers and for that reason had simple desires. It is because of this that everyone acted as their architect. In those days the roles of the architect were limited, and all they had to do was to positively respond to the environment surrounding them while meeting their needs. Due to the constant increase in population, the roles of the architects have gradually changed accompanied by the complexity of their duties, and this has resulted in the transformation of architecture into a profession. Nowadays one has to take coursework to be regarded to as an architect. Based on the exemption provided, this paper will deliberate on the dos and don’ts for architects while also looking at the moral obligation they have in society. It will additionally look at the responsibilities that they have in society and also provide an example of a building that I would not build as an architect.
For long people have debated on the question of if is it the job of architects to confront social issues. This has been going on for a while with one faction of people stating that other institutions are supposed to do that work. Others argue that it is the responsibility of the architect to draw a line onto what should be built and what should not depending on the conditions surrounding the structure. There are institutions that the government has put in place to ensure that buildings are not erected in areas that affect society or the community. One faction of Architects argues that the institutions put in place should do their work. They argue that the main role of the architect is to design a building in ways that do not affect the environment in indirectly affect global warming. The other group suggests that a professional architect should adhere to the professional code of ethics which clearly states that every architect should uphold human rights in their endeavors. They continue to argue that it I the responsibility of the architect to convey the progress of civilization via the creation of places that are significant to the inhabitants while at the same time with the use of environmental-friendly process and materials. An architect must put into consideration the past, present, and future of the building techniques and global cultures to convey a good structural message that relates to the past and present ideologies. Where they feel that they are not upholding human rights, they should refuse to work on those projects and seek others.[Zmily, Ahmad, and Christos Kozyrakis. 2006. "Block-Aware Instruction Set Architecture". ACM Transactions On Architecture And Code Optimization 3 (3): 327-357. doi:10.1145/1162690.1162694.] [Burford, Gale. 2005. "Families: Their Role As Architects Of Civil Society And Social Inclusion". Practice 17 (2): 79-88. doi:10.1080/09503150500148081.]
However, this happens not to be the case as greed has overcome most professionals. Due to stiff competition in the market with the support of the ever increasing cost of living people no longer choose projects. They build anything they are instructed as long as it is government approved. In addition to following the code of ethics, they should also think about the future as earlier stated and draw the line. This is by refusing to build constructions that go against th...
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