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The Forced Migration of Enslaved Peoples Prompt

Essay Instructions:

How did American slavery change from the 1810s to the 1850s? To successfully address the prompt, you must contextualize each decade's data on internal migration with personal narratives contained on the website "American Panorama".

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The Forced Migration of Enslaved Peoples in the United States
The forceful migration of the slaves during the antebellum period was a harrowing experience for many. A lot of things took place between 1800 and 1850, when the slave trade became was at its peak due to the growth in plantation farming down south. The separation with their masters brought even more problems, causing massive family separation, humiliation and discrimination. This study follows details the events of a five decade journey of the forceful migration of the slaves in America between 1800 and 1850, using historical migration maps from American Panorama.
Periods of 1810s
In this period, there was an increase in slave trade and planter migration, especially in the lower Mississippi where slave owners quickly thwarted a slave revolt that occurred in 1811. A war occurred in 1812 in which the slave owners also quickly finished it, ending any threat to the sovereignty of the nation. Cotton and sugar were not yet common during this period. During this period, slavery was at its peak and slave owners treated their slaves like their properties. Accounts of the slaves show how during the death of their masters, their slave owners would sell them or divide them among their children. They would be separated from their families as long as they were of working age. The data during this period showed there was a lot of immigration into some states, with Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee leading by 37747, 19054, and 19290 respectively. However, many people left Virginia and Maryland, amounting to over 86,429 and 33,569 respectively.[American Panorama, 1810s.]
William Hayden explained how slave trade was a thriving business at that moment and it brought a lot of profits to slave traders. Many slave traders would often end up in despite with each other as they often used illegal means to outdo each in the trade. A business accomplice of his owner, Phillip, sold him without his master’s consent leading to verbal altercation between the two. Another instance given by Susan of how some slave traders stole her and seven others in order to sell them at the slave market. These incidences left the slaves horrified and dejected for being treated like animals.
Period of 1820s
During this period, the movement of slaves targeted growing slavery frontiers as the Choctaw abandoned the lands in Georgia and Mississippi, and subsequently taken by the Cherokee.The migration pattern was more profound in Georgia where 43,821 people moved into Georgia while 25,222 went out. This is because of the increase in the price of cotton that led to a high demand of slaves as explained by James Brown. The growth of the slave frontier was the responsibility of the Missouri Compromise, which also did set up the limit that would allow for future expansion. Virginia still had the largest number of emigrants totaling 77,860. At this time, slaves were still sold as their masters’ properties. A few slaves had a cordial relationship with their masters while some were sold as a form of punishment.[American Panorama, 1820s.]
Period of 1830s
During this period, almost 300,000 slaves were moved as plantation owners aimed at making quick profits by growing cotton in large quantities for the Atlantic market. Most of the cotton were grown on lands previously seized from Native Americans. Cotton was grown in many parts in the south while sugarcane occupied little pockets of territories in the ...
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