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Joint Planning Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Length: 1600-2000 words

TASK: Using the provided scenario and “JPG Preliminary Assessment,” answer the following four (4) short answer questions. Answer the questions as clearly, accurately, completely, and concisely as possible. You are required to use the existing format provided in your final exam instructions and your answer must be in narrative format with no bullet statements allowed. Your response should be 1600 to 2000 words in length. This word count does not count any appendices you choose to include (such as a

Decision Matrix and/or a Risk Assessment Matrix). However, the matrices (if used) must be explained in the narrative – they are not stand alone products, but tools to facilitate your response.

Accomplish the following four tasks:

1. MISSION STATEMENT: Based on your analysis of the situation, develop and provide a doctrinally sound mission statement (see JP 5-0) for this operation. You must also provide the rationale for how you derived that mission statement.

2. THREAT COG ASSESSMENT: Identify the operational-level Center(s) of Gravity for Caprica. Justify your selection, and then conduct a critical factor analysis (CFA) for the COG(s) you identify. Provide from your critical factor analysis a minimum of 1 critical capability, 2 critical requirements, and 2 critical vulnerabilities as well as your justification for the derivation of these factors for each COG. Explain how you can use these identified critical factors in future planning?

3. COA SELECTION: The JPG provided three (3) tentative Courses of Action (COA) to consider for execution. Determine and specify your evaluation criteria that are necessary for selecting a COA. Provide a rationale for why those specific evaluation criteria were selected. Using those evaluation criteria, compare the three tentative COAs, and state which of the tentative COAs you would recommend. Ensure you provide a rationale for mwhy that recommended COA best meets mission requirements. Include a COA Comparison Matrix of your choosing to illustrate your recommendation (not counted against your exam word count).

4. RISK ASSESSMENT: According to JP 5-0, in order for a COA to be acceptable as part of the COA validity check, the COA must balance the cost and risk with the advantage gained. One of the steps of Mission Analysis was to develop an Initial Risk Assessment. This assessment was revised throughout the conduct of the JPP as specific courses of action were developed. We state later that all of the given COAs have already passed the Validity Tests. However, this does not mean that the COAs do not contain residual risks. Based on your selected COA, define what residual risks remain and provide your justification for that assessment (this is not just a restatement of the risks identified in each COA – it includes an analysis of the development of each identified risk as well as identification of mitigation measures implemented.

****Please see attachment JP_Final_Exam_SPRING_B_2022 for more information on this assignment. Please read the whole document since it will provide information on how to answer some of the questions.
****Please use course materials provided as references and please a lot of in text citations within the essay.

**Helpful Hints:

The definition of a CoG is "the source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act. Thus, the center of gravity is usually seen as the "source of strength".

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Mission Statement
The United States' command in joint forces with the United Nations and other allies in the region around Caprica have combined efforts to try and find a solution that will deter Caprica from posing a threat to their security. Caprica has been involved in relations and activities that threaten national security and the interests of the people living in the region.
Following multiple trusted intelligence sources, it has been revealed that Caprica has formed illicit relations with one of the terrorist organizations in the region. This has resulted in the group's possession of dangerous mass destruction weapons. The intention of the terrorist organization remains unclear, and this situation threatens the national security interests of the United States as well as other countries and allies in the Pegasus region.
A diplomatic approach to this situation is the priority and will be the best outcome for all the parties involved. However, it is not known how Caprica will receive the confrontation or whether they will choose to cooperate or retaliate. In case diplomacy fails, the United Nations has sanctioned a U.S. military operation in the region to enforce its interests. Operation Storm Thrust will aim to locate the weapons of mass destruction and take charge of the nuclear reactor in Port Ray. The goal is to ensure peace prevails in the Pegasus region.
The military objectives for this operation are to identify the location and recover the Zelzaz-4 ballistic missile, including the dangerous fissile materials that the Caprican terrorist organization possesses. There is a specified directive from the United Nations to capture the nuclear reactor and pass the control to the world peacekeeping organization. The follow-up on this operation should be to stabilize the region, ensure that external enemies do not escalate their hostility, and be on standby to neutralize any retaliation from the Caprican side.
Threat COG Assessment
This is a critical and crucial mission considering that the intentions and future use of the WMD are unclear. It is a time-sensitive mission that needs to deploy all the necessary forces and resources. In this case, the identification and analysis of the center of gravity issues will help to determine the strengths and weaknesses from the perspectives of each side. It is also vital to align these COGs with the enemy to ensure there are objectives that can be achieved by favoring the U.S. and UN interests.[Dale, C. Eikmeier. Redefining the center of gravity. NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIV WASHINGTON DC, 2010.]
One of the most prominent operational level COG is the United States' capabilities due to the military resources at its disposal. For instance, the carrier strike group gives the country a lot of firepower to be ready to confront the enemy and ensure it achieves its objectives. Considering the operation includes taking control of the entire coastline on the Port Ray side, the carrier strike group will be able to operate and support the other entities offensively and defensively. It will also command great domination of air superiority and control in the target area during the day or night and in all weather conditions. The critical capability of the strong arsenal is that it will attain the objective with the help of a military operation in case diplomatic solutions are not an option.
Another crucial COG of the United States-led operation is the diplomatic allies they have around the Pegasus region. This cohesion is essential even when collaborating or giving support. The outcome also protects all the other entities' interests. It will provide them with an upper hand due to the allegiances' extensive informational coverage and intelligence. However, it is a critical requirement that the allies are willing to play on the same team and provide local support. In addition, the deployment of military action needs guaranteed land, air, and water support.[Franke, Volker, and Lindy Heinecken. "Adjusting to peace: Military values in a cross-national comparison." Armed Forces & Society 27, no. 4 (2001): 567-595.]
These capabilities and critical requirements will enable the operation to achieve its directed objective. However, it is essential to understand that Caprican can decide to retaliate or collaborate with CT. This becomes a vulnerability to the course of action chosen, and it has to be considered during the planning, analysis, and execution of the directives. It is also crucial to locate the weapons of mass destruction before they can be deployed to any territory. Spooking the Caprican command can trigger the use of these weapons before the United states objective is met.
The COGs are identified as one of the critical elements that help drive the mission to accomplish the directive and achieve the objective. With the knowledge of the essential strengths, the planning committee analyses the strengths and lists those that will help it achieve the project as their COGs. After the COG has been discovered, a method of analysis is applied. This section of the technique describes how planners take a COG that has been found and determines the essential aspects to attack or protect linked directly to compromising the COG. The COAs are built toward this basis. Each prospective COA should neutralize the opponents defined by C...
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