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Ethics and Civics: Historical Analysis of the Patriots

Essay Instructions:

Ethics and Civics Historical Analysis

(Signature Essay)


During the mid-18th Century, English colonists appealed to the metropole for redress of various grievances. In this essay, I want you to consider the ethics and civics of the elite members of colonial society seeking change (later known to us as the Patriots). Who were these Patriots? What methods did they use to further their goals through civic engagement? What ethical considerations did they consider in seeking redress of their grievances? How did they fail in the creation of the first American government under the Articles of Confederation? Did the second government under the Constitution address their grievances or did they simply remove the imperial government and placed themselves in that position?

Note 1: Successful responses will consider a broad range of evidence in support of arguments. Take a few moments to consider how you would respond by making a list of both "ethics" and "civics" related to the colonists and their grievances. Be sure to have a mixture of big/broad ideas and specific/detailed evidence in your argument.

Note 2: We DO NOT want summaries. Summaries will not earn a high grade. "A papers" utilize rule of three analysis (including strong rule of three thesis statements in the introduction and each paragraph of the body), specific and detailed historical facts as evidence, analysis instead of summary, consider change over time and historical geography (as necessary in response to the prompt), and properly cite both primary and secondary sources.

Note 3: Required length is 2-3 pages (introduction, 3 paragraphs of the body, conclusion).


 Must be in Rule of Three format with a introduction and strong thesis statement, 3 paragraphs of the body (each with their own thesis statement - one for each of the three key points of your overall thesis), and conclusion. So, a minimum of 5 paragraphs. (2-3 pages)

 This is a fact-based essay; you must provide specific and detailed evidence for your hypotheses.

 You must utilize a minimum of three primary sources from the assigned materials (primary sources posted in the course module OR found under the primary source section of each chapter in American Yawp only; you may not utilize sources linked to in the reference section of American Yawp) as evidence in your essay

 You must utilize a minimum of three secondary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay

 You may only use materials assigned in this course for your essay (we have vetted all the materials utilized in this course, other materials may not be appropriate or accurate). If you use outside sources your grade will be docked.

 DO NOT QUOTE sources, paraphrase in your own words and cite

 You must consider ethics/ethical decision making in this essay

 Don't forget about historical geography, where something takes place matters and it may be important to your argument.

 You must use Turabian citation style in this essay; all citations must be footnote style citations (no parenthetical cites allowed, no endnotes/works cited at the end, you need footnotes). Be sure to review how to properly cite a primary source that may be contained in another work and be sure to use page numbers where possible.

 12 pt type, 1-inch margins, double-spaced

REMINDER: Turabian/Chicago footnote citations are required for this essay. You will lose points if you use parenthetical cites or other citation styles. You must provide a specific page number or other location (chapter, section, etc.) where possible in your footnotes.

How the Assignment is Graded

The following factors are considered when we grade:

RULE OF THREE THESES - Do you have a well thought out and clear overall thesis in your introduction? Do you have a thesis statement for each of your three paragraphs of the body? Do the paragraphs of the body follow the overall thesis statement?

EVIDENCE - You must have solid evidence for each point you raise in the thesis. Evidence is not simply a statement, there must be an explanation of how that evidence supports the thesis statement.

Example: If you were writing a paragraph on the causes of the Cold War, you might use the Baruch Plan as an example. Simply writing "the Baruch Plan was a cause of the Cold War" in your paragraph would not be enough and would not be analytical. However, the following sentences do provide a good analysis of this piece of evidence:

"One cause of the Cold War was the failure of the United States and the Soviet Union to agree upon a plan for nuclear disarmament after World War II. The Baruch Plan, presented by the US, would maintain the American atomic weapon advantage for the foreseeable future. This played into Stalin's suspicions of the Americans' true motivations toward the USSR."


Did you analyze (not summarize)? Is your argument clear and does it make sense? Is it historically accurate? Does your evidence prove your point? Does your analysis answer the prompt? Have you considered the concepts of ethics and civics, change over time, and any historical geography factors in your essay?


Have you properly cited? Have you used Turabian/Chicago? You must also FOOTNOTE. Parenthetical cites are NOT allowed.


Is the essay up to college standards for grammar and spelling? Is it an analytical essay? Does it meet minimum length and formatting requirements?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
The 18th century was marked by the transformation and changes made by patriots fighting the British and winning independence for the U.S. Britain had 13 colonies that had a choice of either becoming British citizens or breaking free and forming the United States during the revolutionary war. This led to the split of territories between loyalists and patriots. Cries for independence and liberty led to the rise of famous patriots such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. This essay focuses on the methods used by the patriots to address civic engagement, their ethical considerations in seeking redress for their grievances, and their failure to create the first American government confederation. Additionally, the essay addresses whether the second government considered the grievances of the patriots.[John, Gray. The American Revolution: A World War. Smithsonian Institution, 2018.]
Methods Used by the Patriots to Address Civic Engagement
The patriots employed several methods to address civic engagements. This included boycotts, consumer revolutions, and administration reformation. Other methods comprised the push for their elected members of the assembly, reforms against the British government's wishes, and neglect of laws concerned with trade taxes and levies. English colonialists developed these methods to defeat British power and gain some privileges for themselves. Consumer revolution was used to demonstrate how civic engagement could make people powerful. This was done by buying consumer goods produced by specialized manufacturers rather than making their products. This resulted in a price decrease for localized commodities. The patriots also created the Enlighten and the Great Awakening social movements to declare the rights of Americans. The effectiveness of boycotts and protests was due to large followers consisting of farmers with the aid of the American Revolution.[John, B. D. "A Century in the Making: The Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Origins of the US Constitution's Eighth Amendment." Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 27 (2018): 989.]
The Patriots' Ethical Considerations...
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