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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Essay Instructions:

Read the following text first,

• Gelvin, 238-287.

• Penny Johnson, Lee O’Brien, and Joost Hiltermann, “The West Bank Rises Up,” in Lockman and Beinin, eds. Intifada (1989), 29-41.

Write a one-page summary of the events and themes the readings analyze, focusing on the argument made about them.

Please answer the following three questions on the next two pages.

1. What should Palestinian refugees do? Is Israel responsible? How to be responsible?

2. New Jewish settlements cannot be demolished because of the protection of private property. Is it possible for the Israeli government to benefit the Palestinians while benefiting the Jews, such as by building shared medical and educational facilities?

3. Should a Palestinian state coexist with Israel? To what extent would it improve the Palestinians' situation if they merged? What kind of objections would the Israelis have?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The readings take a critical look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which resulted from the Zionist movement receiving endorsement and support from a superpower. Being thus empowered and endorsed, Zionists began infiltrating Palestine in droves. As one would expect, the unprecedented influx of the Jewish people aroused profound hostilities between them and Palestinians. It inevitably marked the beginning of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. This has gone ahead to significantly destabilize the Middle East region. The authors also depict how the conflict devastated the Palestinians. Some voluntarily chose to leave the war zone, while others were forcibly ejected through calculated expulsions. After their mass exodus, the nascent Israeli government confiscated abandoned properties and distributed them out to Israelis. After that, there was a stalemate until 1967, when another full-blown war erupted. The Soviets triggered the war by issuing an alarming and false report from the soviets, which further strained the relationship between Israel and her neighbors, especially Egypt. According to the authors, the war lasted only six days, and Israel amassed a resounding victory. Ultimately, the victory compounded the situation for Palestinians.[James L. Gelvin. The Modern Middle East: A History.(New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 236.] [Gelvin,240.]
The materials also explore the traumatic effects of the conflict, especially on the Palestinians. To this end, they show how Palestinians lived in mortal and imminent fear of being brutally attacked by either Jewish citizens or soldiers. One of the materials paints a vivid picture of the landscape, which has all the hallmarks of war. Scenes of streets littered with barricades and burning tires give a clue to the aftermath of the devastating war. Further, the materials show how the personal lives of Palestinians were rudely interrupted. For instance, streets were virtually deserted in the afternoons. Ordinarily, such times would be buzzing with activity. In this regard, small businesses were dealt a huge blow. In addition, the Palestinians have to make do with the imposition of curfews, among other restrictions. In a word, the materials capture the deplorable conditions that Palestinians have to contend with. The materials also explore the sharp confrontations and deep-seated hatred between Jews and Palestinians. In short, the authors show how the frosty relations between the two communities have been getting worse by the day.[Obrien, Johnson, andHiltermann“The West Bank Rises Up,”29.]
What should be done, and who is Responsible?
The best course of action for Palestinian refugees would be to stay put wherever they are. As such, they should avoid hotspots at all costs, no matter how strong the agitation for freedom might be. However, they should continue offering moral and material support to fight for freedom. In addition, they must teach their children the benefits of avoiding vicious conflicts. Most importantly, they should be responsible for their own well-being. To this end, they should desist from en...
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