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Evolution of Airpower Theories

Essay Instructions:

QUESTION: The theory and application of airpower has evolved significantly since Mitchell and his peers wrote nearly a century ago. Based on your readings, what developments most closely follow the theories of Mitchell and his peers, and which developments have deviated the furthest from their thinking?

Length: 1100-1300 words

Support and defend your answer using specific examples from the course materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Evolution of Airpower Theories
Introduction Since its inception, the use of airpower has dramatically shaped modern warfare. This is because airpower operates in an unlimited domain that cannot be restricted. The US Airforce defines airpower as the ability to project military influence or power through the control and exploitation of space, air, and cyberspace to achieve strategic, tactical, and operational objectives. As General Carl A. Spaatz, "…airpower has evolved into a force in war co-equal with land & sea power, decisive in its own right and worthy of faith of its prophets.". Among these prophets are William 'Billy' Mitchel and his peers. They developed the airpower theory that continues to influence modern warfare. Since the inception of airpower theory, developments have taken place involving other military scholars of contemporary error, including Colonel Boyd, Colonel Warden, and Robert Page. These developments have either deviated or stayed close to the original ideal war, as visualized by Mitchell. Airpower Theory: Brigadier General William Mitchell Unlike Carl von Clausewitz, whose theory of war came before the advent of air technology, Mitchell's theory on airpower makes him among peers who theorized the influence of technology on warfare. The airpower theory consists of four dimensions involving the forces that act on an aircraft: thrust, lift, drag, and gravity. Drag represents the necessary resources available for waging airp...
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