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The Cold War and Henry Kissinger's Take on Détente

Essay Instructions:

The first part of your paper should be a candid response to the document. Did you enjoy this document, did you find it overly long, or difficult to understand? Why did you choose this document to respond to? Did something about it stick out as familiar or surprising? Was there something you found interesting or intriguing?

The second part of the paper should focus on why the document was created in the way it was. What type of document is it (an article, a speech, a letter, etc)? Who was intended to read it? What did the author want to accomplish or say through the work, and just as importantly- were they successful in their aims? Why or why not? What choices did they make that allowed the work to achieve that aim (or not)? Does your analysis of the document relate to your earlier reaction to the document (is it suitable that you didn’t find a supreme court case to be very exciting, or that a political speech was written in clear accessible language)? Remember to be specific and use examples from the text (with citations) to describe your ideas.

You can also use this : http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/
You need have citation on each page and have an extra page for work cites.
Book's name: Merrill, Dennis and Thomas G. Patterson. Major Problems in American Foreign Relations. Concise Edition. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Response Paper
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Response Paper
Of all the historical events in the United States of America, the Cold War presents some of the most important ones that shaped the modern US. The nature of events that took place between the 1960s and 1970s must be understood for one to understand the history of America. The document that I chose was interesting to read due to its shortness and easy presentation of the main ideas. Throughout history, the relationship between US and USSR was not a good until the 1970s when America and the Soviet Union championed to end the Cold War. Reading the document something was familiar, the mission of the United States to support the less developed countries and preach democracy, peace and unity across the world. Creating good relationships with its enemies was a good course for a country whose principals were based on freedom, liberty, and sovereignty. However, as the author explained the reasons why the US-USSR relationship was necessary not only for the two countries but for the benefits of humanity at all, addressing the concerns of the critics especially the arms race was interesting. The author countered these critics by arguing that the sole purpose was to protect the world and if they would not control their arms race, then their course ...
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