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Role in Organizational Systems

Essay Instructions:
Explain your role in organizational information systems. In the paper, assume you are employed by an organization where you work with information systems. Explain your role as a knowledge worker or expert user of information systems. Give examples of what you need to know about IS and how it can help you do your job.
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Role in Organizational Systems
Role in Organizational Systems
As knowledge worker, am bestowed the duties and responsibilities of managing knowledge and executing the organizational knowledge management procedures. I am expected to at all times be aware of the importance and benefits of knowledge management systems. I am have to understand the procedures, tools and controls utilized in the craft so as to be better equipped to manage knowledge at all levels of the organization, both team level and organizational level (King, 2009).
I am also expected to rationalize events, absorb facts and understand the reasons for the occurrence of certain organizational events and phenomena so that the management can have better control of events and their probabilities. I also have to identify and understand trends, understand the variables and reason that constitute the recipe for their occurrence, make connections between successive events and in effect formulate ways and procedures to modify the events or have more control on their probability for the health of the organization, through thinking widely about the phenomena and drilling down to each of the specific issues that constitute the trend. I educate and coach the departmental heads and management on how to utilize the information contained in and generated by the Knowledge Management Systems and I also assess change readiness and knowledge sharing risks in the organization before facilitating the transition of an organization into one that utilizes knowledge management systems. I audit existing knowledge management strategies and knowledge capital
As a knowledge worker, I need to know and understand the sources of information used in the processes of decision making and execution of activity in an organization. I need to understand how the information enters the decision making system. I also need to understand the daily routines and procedures so as to be able to know the variance in the importance of various segments of knowledge utilized in the organization (Thompson, Levine, Messick 1999). I need to understand the routine tasks in the organization and the prioritization work in different departments and the criticalness of the information and knowledge used and applied in these departments. It is therefore imperative that I understand the Information System as a whole and the source of its input and the destination of its output, and the connections between various processes to be able to perform my duties and responsibilities as an efficie...
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