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Marketing in Electronic Management

Essay Instructions:
THE MAJOR TOPIC IS MARKETING IN ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT WITH THE SUB TOPIC BEING INTERGRATION, INFORMATION EXCHANGE, AND BUYER SUPPLIER RELATION IN ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT. THIS IS A PERSUASIVE REPORT WHERE YOU ARE PERSUADING THE READER THAT YOUR POINT OF VIEW ON MARKETING IN ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT IS VALID AND SHOULD BE ACCEPTED IN PRACTICE. THE REPORT MUST END WITH A CONCLUSION THAT OFFERS SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OR DEFINITE INFORMATION THAT SUPPORTS YOUR RECCOMMENDATION. DO NOT USE ANY LONG QUOTES. DO NOT INCLUDE MORE THAT 2 SHORT QUOTES. BELOW YOU WILL FIND MY POINT OF VIEW ON THE TOPIC AND SUB TOPICS PLEASE USE THE INFORMATION BELOW TO HELP ASSIST YOU IN WRITING THIS PAPER. Marketing Marketing is a management issue aimed at the achievement of increased sales and accessibility. This paper seeks to analyze the importance of the various elements of the marketing in the electronic industry. Integration Integration is a main part of marketing and involves the need for a company to ensure the use of various marketing methods. Marketing methods used should be intertwined to ensure the success of marketing and improved sales for electronic industries. The integration of one-on-one marketing, mass marketing, and direct marketing for the success of the business is necessary. Market integration aids in the generation of prices, product development and customer service improvement and delivery. Information exchange This entails the need for electronic and other companies to ensure the improvement of information dissemination to suppliers. The need to ensure information on the products quality, use and validity period as well as giving buyer's correct information is necessary for successful marketing. It improves customer acceptance and loyalty hence an improved marketing success as it leads to improved sales for the success an electronic company. Buyer-supplier relations Another important facet of marketing is the relations between buyers and sellers where sellers have the responsibility of ensuring good relations. The need for good relations is envisaged by the improved marketing results and sales with augmentation of customer relations. Success in the electronic industry depends on relations as it increases repeat visits and generation of sales revenue through improved customer relations by the company. It is, therefore, important for the development of a good customer relations practice through sincere marketing and good customer feedback. This forms the other main feature in successful marketing by an electronic industry.
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Marketing in Electronic Management
Electronic industry is the second fastest growing from the IT industry. The growth is highly related to the marketing of the electronic industry. The growth depends upon the supply of the small parts by the mediators. Therefore, marketing is important as the market place in this industry. Marketing would refer to as the activities of making, promoting, selling and informing the consumers of the product or the service (Cherington, 2009). Marketing comprises several elements such as the integration, communication, and buyer supplier relations, among others. This therefore, is necessary for every electronic company. The report seeks to analyze the importance of the various elements of marketing in the electronic industry.
Marketing Integration
Integration takes the greatest part in marketing for it calls for a company to involve various methods of marketing. Marketing integration would refer to as the process of intertwining several marketing methods such as one-on-one marketing, direct marketing, and mass marketing, among others. The integrated marketing aims at unifying the various methods with each other to reinforce the impact of each of them. This element employs data in the market to enhance development of the product, the product distribution, the pricing, and the customer service among others (Cherington, 2009). Therefore, each method is important in the marketing. Each one of the methods would influence the electronic industry differently.
Mass marketing is one of the methods of integration and it would refer to where a firm would opt to go for after the entire market ignoring the small segments in promotion and distribution with mass media and mass distribution. This marketing method increases the chances of reaching out into the entire market. The firm distributes information extensively to reach as many as possible. The significance of mass marketing is that the information lands to both the interested and the uninterested customers. Though this would seem like a challenge to the mass marketing, it would actually turn out to be an advantage. The customers who may get the information may consider trying this product or the service. The people who have the information but do not need the product may play the role of publicity. Therefore, mass marketing is important to the electronic industry as it creates awareness to the entire market.
The other method that plays an important role in the marketing integration is the one-on-one marketing. This would refer to where the seller, the marketer, or the company focuses on one customer at a time. The supplier of the electronics provides the products and the services that meet the customer’s personal needs. The supplier needs to identify and seek to satisfy the needs and desires of each customer. The company seeks to repeat this severally with each client. This develops a relationship between the supplier, the company, the brand and the customer. One on one integrates in that it permeates all the aspects of the products: marketing, sales, production, and finance among others (Cherington, 2009). The method is recommendable to every electronic firm. Actually, they need to make the one-on-one marketing method guiding vision that moves the entire firm. Because of the relationship developed between the company and its customers, the customers become loyal to the company. This benefit the firms as the loyal customers make continuous purchases of the products. This out weighs the profits made by the unstable customers who switch suppliers in search of better deals. However, the method seems to be fit for a few, who are rich customers, technology through the interactive mediums gives the firm an opportunity to provide personalized and customized services and products to the market. The package comes is produced at a mass production price and targeting the mass market. The process of mass production at mass production price refers is known as the mass customization. With innovations, the method is able to overcome the traditional methods of mass marketing and mass production to benefit the company.
Direct marketing is important for the business success. It occurs when a producer or the manufacturer of services and products gets into contact with the customers. This would involve face-to-face selling, phone calls, use of catalogs, and sending direct mails. The importance of this method is that it helps the supplier relate with the customers and be able to get feedback. This helps the company improve on its services and products. Furthermore, direct marketing helps in building customer loyalty. Several factors need consideration to have the method work effectively. These factors include such as the value of the products and services, customer satisfaction, and the distribution among others. These factors need to work together to achieve more results. It calls for consistent customer profile and available database. These would help in providing the information and details to aid in follow up. The company will have an opportunity to analyze the customers’ characteristics, the willingness, and the ability to purchase the products and the services. When a company utilizes these factors well, a company may realize economies of scale, and customer loyalty. Therefore, the electronic industry would experience greater market target.
Information Exchange
Information is as important as the product or the service for sale. Customers need to understand the product and the brand before they get into buying it. Therefore, the electronic industries need to emphasize the marketing of the products and services by carrying out effective information dissemination. This calls for electronic companies together with other firms to enhance improved exchange of information to the suppliers. The buyers gather information to have their understanding and attain their level of comfort. However, during t...
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