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Session long project on social networks

Essay Instructions:
The purpose of the Session Long Project in Trident University classes is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the Module to your own life, work, and place in space and time, and to experiment with the Module to see how the otherwise academically rigorous presentation of a topic may, with more or less work and/or trauma, become "up close and personal". This is done in a number of different ways -- sometimes cumulative papers, sometimes practical hands-on experimentation with a tool of some sort, sometimes reflections on a place of work or life. The common thread is personal application, aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course's material. The main purpose of the written parts of the assignments is to show that you've had some experiences doing the project, that you've thought carefully about what they mean for your own education, and that you can make some personal applications of this meaning to your own professional and/or personal understanding. Demonstrating this understanding is actually considerably more important than carrying out any specific step in the project instructions. So -- that's the general SLP approach for this course. If you have questions at any point about what to do or how to strategize your exercises, please contact your instructor for illumination and assistance. Module 1 SLP assignment: For Module 1, you are required to write about a social network tool you use frequently to interact with your friends. Your paper should be short (3-5 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. Make sure to include the following points in your paper: 1) The technologies behind the social network tool. 2) Your experience with this tool 3) How it has changed the way you interact with your friends and family. Is it change a positive or negative one from your perspective?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The session long project (SLP) purposes at providing students with an opportunity to examine the accessibility and the applicability of the module in line with their life, career, place and work. This is achievable through various ways like practical experiments, cumulative papers, reflecting on life. However, all these methods aim at the application with the aim of demonstrating knowledge and the understanding of the materials provided by the course. Therefore, we focus on the social networks as an experimental tool that is frequently used by students and their friends in their day-to-day interactions. A social network would refer to as the website developed to enable people to connect and interact with friends as well as the family. This is the latest and the best developments in the websites (Baldauf, & Stair, 2010). In this case, we choose to examine the facebook. In discussion are the technologies that work behind this tool, students’ personal experience and how the tool has affected students’ interactions with family and friends. Furthermore, there is examination of whether the change has positive or negative out comes.
Facebook is social networking. Social networking would refer to the art of people connecting the other people who are of common interests. The network is the community enables people to unit with others and this comes with many benefits. It dawns that networking greatly changed the way people use the internet. Networking is at the lead of the web two point zero. Face-book as a social network has been in use for over six years. This has made the network popular round the world where over three million people use it. This is to say that some modern technology has been at use to develop and sustain such a large network and make it a success. Users connect and can access the other users uploads and view their pages (Baldauf, & Stair, 2010). According to Google ads, there are about three billion photos uploaded in monthly and more than twenty-five billion contents shared monthly. Face-book has over thirty thousand servers. Therefore, to have the network up and running, face-book team had to incorporate several technologies such as MySQL, Memcache, PHP, and Linux among others.
In the forefront the network use the LAMP, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, stack together with Memcache. Let us start with the Linux and the Apache and see what it means. The reason face-book uses Linux is because it is a customizable open source. This gives it the advantage of security. The network runs...
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