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Technology Essay Outline

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Technology Essay Outline By [Your Name] [Instructor] [Class] [Date] Introduction With the advent of computers in 1980`s educationalists started emphasizing to include computer studies in the course outline. As the use of computers became common, the suggestions were taken into notice. Students were taught about computers and its architecture. As the technology advanced and Internet was introduced, the use of computers changed. With the change in approach, computer courses were revised. Educational institutes started teaching computer studies for familiarizing students with the rapid growing Information Technology World. This outline will provide an assessment of the applicability of wikis as a cloud based tool in educational system. Body 1 Internet Revolution Today`s generation is Internet Generation. Internet has been serving as a platform where applications are developed and people utilize internet to avail these applications. Internet is not new for students today. They know well, how to use applications through internet. They know the use of every evolving technology today. They need to know the development of these technologies. Using a Web Page is awareness with the internet but learning the development of a Web page is acquiring the education. Especially those students, who are planning to choose science as their career, need to know all about Information Technology. * Modification in Course Outlines Educationists and computer experts suggest that there are two ways to revise the course outline to teach students about Web. Students can learn about Web if they utilize the applications of Web in all their subjects or they can learn about Web if a separate course on Information Technology is included in their syllabus. In the beginning students may learn to use the Web applications, but on higher level, the strategy must be planned to introduce students to the real Information Technology world (Barker, 2008). 2 Web Applications Many teachers continue to include more and more Web applications all through the course. Many teachers are setting the trend of using blogs and wikis in the course outline to let the students discuss their ideas in the classroom as well as outside the classroom. The consideration in using wikis in the classroom is to encourage such activities which engage students in real life activities. One of such interactive activities is wikis. Web logs and wikis are those web applications that have transformed the concept of sharing information (Al-Zoube, 2009). * Student Interaction Students are well aware about the Wikipedia. This internet encyclopedia is a very informative tool to share information. Teaching students about developing such tools ...
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