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Mod3ITM433: Groupware Implementation

Essay Instructions:
please review attached documents and answer that questions provided in the instructions about the groupware assignment. mod3ITM433.docx Groupware applications are specifically designed to allow a number of different individuals to access common data, obligations, and other resources in pursuit of common tasks and goals. Usually these applications are deployed only within an organization, although sometimes individuals from outside the organization are also given access. It is clear that the process of implementing groupware is rather more complicated than just buying software and installing it on a number of machines; using groupware turns out to be a social problem far more than it is a technical problem. You can start reading about groupware as these articles describe some of the complexities of getting groupware used by real users. Coleman, D. (2005). Strategies for successful enterprise collaboration: Balancing people, process, and technology.Akami. Avialable here. Cisco System, Inc. (2010). The necessity of pervasive collaboration. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cisco(dot)com/en/US/services/ps2961/ps2664/Necessity_of_Pervasive_Collaboration.pdf Coursey, D. (2010, January 20). IBM intros Notes apps for BlackBerry, iPhone, Android. PC World. Retrieved from http://www(dot)pcworld(dot)idg(dot)com(dot)au/article/333002/ibm_intros_notes_apps_blackberry_iphone_android/ There are also further references in the background information, including a couple of presentations that you may find useful in setting a context for this case. You may also wish to search for some additional information on your own. Case Assignment Expectations: Prepare a short paper (3+ pages) on the topic: "Discuss the present state of groupware implementation in your organization" As you prepare your paper, you'll probably want to think about the kind of work that you do, the kind of work that your colleagues do, and what you know from the readings about information processing systems in general and what kinds of work groupware is best at supporting. You'll probably also want to think about how much trouble it is to change things in your organization in any event, about the kind of supervisory climate and environment you work in, about the kind of resources you have available to you, and about the kinds of demands being made upon you for day-to-day performance. The readings are to give you some information about how other people have dealt with groupware; it's up to you to apply this information to your own settings and come to some conclusions. This is a pretty open-ended assignment, but we have faith that by now that you are well qualified to tackle it. We understand that groupware can be many different things and we trust that you can figure out the kinds of groupware that your organization might consider. Please note that we're not asking for any confidential or sensitive information about your organization, its people, or what it does -- if there are any details you feel uncomfortable talking about, please disguise or omit them. We are just interested in your careful reflection on learning from the experience of others and extending that learning to your own situation. We do realize that you may be in a relatively lower-level function and not in a position to make decisions about groupware or anything of the sort. That shouldn't be a barrier to your thinking about what to do if you were in charge. If you have any questions or concerns about this assignment, please contact your professor. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing what you determine about groupware implementation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Groupware Implementation
Groupware Implementation
Following the demand for effective communication and coordination within the organization towards quality and timely production and service delivery, most organizations have embarked on the use of groupware to enhance communication within their working premises. According to Rouse (2005), groupware are software based programs that are used by organizations to work together by sharing information and other organization resources despite their geographical differences. Therefore, these organizations control their communication through a remote server where all the information passes during communication. Some of the services that are that are enjoyed through the groupware application include sharing of the information stored in the organizational database, conducting of electronic meeting of the organization, handling and controlling the flow and access of the organization emails, sharing of organization calendar and collective writing among other services as found by Rouse (2005).
Objective of the Paper
Based on the importance of groupware applications to organizations, this paper provide various ways through which the implementation of synchronous groupware has helped BlueCell Telecommunications Limited in ensuring better communication, coordination and store of its information. Moreover, it provides some of the ways in which the organization has been affected based on some of the disadvantages that the organization experience through the use of groupware.
Groupware Application within BluCell Telecommunications Limited
BlueCell Telecommunication Limited being an organization, whose main aim is to provide networking services to its clients, is using groupware application in ensuring that effective information flow and security is maintained within the organization. For instance, through the implementation of synchronous groupware within the organization BlueCell company has increased its efficiency through having a central location that all the organization information must be communicated via (Cisco System, Inc., 2010). Therefore, all members of the organization have access to the organization information concerning their projects and organization activities. This groupware application has helped the organization to eliminate redundancy and the time required for search and access of the organization information (Coleman, 2005).
Another importance of groupware application within BlueCell organization is that it allows generation of new ideas within the organization through stimulation of creativity as found by Coleman (2005). In the process of enabling collaboration within the organization, organizational workers get the opportunity to interact and share ideas on their projects and activities that they are involved in. Through effective collaboration, new ideas have been generated by BlueCell members resulting to quality and timely service delivery. For any organization to involve in the use of...
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