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Aps 295 Written Assignment 2

Essay Instructions:
Written Assignment 2 The final project of this course will be built on written assignments 2 to 5. From Written Assignment 2, each written assignment is structured to build upon the previous ones. The final project which is also Written Assignment 6 will combine and integrate the four written assignments into one final paper. More details are available in Module 6. Final Project Part 1 The focus on the first part of this project is to select a new innovative technology or application concept (something new and not currently on the market) for a specific technology or application that will be developed and ultimately marketed. The new technology or application concept selected for this paper will be used as focus for the remaining written assignments. You will write a 2–3 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include three or more references. -Describe the ideation process (e.g. generating, filtering and validating ideas) to come up with a new specific technology or application -Alternative solutions or concepts considered through the process -Overview of the technology or application concept selected
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Aps Written Assignment 2
The development of innovative products always arises from different steps and procedures. One of these procedures is ideation. What is ideation? The term ideation could be elucidated as the process of relating and forming new ideas by conceiving, generating, and implementing them (ideas). It is crucial to point out that it comprises of several stages of intellectual cycles such as innovation, development, and actualization. According to Cooper and Edgett (2008), brainstorming is one of the best techniques of ideation because it provides a variety of ideas. Furthermore, brainstorming allows an individual to borrow from different people in order to have a perfect direction when implementing the idea. This paper discusses the ideation process, alternative concepts, solutions in ideation, and provides an overview of a concept on the iPhone 5C model.
The ideation process consists of several steps, which include defining the objectives, formulating tasks, generating ideas, developing concepts, and results evaluation. To begin with, generation of ideas is carried out to help in problem solving. This owes to the reality that having the best ideas is imperative to finding the best solutions. Cooper and Edgett (2008) note that several methods help to generate ideas. For instance, considering the voice of the customers determines their insight on the new product. This is because it helps in identifying what they wish to have, their level of satisfaction, and possible improvements on the product.
The generated ideas are then filtered to come up with the best solution or innovation out of the new technology. This is whereby, generated ideas are screened for the best solutions depending on factors such as, customers’ preferences, costs, and risks involved in the production of the product. The best ideas then move to the validation process, which is among the final steps of ideation. This step involves selecting the best ideas after screening all the ideas. The validated ideas are used for development of concepts that create new product d...
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